Month: November 2021

Is the Composition of Human Translators And Machine Translation Software Effective?

With the advent of the internet, the availability of professional translation services has become impressively apparent. However, enabling a balance between neural machine translations and professional human translators is still prevalent. This notion became more obvious with the eventual focus upon the process of localization. Nowadays, translation agencies such as Spanish translation services, are not prone to provide simple word-to-word translations.

Rather directing energies and resources towards localizing content is more popular among the firms in this discipline. The main reason behind this popularity is that it enables companies to expand their language portfolios and offer multiple languages to their clients.

In this article, we will discuss how the balanced composition of human translations and machine translations can enable an effective and efficient localization process.

The Concoction of Machine translation software and Human translations vis-a-vis Localization Process

Initially, what happened was that if someone wanted to evaluate how good a translated content was, then they would use two aspects to judge that. The first is the adequacy of the content. And the second is how fluent the content is. So if you are offering English translation services, your content’s evaluations will be judged on how easy it is to comprehend the passage and if it contains all the important points mentioned in the original passage. Meanwhile, keeping all the idiomatic phrases, double meanings, cultural and linguistic preferences, nuances, and intricacies intact.

Many people often misunderstand the concept of fluency. It pertains to the grammatical components of the target language. No matter what the discipline of translation is, if it’s gaming translation services or financial translations, there is no perfect translated content.

So it does not matter how advanced the machine translation software is, it can never give you a hundred percent result in the above-mentioned aspects. Moreover, this neural translation software, also can never fully understand the cultural diameter of the target audience. Hence, you can never solely depend upon automatic service-oriented software to justify the process of localization.

For instance, if you are a language agency that offers Spanish translation services, a professional human translator who is an expert in the Spanish language, can work better on an online chatting platform, as compared to a machine translation software. Moreover, if you are interacting with important and confidential information such as financial or legal stuff, it would be an unwise decision to rely on machine translations. Therefore, a better strategy is to combine both the human and machine elements to deliver quality translations.


Humans are better suited to offer translation services in one particular language, rather than offering to translate content into multiple languages. So for a localization agency, the best way is to combine the human aspect with machine translation services, to fill up any remaining gaps or inefficiencies. But it all depends upon how human translators are utilized with the machine translations.

Various firms like English translation services combine their machine translations with human translators focusing on re-editing and revising the translated content in comparison with the original content.

A Path Full of Challenges

Many translation services, especially gaming translation services, utilize the composition of neural machine translation services and professional human translations to reach an optimization level of their operations. In this way, they can diminish their costs and provide high volumes of translated content in a short time.

Many proclaim that you can’t provide quality-oriented work with a small budget. This statement would have been true a couple of decades ago. But, in today’s global and technological age, you can generate a significant amount of output from a small input. However, you need to design a mechanism and proper methodology to do that.

The first aspect is to give a lot of importance to the human factor. Humans tend to make mistakes. And there is a high probability that they might not be able to remain consistent and maintain the highest quality level at all times. In this case, you would have to incorporate the use of neural translation systems to fill in any loopholes.

However, it’s vital to maintain a balanced interactive session between humans and machines. There should be a unification between these two rather than a divergence. Moreover, the most crucial aspect is to see if the human translators are executing their tasks properly. Quality control check with impartiality is something a machine or software is intrinsically good at. Hence, they should be utilized to reduce the expenses incurred due to a translator’s work.

Human activities can only be fruitful if the entire organizational structure supports and nourishes such behaviors. In a professional agency, the primary challenge is to ensure that humans are checking the results produced by the machines. And giving them an objective perspective on how the professional translators are fulfilling their day-to-day tasks. And secondly, to see if machine translation software is able to reduce human efforts by meaning the vocabulary database and providing human translators with the appropriate words during the translation process, so that time could be saved. 


In this article, we tried to discuss how the concoction of machine translations and human translators can enable efficient translation processes. However, the results may vary from organization to organization. And, there is no substantial evidence that this composition always gives affirmative results. Nonetheless, the aim is to make the translation process efficient. Enabling machine software to conduct quality control checks on humans and vice versa in different tasks can help translation services to reduce a lot of their costs. It can also increase the number of translations that can be produced in a period.

What should you know about Dental Implant recovery?

dental implant

Dental implant surgery is a type of surgery that requires special post-operative care until the mouth is fully healed. The healing process can take time, and an individual must understand what to expect if they are planning to have dental implants placed.

Even though a dental implant procedure is helpful to one’s oral health, the process of getting one placed and recovering can be tricky to deal with as there can be discomfort and irritation afterward.

 In this section, we’ll go over what it’s like to recover from dental implant surgery. If you or your family is considering dental implants, it will help to know and understand more about the recovery process here.

 Recovery after dental implant surgery

 You’re probably wondering how long it takes for the mouth to recover after implant surgery. Is there pulsating pain after an implant is placed, and how long does it hurt?

 The healing process is essential to ensure that the implants properly integrate with the bone and surrounding gum tissue.  Individuals should indeed allow their jaws to recover so the implant integrates properly and can withstand normal chewing forces without issue.

 Initial 24 hours

 Extra attention must be paid to the surgical site in the first 24 hours following dental implant surgery. The tooth, gums, and jaw bone will all need to heal. A candidate must avoid touching or disturbing the area in which the implants were placed.

 In the first 24 hours of surgery, a patient may experience inflammation and sometimes even pain. To help control the symptoms, the oral surgeon will usually prescribe pain meds that can be taken right after the procedure. An ice pack or cold compress can also help with pain and stiffness.

 Since the bruise is open and will strive to heal, a patient must maintain a very clean mouth. If teeth or mouth are not thoroughly cleaned, germs will develop, potentially leading to an infection inside the surgical site.

 The healing procedure

 There is no definite recovery period for all implant patients because the procedure is affected by every person’s specific oral state. The following factors may have an impact on your recovery time:

 l  The total number of implants placed (single, multiple, or whole jaw)

l  If your bone is in decent condition for the implants to attach to

l  You may experience delayed recovery if the treatment involves bone grafting

l  Patients with certain factors such as diabetes, smoking, and cardiovascular disease may require extended healing times


Your sensitivity and lifestyle habits may have a significant influence on the healing duration of your dental implants. For example, if you are a smoker, you must stop or limit smoking for at least two weeks following your treatment. Smoking may extend your recovery period or cause injury to overall healing, primarily if you have grafting surgery.

 If you’ve had a routine implant placement with no grafting, you would probably have very little to no inflammation or pain following the treatment. And even when you do, it will typically last only a few days. To alleviate such pain, your dental implant expert in Chandler may prescribe medication. You would be ready to resume your usual diet after about seven to ten days. Yet, people may need to follow a soft food plan for 6 weeks following surgery. Your local dentist in Chandler will explain everything at the time of your follow-up.


What Are Some Essential Dental Implant Recovery suggestions?

 After you’ve had your implant placement, you’ll need to take better care of your mouth so that your healing is smooth and quick.

 Here are some post-dental implant recommendations:

 1. Relax and enjoy yourself

 On the day of the procedure, spend the remainder of the day relaxing. If the dentist gave you an anesthetic, you most probably feel drowsy. You

 should avoid doing anything that requires focus, such as driving. You should refrain from engaging in intense exercise. Avoid lifting, bending, or doing anything that might rupture blood clots and cause bleeding. Whenever you go to sleep, raise your head with additional pillows.

 2. Adhere to the instructions

 Your doctor may advise you to refrain from brushing and using toothpaste at first since your teeth could be too sore for conventional dental hygiene at this time. They would advise you to avoid cleaning the painful region and wash your remaining teeth as usual. They may instruct you to cleanse with salt water, which comprises 8 ounces of lukewarm water combined with a half teaspoon of salt.

 3. Use ice.

 It is common to have a puffiness on your face. Apply ice on your jaws for half an hour, then take it off for twenty minutes. Repeat during the first 24 hours. If you received treatment on both sides of your mouth, apply an ice pack, alternating from edge to edge. After some days, the puffiness should go down. If it worsens, you detect pus, or you get a fever, you may have an infection. Inform your dentist right away.

 4. Be mindful About What You Consume

Following your operation, you should eat soft, cold foods. Some good choices are:

 Yogurt, oatmeal, and lukewarm soup

Foods that are too cold, hot, chewy, tough, or spicy should be avoided.

 5. Take pain relievers.

 To control the pain, you will most likely require pain medication at first. Over-the-counter painkillers like Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and ibuprofen are pretty good for some instances, but your dentist may also need to recommend a higher dosage.

 6. Watch out for any symptoms.

 Keep a watch for any fever, illness, or puffiness that lasts longer than a few days. Additionally, watch out for any issues with your breath or swallowing. You might potentially have an allergic response to the anesthesia used by the dentist. If this is the case, inform your dental practice in Chandler promptly.


7. Routine follow-up.

 Make sure you complete all of your post-surgery follow-up sessions so the dentist can ensure you’re recovering appropriately.

 If you have any queries about dental implant surgery or the healing period, please contact our office right away. We are glad to answer any questions or issues you may have.



Escape to the world of ‘Real Indian Art’

With roots firmly holding Indian customs, values, and traditions, our Indian art can be described as ‘unitedly diversified’. Diversity in religions, rituals, customs, and practices has helped in the evolution of varied art forms as well. 

Indian paintings and traditional art can be counted as live examples, loudly glorifying the strong ‘Sanskritic’ values still present in the hearts of Indians, in this 21st-century era also.

Historical traces of Indian art

With the advent of the Harappan civilization, the real traditional art forms started evolving. Findings of figurative imageries on seals, sculptures, etc. all point in the direction of how people started with art culture.

Traditional Indian art and Tribal Art forms from all parts of India are very beautifully curated in the traditional art gallery of Indianartideas

Madhubani paintings, Mithila paintings with interesting geometrical patterns, Tanjore paintings, Miniature paintings, Gond paintings, Pattachitra paintings, Kalamkari paintings, Mughal paintings, and many other paintings are gifts of our historical times. One can also re-tour the puranic legends of Indian mythology through Nakashi art and Cherial scroll paintings from Telangana.

Let us explore a little about some of our many Indian traditional art forms:-

  1. Mithila, from Bihar: Also known by the name Madhubani paintings. They are marked by drawing lines among different patterns and then filling them with bright-contrast color duos. This, now, involves every age and gender group. But earlier it strictly adhered to women to make this form. Because of its rural and tribal motifs, beautiful paintings are very much in demand. This art is known to be done on a freshly plastered wall.

With more evolving arts, Madhubani paintings are now practiced on a sheet of paper, canvas, and also on cloth. A brush made out of bamboo with cotton wrapped around it is used for art. A Madhubani painting usually uses natural colors. The trick is to use and apply colors flat. No shading is done and no space is or should be left.

  1. Tanjore, from South: Also called Thanjavur Painting, it is an art form to celebrate the rich and artistic traditions and cultures of the region Thanjavur in Tamil Nadu. 

It is popularly known for its depictions of gods and goddesses with the help of vibrant and dark colors. They are also known to use embellishments of heavy gold foil. While the art form of Tanjore has gone through a vast change since its birth, it continues to be one of the most popular kinds of art.

  1.  Pattachitra, from OdishaCloth scroll painting tradition originating from Odisha, dedicated to mythological and religious themes. Bold and strong outlines, with vibrant colors and decorative borders, define the characteristics of patachitra painting style, which is admired by art lovers across the world.

  1. Gond, tribal art from Central India: Vibrant paintings, with a series of intricately arranged dots and dashes were innovated by the Gondi tribe of central India. The tribals recreate mythological tales and oral histories, traditional songs, important events, and rituals with rich detailing and bright coloring. Colors were always derived from natural resources like cow dung, plant sap, charcoal, colored soil, mud, flowers, leaves, etc. Gond artists now have evolved much with time and started using commercial water-based colors to paint on paper and canvas. 


  1. Miniature, Mughal’s gift:  Miniature paintings arrived in India with the Mughals in the 16th century. It molded itself in different styles by the combination of Islamic, Persian, and Indian elements. The painting is done using natural stone colors on paper. Others use mineral colors, precious stones, gold, and silver in their respective miniature paintings. Fine brushwork, detailing, and styling are the unique attributes of miniature painting. Across India, this style of painting has developed in schools like Kangra, Rajasthan, Malwa, Pahadi, Mughal, Deccan, etc.. 


  1. Kalamkari, Andhra’s mirror: the 3000-years-old organic art form of hand and block printing, was anciently used for depicting narrative scrolls and panels. This unique traditional art has a strong connection with Persian motifs and styles. Kalamkari derives its name from kalam or pen. This form depicts animal forms, floral motifs, and mihrab, which also find a place in their respective Kalamkari textile forms. Kalamkari art primarily involves earth colors, namely indigo, green, rust, black, and mustard. 


  1. Warli, from Maharashtra: These 2500-years-old, Warli paintings of the Thane and Nasik areas of Maharashtra are cobwebbed with the natural and social rituals of the respective tribe. Warli paintings project the daily and routine activities of the local people of that community. Traditionally, it used twigs with rice paste on mud walls of tribal houses to celebrate the harvests or weddings. Simple and elegant geometrical patterns in white against red or yellow surfaces are used often. 


It is always a blessing to dwell in the lap of good old ancient times, sometimes using songs, but more recently using art pieces, paintings, and sculptures at homes or offices. To keep it alive, visit the gallery and buy your stuff!!