Month: September 2021

Event Industry Battling the Covid Wave

Every business felt the effects of COVID-19 in nearly every aspect of one’s life. The virus had spread to over a hundred nations by March 2019, prompting the WHO to call it a worldwide pandemic. Unimaginable lockdowns, stringent travel limits, and “social separation” measures quickly followed.

Many formerly booming sectors have had significant revenue losses and growth contractions as a result of the epidemic. Several businesses in a variety of industries have already filed for bankruptcy or had to make substantial layoffs.

Uncertainty still looms, and it’s unclear when things will return to normal. However, the harsh fact is those vast public meetings are unlikely in the immediate future, leaving people in a state of uncertainty!

The fast spread of COVID-19 influences the live events sector because of the worldwide pandemic’s difficulties, live and physical events have been entirely suspended. Feasts, conferences, social gatherings, live displays, trade show events, and expos are all becoming a pipe dream.

Since the increasing levels, the event sector has experienced several problems, ranging from event cancellation to surviving on a minimal revenue. The issue became significantly worse when the global lockdown restrictions were enforced. Physical events, as well as hybrid events, were discontinued. However, this hasn’t prevented the event business from coming up with new, inventive, and intelligent concepts to keep the wheel of fortune turning. The event business devised more clever and new approaches to drive successful events through digital media.

While the pandemic has significantly impacted conventional event planning firms’ profits, the number of “virtual event” entrepreneurs entering the market has steadily increased. Virtex is an example of one of these businesses. Virtex is a “virtual event platform” giving customers access to many services, including virtual rooms that guests may enter and exit.

Event professionals have geared up to battle the outrage of the covid-19 pandemic 2nd wave. Here is what our co-founder has to say about his plans to deal with this challenging situation:

Abhinav Jain, Co-Founder Almond Virtex:

As the world started to normalize in early 2021, we were planning to pedal back to hybrid events along with virtual events. But, the rooted second wave of the pandemic has changed our perspective entirely, and trust me when I say that the response from businesses was incredible. Amid the confusion, companies want to launch their goods and reach their target audiences, and organizations wish to have Exhibitions, conferences, and town halls. And it was then that we proposed the most practical option for keeping the ball rolling: an all-in-one virtual event platform.

Organizations and companies have accepted virtual events all around the world. The notion was first met with skepticism by businesses. However, with time, they mastered the potential of virtual events and could stage large-scale events alongside us with ease. Virtual is unquestionably the event industry’s future because of their limitless potential, increased reach, cost-effectiveness, and high return on investment.

At Almond Virtex, we provide our clients with every possible solution to ensure that they do not miss the essence of physical events. We’ve structured our planning for the following years, and we’re ready to take on any challenge. Even when things return to normal in this game-changing age, one thing is sure, the virtual component will not fade from view. Mr. Abhinav Jain, Co-founder of the Almond Solution virtual event platform, adds, “We take steps every day and aim to develop a platform that fulfills all of the criteria of customers despite this turmoil.”

Here are the few common questions asked by event experts during these challenging times:

  • What measure did the event industry adopt during this pandemic crisis? 
  • Will virtual events become mainstream in times to come?
  • What innovative steps the event industry is accepting to keep the events going?
  • What will be the path the experiential industry adopts?

Innovation, creativity, and technological advancements are the answers to all of these questions. The shift in dynamics in 2020 has resulted in a rapid drop in physical event company revenues. With time, the event business did not stand still and turned to provide a viable answer to companies and industries worldwide. A virtual event isn’t a novel notion. However, the emergence of a worldwide epidemic triggered an increase in virtual events. Last year, there was an exponential increase in the percentage of virtual events, and it shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon.

Many companies have used virtual event solutions to avoid losing money during the pandemic’s pause and generate money. Virtual event platforms proved handy for many people when the world came to a halt and imposed lockdown.

Every day, virtual event platforms improve to provide the most excellent possible solutions to brands and organizations. To offer real-life event experiences to participants, virtual platforms have been embedded with the spirit of live physical events, from networking to engagement tools. Gamification features have been added to virtual event platforms to increase enthusiasm and participation, keeping participants engaged throughout. Tech professionals created various creative concepts, including social walls, picture booths, and leaderboard challenges, to break up the monotony of extended virtual meetings.

With the second wave of COVID-19, the event industry is ready to fight back and provide more creative solutions to the globe that can be enjoyed straight from the comfort of one’s own home while maintaining the highest level of security.

Will a virtual office be beneficial for your business venture?

Virtual officers are primarily a technological service that can help give a business owner all the main benefits and perks of commercial property through a virtual medium. Virtual offices will have all the features of physical offices like an actual physical office address, an official telephone number, administration services, access to board rooms, staff lounges and even meeting rooms. However, the virtual office will offer all of these without having any actual physical office space.

Consequently, a virtual office has become a popular workplace for new business owners who want to enable their employees to work from home while still having a professional business address for their company. This feature will provide the benefit of the physical office without requiring to bear the expenses of renting a physical office. Thus, a virtual office will provide you with a lot of added credibility to business establishments that can attract more clients in the long term. If you are looking to find a virtual office in Georgia, then search for Virtual office Georgia on the internet.

Advantages of having a virtual office

A virtual office will have several advantages for an entrepreneur. It will help you acquire:

1.       A professional appearance for the company

These days, home offices have become quite common but in order to get more clients then you will need to have a dedicated office address because lots of people look for this in a business. Thankfully, a virtual office will be able to acquire this address, that too from a very reputed business locality.

2.       Sophisticated facilities for meeting

Virtual offices can help you acquire high-quality spaces for organizing official meetings. These spaces can help you to conduct more conference calls also. These features can help in seamless communication in your business.

3.       Flexible working conditions

A virtual office can help a business owner to get more options for working from several locations, either nationally or internationally. Consequently, employees will be able to avoid wasting a lot of time in transit every day.

4.       Save rental expenses

Business owners can save huge amounts of money every year by working from virtual offices as they will not need to pay any rent for a physical office.

You can visit for more information on virtual offices.


Virtual offices can help you save time and money. Hopefully, the information mentioned in this article will have helped you. 

Top 5 Food Trends That Will Define the Food Industry in 2021-22

Food Consumer Research and Demand Forecasting for the Food and Beverage Industry is a complex, multifarious zone. No matter how well you analyze the current situation and factor in future possibilities, there is always a margin of unpredictability. As a business owner in this sector, you need to be armed with the best resources to prepare yourself for any untoward situations. Relying on Data Science, Analytics, along with keeping pace with the latest trends is the best way ahead for present-day food and beverage brands.

Here are the top 5 food trend predictions for 2022 that are all set to define the food industry in the coming days:-

  1. ‘Plant-based’ is a Winning Trend

From plant-based fermented foods to plant-based meat and seafood, there is a higher inclination for consumers today to opt for food and beverage products that are plant-based. As per the food consumer research, this is true across all realms- health foods, immunity-building ingredients, alternative protein sources, as well as indulgence foods and home-cooking ingredients. There is a conscious effort on part of most consumers to shift from animal-sourced food and drinks to plant-based ones. This goes hand in hand with the recent focus on sustainability since the carbon footprint of plant-based foods is considerably lesser than that of animal-sourced foods.

  1. Multi-Channel Consumption

Just a few years ago, food and beverage consumption patterns were largely bifurcated into home deliveries, takeaway, and outdoor dining. With the advent of e-commerce (and of course, the aftermath of Covid-19 shutdowns), multiple food and beverage consumption channels have emerged. There are popular ready-to-eat kits with custom flavors and personalized meal solutions to savor the restaurant experience at home. Then there are artisanal home cooking packages, on-demand 3D Food Printing, and various other modes of richer indulgence.

  1. The Bustling Health Food Aisle

2021 Food Trend Predictions have unveiled the vast market potential for healthy food and beverage products. The Covid-19 pandemic has nudged consumers to reach out for immunity-building and nourishing foods and drinks. Apart from packaged foods fortified with Vitamins, Minerals, and Antioxidants, the present-day consumer is also inclining a lot towards consuming fresh produce. Fresh fruits like apples, plums, berries, bananas, and fresh veggies like kale, spinach, avocado, broccoli, etc are witnessing a massive surge in demand.

  1. Transparency of Food and Beverage Brands

Maybe a decade or two ago, you could get away with not revealing the number of flavor additives, preservatives, sodium, or added sugar in your food and beverage products. As per the latest 2021 food trend predictions, there is no scope for brands that conceal important information from consumers. Social media is rife with controversial food takes and viral brand boycotts, and the last thing you want is to get embroiled in them. The best way ahead is to have crystal-clear brand communication, especially pertaining to nutritional information and supply chain practices.

  1. Cruelty-Free Dairy Products

PETA and similar organizations have been emphasizing the cruelty of the dairy industry, from forcible insemination to inhumane conditions of milk. Many dairy brands are therefore switching over from this much-criticized industrial setup to the traditional farm setup to source their products. Milk and milk products sourced from rural communities is not just a positive step to prevent animal cruelty, it also helps in boosting the income of marginalized farmers.


As listed above, the top 5 food trend predictions for 2022 have been meticulously compiled by top data analysts working in the food industry. For brands to thrive, flourish, and grow in these uncertain times, embracing digitization and efficient, AI-based solutions is a must. Be it for waste reduction, energy efficiency, dealing with safety hazards, or ensuring a robust supply chain, Big Data and AI can steer you in the right direction with potent solutions.