
All About Sleep Disorders

Sleep disorder is a condition that affects the normal sleep pattern of humans. It can affect your overall sleep that causes daytime discomfort and difficulties in following your daily routine. Sleep disorders are commonly associated with physical diseases or other mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, or neurological problems. Sleep issues can cause or aggravate mental illnesses, and they can also be a symptom of other mental conditions.

Symptoms of sleep disorder

     Excessive daytime sleepiness, uneven breathing, and increased activity during sleep are all signs and symptoms of sleep disorders.

     Strong urge to take naps during the day and lack of concentration.

     Feeling irritated or getting anxious are also symptoms of sleep disorder.

     An inconsistent sleep and waking cycle, as well as difficulty in falling asleep.

     Unable to perform well in your work and school and feeling sleepy at odd hours.

     Abrupt gain of weight also comes under the symptoms.

     Problems falling asleep, staying asleep, or sleeping through the night.

       Feeling sleepy or fatigued during the day.

       Feeling cranky or moody.

       Problems with concentration or memory.

       Heavy snoring.

       Sudden nighttime awakenings, especially those paired with gasping or choking.

       Sudden loss of muscle tone, which leads to weakness or loss of muscle control (also known as cataplexy).

       Sleep paralysis, which is an inability to move or speak even when partly awake.

       A strong urge to move or shift the legs.

       Tingling, burning, numbness, pain, or other unpleasant sensations in the legs.

       Problems with concentration or memory.

Causes of Sleep Disorders

While some sleep disorders have an identifiable cause, others emerge from a combination of factors. Some of the causes of sleep disorders are:


       Sleep disorders can be caused by a variety of illnesses and diseases.

       Sleep difficulties are frequently the outcome of an undiagnosed health issue.

       Sleep disorders are the unwelcome side effects of some other mental or physical medical condition.

       It can be hard to breathe at night due to allergies, colds, and upper respiratory infections.

       Sleeping disorders can also be triggered by an inability to breathe through your nose.

       Sleep quality is frequently harmed by stress and anxiety. You may find it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. You can get online anxiety medication easily.

       Nightmares sleep talking, or sleepwalking can all cause sleep disorders.

       Nocturia, or frequent urination, might cause you to wake up in the middle of the night, disrupting your sleep. Hormonal imbalances and urinary tract illnesses may play a role in the development of this condition.

       Chronic pain can make it tough to fall asleep if you are in constant pain. It may even wake you up after you’ve fallen asleep. The following are some of the causes of chronic pain are:   

       ArthritisInflammatory bowel disease

       Continuous severe headaches

       Continuous lower back pain


       Chronic fatigue syndrome


       Sleep disturbances can increase chronic pain in a few cases. Doctors believe that sleeping disorders may play a role in the development of fibromyalgia.   

       As people get older, sleep difficulties become more frequent. You might get the following symptoms as you become older:


       You may face changes in your sleep patterns as you become older, your sleep becomes less calm, and you wake up more easily to noise or other changes in the surroundings. You become exhausted sooner in the evening as you become older, and you wake up earlier the next morning.

       You may have a change in your overall health as people get older, they seem to have to urinate more frequently than younger people, which might disrupt their night sleep. Furthermore, older adults are more likely to suffer from other sleep problems such as restless legs syndrome and sleep apnea, which can make it difficult for them to fall asleep.

       You can see changes in your daily activity as you may be less socially and physically active. A lack of movement can make it difficult to get a decent night’s sleep. Moreover, the less active you are, the more likely you are to desire a daily nap, which might disrupt your sleep at night.

       Elderly seniors are more likely to need a large number of prescription drugs, which raises the risk of medication-induced sleep disturbances.

       Sleep disorders can be caused by your lifestyle and sleeping patterns. Consider the following scenario:

       In the evenings, you work. Even if it is bedtime, it may make you feel preoccupied. The computer’s light can also stimulate the brain.

       In an attempt to make up for lost sleep, you occasionally sleep late. This may disrupt your normal biological clock, making it harder to fall asleep the next night.

       Even if the naps are short, you take them in the afternoon. For some people, these quick naps are necessary, but for others, they make sleeping at night problematic.

       You work in a shift. The normal biological clock can be disrupted by irregular hours. 

       You may not be able to get a good night’s sleep if you sleep in an unpleasant environment with too much noise, light, or excessive room temperature.

        A snoring companion or a squeaky bed might also disrupt your sleep.

       Other circumstances that can disrupt your sleep include caring for a family member and safety concerns.

        If your sleep problems are due to a poor sleeping environment, there are some basic things you may do to enhance your sleep. When going to bed, for example, minimise bright lighting and reduce potential distractions such as dogs, laptops, television, and cell phones.

       In reality, this is one of the most common reasons for sleep difficulties, so you should make an effort to create a comfortable sleeping environment.

       Various foods and beverages have been linked to sleep disorders. They are as follows: Alcohol is a sedative that might make you sleepy, but it can also keep you up later at night.

       Coffee contains caffeine with an arousing effect. Caffeine in moderation is beneficial to most individuals, but too much caffeine might cause sleep problems.

        If you have a sleep issue, you should avoid drinking or eating caffeine-containing beverages or meals close to bedtime.

       Heavy meals close to bedtime might induce discomfort, making it difficult for your body to relax. Spicy foods can cause heartburn and make sleeping hard.

       You should have a light supper in small portions a few hours before going to bed.

       You should avoid smoking and tobacco as it also triggers sleep disorders.

       Eating disorders (also known as emotional eating) are one of the most dangerous causes of sleep disturbances that people should be aware of.

       Due to starvation and significant weight loss, anorexia has been shown to interfere with proper sleep.

       According to studies, anorexics have less REM sleep than people of average weight, resulting in fatigue the next day.

       Bulimia is characterized by purges and binges of food, which disrupt sleep. This is another major cause of sleep disturbances that you should be aware of and consider treating as soon as possible.

Precautions for Sleep disorder 

Sleeping disorder’s treatment can vary depending on the type and cause. However, the common precaution measures to avoid sleeping disorders are:


       Make a proper sleeping routine and follow it.

       Drink less water before bedtime.

       Reduce stress and anxiety by daily exercise and meditation or yoga.

       Decrease the quantity or completely avoid intake of tobacco, alcohol or smoke.

       Avoid caffeinated drinks especially in the afternoon.

       Include more vegetables and fish in your diet and reduce the amount of sugar you take.

       Eat smaller low carbohydrate food before going to bed.

       Avoid being overweight and maintain a healthy weight.

       Follow the same regular time of sleep and waking up.  

Treatment of Sleep Disorder

Medical treatment for sleep disorders include:

       Allergy or cold medicine

       Melatonin supplements

       Sleeping pills

       Medications for any underlying issues

       Breathing device or surgery usually for sleep apnea


       A dental guard is usually for teeth grinding. 

Nasal Drip Covid – Daily Human Care

Nasal Drip Covid is an anti-histamine drug that is commonly used for allergy and cold rhinitis. It was originally designed to treat people with allergies who were having trouble breathing due to their allergy triggers. The drug acts as an anti-histamine to prevent the release of histamine in the blood. When taken with other drugs or medications, it can treat allergies to certain foods and other allergens.

The drug works by blocking the release of histamine from mast cells. However, it also blocks the release of endorphins from the mast cells, which are responsible for producing a post-covid syndrome that is characterized by post-nasal drip. Post-covid syndrome can cause many symptoms including runny nose, constant hacking cough, headache, sneezing, watering eyes and itching. Understanding how the medication works can help those suffering from the syndrome to better understand their condition.

What happens in post nasal drip is that mucus is produced in the lining of the sinuses, specifically in the sinus cavities. Some of this mucus remains in the nasal cavity and travels to the throat through the blood stream. When the sinus cavities become inflamed due to allergies or other reasons, this thick mucus can be difficult to drain hence causing post nasal drip symptoms. A nasal spray can be used to help reduce this fluid that can be a major trigger of allergic reactions.

The drug works by blocking the entry of a specific protein known as flavonoid into cells. flavonoids are a class of chemical compounds that are naturally occurring plants such as eucalyptus, peppermint and lemon balm. Clinical characteristics of this antiviral drug include fewer signs and symptoms of fever and generally nocturnal coughs. However, there may be some differences between children and adults with regard to the clinical characteristics of the illness.

Nasal Drip Covid – Treatment

A correct diagnosis of a patient’s condition is crucial to properly treating a patient with post-nasal drip. More commonly known as post-nasal drip, this condition occurs when the mucous membrane, usually located in the back of the throat, becomes excessively thick and slows the movement of air through the throat. Treatment for sinusitis, viral infections, and allergies are briefly discussed in other articles. Sinusitis is typically treated with prescription or over-thecounter medicines, depending on the extent of the symptoms.

For patients who only experience mild to moderate postnasal drip symptoms, home remedies may be more appropriate. The use of over-the Counter (OTC) medications such as decongestants and antihistamines can alleviate the symptoms of postnasal drip and may provide temporary relief from some of the other symptoms associated with this condition. These medications are available without a prescription. However, it should be noted that these types of medications should not be used for extended periods of time due to potential side effects.

Another common cause of post nasal drip symptoms is chronic sinus conditions such as post-menopausal symptoms, which can

lead to thick mucous in the throat that prevents the movement of air through it. Coughing is one of those common causes. Other symptoms of chronic sinus problems include facial pain, facial swelling, headache, toothache, dizziness, fever, swollen glands in the neck and face, tenderness and pain of the head, a feeling of stuffiness in the ear, and the feeling of having something stuck in the throat. Some of these symptoms can also be associated with the flu.

Post Nasal Drip caused by allergic reactions to airborne allergens, pet dander, dust or pollen can lead to a runny nose, itchy or red eyes, sneezing and watery eyes, difficulty breathing, swelling of the face or throat, itching or pain in the ears, cough or sore throat. Some of these symptoms of allergic reactions can actually lead to more serious conditions such as asthma attacks or even anaphylaxis. Symptoms of anaphylactic shock can include vomiting, nausea, chest pain, increased rate of breathing, rapid or irregular heartbeat, swelling of the tongue or throat, and tightness in the chest area. If you experience any of these symptoms after being exposed to allergens, then chances are you have been in contact with dust or pollen. It is important to stay away from these substances to prevent the onset of allergic reactions.

When the Post Nasal Drip becomes too much, there are several home remedies you can try to relieve it. Drinking lots of fluids is a very common remedy used by many. Gargling with saltwater gargle is also a popular way to relieve postnasal drip problems. When you gargle with saltwater, the excess mucus is flushed out of your system and down your throat into your stomach where it mixes with food particles and is then sent back out again. This prevents the excess mucus from mixing with your food in the stomach and causes food to be re-absorbed into your body.

Incredible Health Benefits of Rudraksha Beads

Rudraksha is derived from the Utrasum Bead Tree (botanically Elaeocarpus ganitrus). Rudra and Aksha are two Sanskrit words that combine Rudra and Aksha.

Rudra is Lord Shiva’s Vedic name, while Aksha is the word for tears. It is Lord Rudra’s teardrop, and it is regarded as magical and supremely holy.

It is located in the Gangetic Plain at the foothills of the Himalayas, Nepal, and South and Southeast Asia. There are approximately 300 species. 35 of these are found in India.

Rudraksha’s legend

Two legends are known about Rudraksha. The Devi Bhagwat Puran mentions the first. It tells us about Tripurasur, a strong demon who had divine energy and was powerful.

Everyone prayed to Lord Shiva when he began to trouble the deities and sages. Lord Shiva closed his eyes while meditating. When he opened his eyes, tears flowed from his eyes onto Rudraksha. Lord Shiva later destroyed the demon.

According to the Shiva Mahapuran, another legend states that Shiva meditated for thousand years in penance, and when he woke up, he saw tears and was transformed into Rudraksha.

The belief is that the bead can protect people from Lord Shiva and sanctify their minds, bodies, and souls. It has been scientifically shown to have many health benefits.

There are many types of Rudraksha beads

Rudrakshas have been known to have between 1 and 21 lines of mukhi. One bead had 27 lines, according to recent research. The rarest bead is the ek mukhi, or one-line Rudrakshas.

Gauri Shankar Rudrakshas, which are very rare pieces in which one bead is naturally attached to another, represent the divine unification between Goddess Parvati (or Lord Shiva) It is believed that it can awaken the inner consciousness, open the Hrit Padma Chakra and help with meditation. People seek it out because of its rarity and immense importance.

What Health benefits can Rudraksha beads bring?

      Treats body aches and fevers

Rudraksha is known for its ability to reduce fever and improve mood. It has been shown to have immune-stimulatory properties that can help fight off infections. It can reduce restlessness, body pains, and the burning sensation caused by fever.

      Diabetes Helps

Rudraksha’s anti-diabetic properties have been demonstrated in people who use it as churna, or by wearing it. In experimental animals, blood sugar levels were significantly reduced when churna is used.

      High Blood Pressure Treatment

It is an alternative to hypertension treatment. For high blood pressure, it may be more beneficial to soak Rudraksha in water and then take it in the morning with an empty stomach. Copper is actually known to increase Rudraksha’s anti-hypertensive properties.

      Get well soon after chickenpox

Recent research has shown that the Health benefits of Rudraksha is, it can reduce the severity of chickenpox symptoms. It is believed to help with fatigue, malaise, headaches, burning sensations, and pain in the rashes. It speeds up recovery.

      Heart disease is over

Rudraksha is a natural way to maintain blood pressure and protect people suffering from heart disease. Simply follow these steps to get started. Rudraksha mala can be ordered online.To get the most out of it, wrap it around your neck and keep it close to your heart. A panch-mukhi Rudraksha can be placed in a copper kettle filled with water on Sunday. Then, you can drink the water without a stomach.

      No more pimples & acne

Its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and healing properties have been proven to be effective in curing pimples and acne. It reduces the likelihood of recurrence, and it can soothe acne symptoms.

      Joint pain relief

Regular use of the Rudraksha can help with arthritis, joint pains, and muscle pain. It can also treat swollen skin.

A few final words

Is Rudraksha really all it seems? It is. However, it is just as easy to buy any other item. Buying Rudraksha online or offline can be difficult because there are many fakes. If you’re looking for a rare Rudraksha or want to purchase one online, it is worth considering buying.

Online certification of gemstones Online or in person at a well-respected gemstone store such as Rudraksha RatnaThis makes the experience more authentic, as there are expert gemologists onboard.