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How to Elevate Your Brand With Custom Kraft Boxes

Engaging yet Outstanding quality Custom Kraft Boxes:

Kraft paper is one of the best materials used in the packaging industry. It is low in cost, eco-friendly and nature friendly as well. Kraft paper is 100% organic in nature and biodegradable. It can easily be decomposed in the environment without lasting any bad impression. Outstanding extraordinary Custom Kraft Boxes are not only strong enough to grab the product without any difficulty but helping in sustainable developmental goals. Kraft paper boxes wholesale are a preferable option when you are looking for low-cost packaging without compromising on quality.


Kraft Boxes is the most preferred Biodegradable Stock:

Kraft boxes are eco-friendly, pocket-friendly, and user-friendly.  Kraft is the most preferred material to use in the packaging industry. It can easily be decomposing. Sustainability influence, quality matters. They are available in different styles and designs such as:

• Window die cut

• Kraft pillow design

• Kraft cake boxes

• Kraft paper handle boxes

• Foldable Kraft paper boxes

• Kraft tuck top boxes

• Kraft sandwich boxes

• Kraft mailing boxes

• Kraft gable boxes

• Kraft die cut with PVC bags



Recognize Custom Kraft Boxes can be utilized for Limited time Purposes:

Custom kraft boxes with logos can make your product recognizable and acknowledged. Kraft boxes are strong enough to handle products easily and conveniently. They can be utilized for short time duration and easily disposed of. The material used in the manufacturing of the packages is recyclable and bio-degradable. It proved as a game-changer for the packaging industry. The basic color available in kraft boxes is brown color but with the help of the bleaching process, it can be turned into different colors and designs. These colors are harmless to the product inside and reliable in nature.

Kraft Boxes to Successfully Advance Your Business:

Kraft boxes are cost-efficient and pocket-friendly. Within a low budget for packaging, you can easily grab the attention of the customers and improve sales and develop your business within no time. It can help you create a long-term impression in the minds of customers with innovative printing on the kraft papers regarding your business. They are super friendly in nature to boost your business. Eco-friendly custom kraft boxes with logo imprint on the walls can help you in advancing your product and considered as one of the best advertising techniques in marketing.



Sturdy Packaging Alternatives for Significant Distance Transportation:

Kraft boxes are organic and nature-friendly. They are free from any type of allergens or toxins that maintain safety standards. Kraft boxes can be used in gift packaging, soap packaging, cosmetic boxes, food boxes, and all other types of products. They are sturdy enough to carry them for a long distance. They are strong, reliable, and durable enough to absorb far away distances without any obstacle. They are recyclable and can be used again and again which makes them super cost-efficient in nature. They are the best way to show your environmental concerns regarding ever-increasing pollution and global warming and play your role in this regard to check it on time.


Why Choose Us:

PackagingNinjas is a hub of packaging manufacturers that provide you best solution and iconic, idealistic custom kraft boxes with huge discounts and offers. We are not compromising on the quality of packaging and help you improving sales and developing your business. If you can’t find the desired option there, feel free to contact us without any hesitation. We will be pleased to serve you with our professional team.



Computer Game Addiction: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

When most people think of addiction, they think drugs, gambling or substance abuse. But there are other forms of addictions. Gaming addiction is one of them. If you have a loved one who is suffering from this addiction then here is guide for you to find out more about it and help those loved ones.


Like those affected by substance-related addictions, addicted computer gamers also show the typical signs of an addiction.

Strong demand

Computer game addicts feel an almost irresistible urge to sit down at the computer and play. This can go so far that not only tasks and social contacts, but even basic needs such as sleeping, eating, and drinking are neglected.

Loss of control

Once people with addiction to computer games sit in front of their computers, there is no stopping them. Even if you make a firm commitment to play for a limited time only, you cannot stick to it and play hour after hour.

Inability to abstain

If those affected recognize that they have a problem or if there is pressure from their environment, they often try to restrict their play. Most of the time they fail, or only last for a short time.

Withdrawal symptoms

Computer game addicts do not get physical withdrawal symptoms as in substance addiction. However, they get anxious, depressed, or nervous if not allowed to play for any reason.

Tolerance Formation

Another thing common in people with addiction is tolerance formation: The brain becomes dull over time, so the quantity of whatever drug the person is taking needs to be increased to get the desired “kick” again. When applied to the gaming addiction, this means longer and longer playtime, or that the kick is only triggered by reaching a higher game level.

Continuing the behavior even when faced with negative ramifications

Like any other addiction, addicted gamers can’t restrict or give up their behavior, even if they face massive consequences such as job loss, separation from their partner, Or huge financial loss due to spending all their money on games, or even at times on virtual items in game like skins, gold or nhl coins, items which have zero real world value.


Although secrecy is not one of the six official addiction criteria, it is also typical of addictions. Those affected are aware that their behavior is questionable. Therefore, they try to hide the level of their computer game activity from others. Family members, friends, or even therapists are deceived about the actual number of hours spent in front of a computer.


Over-activation of the reward center

Like all addictions, computer game addiction is based on the activation of the reward center in the brain. The reward center actually serves to reinforce behaviors that are good for us or that serve to preserve the species: food and sex, for example, but also praise, affection, and success.

Drugs and some activities cause large amounts of the neurotransmitter dopamine to be released, which strongly activates the reward center. In the case of computer game addiction, for example, it is the sense of achievement or the recognition by the other players. The player wants to experience the positive feeling that is generated when playing again and again.

In addition, negative feelings such as frustration, fear, and grief can be reduced while playing, which the player also experiences as a reward. This creates the so-called addiction memory: Everything that reminds the computer game addict of playing arouses the desire to play again.

Studies show that similar physiological processes take place in the brain of computer game addicts as under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The reward center of a computer game addict reacts to a screenshot of their favorite game in a similar way to an alcoholic’s to the sight of their favorite drink.

Disturbed emotional regulation

At the same time, the brain is particularly sensitized to the connection between computer games and reward. The awareness that other behaviors can also generate positive feelings or reduce negative ones is fading. The player literally forgets that there are other ways for him to regulate his emotions. The player perceives stimuli that are not related to the game as increasingly weaker.

Over-activation of the reward center

Like all addictions, computer game addiction is based on the activation of the reward center in the brain. The reward center actually serves to reinforce behaviors that are good for us or that serve to preserve the species: food and sex, for example, but also praise, affection, and success.

Drugs and some activities cause large amounts of the neurotransmitter dopamine to be released, which strongly activates the reward center. In the case of computer game addiction, for example, it is the sense of achievement or the recognition by the other players. The player wants to experience the positive feeling that is generated when playing again and again.

In addition, negative feelings such as frustration, fear, and grief can be reduced while playing, which the player also experiences as a reward. This creates the so-called addiction memory: Everything that reminds the computer game addict of playing arouses the desire to play again.

Studies show that similar physiological processes take place in the brain of computer game addicts as under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The reward center of a computer game addict reacts to a screenshot of their favorite game in a similar way to an alcoholic’s to the sight of their favorite drink.

Disturbed emotional regulation

At the same time, the brain is particularly sensitized to the connection between computer games and reward. The awareness that other behaviors can also generate positive feelings or reduce negative ones is fading. The player literally forgets that there are other ways for him to regulate his emotions. The player perceives stimuli that are not related to the game as increasingly weaker.


Be it alcohol addiction, drug addiction, or nicotine addiction: With addictions, abstinence is usually the only sure way out of addiction. This also applies to addiction to computer games. As with all addictions, the goal of abstinence is initially a nightmare for the addict. A life without the addictive substance seems bleak or even impossible. This is difficult to understand for outsiders such as friends, partners, and parents.

Understanding illness is the first step

The first step towards healing is therefore the insight into the illness, the realization “I am sick, I need help”. Without professional support, it is usually not possible to get out of the addiction. In the course of therapy and as the cord becomes increasingly detached from the addictive substance, the person concerned increases the experience – I’m better without it.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy specially geared towards computer game addicts can effectively support the end of addiction. The focus of the therapy is initially to analyze the triggering and sustaining conditions. These can be internal stimuli such as thoughts and feelings, but also external stimuli. The focus is on developing answers to questions such as:

·        What triggers the desire for computer games in me? (e.g. stress, fears, the sight of a computer, etc.)

·        What needs does computer gaming meet for me? (e.g. reducing stress, driving away boredom, feeling successful, part of a team, etc.)

·        Which activities can replace computer games for me? (e.g. relaxation exercises, sports, meeting friends)

·        What improvements could a life without computer games bring? (e.g. more time for other activities and friends, better performance in school, training or job, more joy in life).

Therapeutic offers for computer game addicts usually consist of a combination of group and individual therapy. There is the option of outpatient treatment. In severe cases, however, inpatient treatment is usually necessary.

Pros and Cons of Matte Countertops

Matte countertops and cabinets are a good example of a trend that has taken the kitchen design world by storm – and has left many homeowners behind – wondering if a matte finish is really the best choice for their home. Again, a popular choice in 2021, cabinets with a matte finish continue to generate a lot of buzzes.

Before making final decisions on kitchen selections, it’s always a good idea to familiarize yourself with the “good, bad and ugly” of any trend. This way you will have all the information you need to make the best decision that fits your lifestyle, especially if you prefer a lighter kitchen in terms of cleaning and maintenance.

Pros of Matte countertops

1.            Branch

2.            Refinement

3.            Concealment of damages

4.            Create texture

Cons of Matte countertops

1.            Hides, but it does not prevent

2.            Illusion of space

3.            Ugly one

4.            More difficult to clean

Pros of matte countertops:

First, let’s start with the positives. Matte cabinets and counters have been around for a while, but they started making headlines around 2012. They are considered chic and ‘modern’. This is ironic as sheen and lustre are also the hallmarks of more contemporary or “modern” kitchens, so you can see how the “trending” factors are at play.

1.     Branch:

If you want your kitchen to be modern, you can’t go wrong with the mat. A matte countertops looks sophisticated and textured, which can provide a welcome contrast to the rest of the kitchen, especially if you have a lot of shiny or shiny design elements.

2.     Refinement:

Gloss is also very popular and kitchens with a lot require contrast – matte is a perfect choice. It adds some the elegant texture that overlays the design and allows the eyes to focus on several distinct areas.

3.     Concealment of damages:

Glossy finishes, in many ways opposed to matte ones, show stains, smudges, scratches and other messes very noticeably. For those who don’t want to deal with the kind of cleaning maintenance that often accompanies glossy products, matte is a great alternative. It is smooth and subtle, with a natural look that allows small imperfections to fade due to less reflected light than glossy finishes.

4.     Create texture

In a kitchen that has a lot of lustre and sheen, matte countertops on the countertops (called smooth) and cabinets can also be a way to add a little difference in texture. It produces a stunning and elegant look that adds a level of sophistication to the room.

Also read: Pros and Cons of Granite Sterling Countertops

Cons of matte countertops:

Now let’s move on to the less positive aspects. Matte finishes don’t reflect as much light and can work as  camouflage. So, the public story is that matte cabinet finishes hide more dust, grime, and kitchen stains in general than glossy or glossy finishes, which they do.

1.     Hides, but it does not prevent:

Finishing can’t prevent these types of problems, it just makes them less noticeable. As a kitchen remodelling company that sees the before-during-and-after of these finishes, we can attest to the fact that this is the case. It seems that greasy and oily footprints and animal spots appear. Also, they can be difficult to clean (see below).

2.     Illusion of space:

If you have a smaller kitchen, matte cabinets may not be the right choice for you. Since it absorbs light rather than reflecting it, it won’t make your space larger or larger. If that’s what you’re looking for, the mat may not be for you. You can try other options to enlarge your small space.

3.     Ugly one:

Finally, let’s get to the worst of the worst when it comes to matte finishes. Cleaning is always a task we would rather not waste our time on.

4.     More difficult to clean:

Continuing with the “bad” look, the initial stains, bumps and scratches may not appear at first but are more difficult to remove when they appear. Cleaning fingerprints or grease stains are difficult on dull surfaces as it is difficult to avoid leaving streaks or other traces. The matte finish may also appear to absorb the stain, making it difficult to remove completely.


The bottom line is that you should have honest and realistic conversations with your kitchen design team to make sure you choose the finishes that suit your lifestyle and kitchen use. It maybe that a semi-gloss finish, which meets in the middle in terms of sheen, but is still easier to clean than a matte countertop is a safe middle ground.