Month: May 2021

O melhor guia de camisa estampada

A camisa estampada é uma das camisas mais versáteis que qualquer homem pode ter. É um grampo ideal para o verão, mas como deve caber? Do que deve ser feito e onde são os melhores lugares para comprar camisa estampada? Todo cavalheiro deve ter pelo menos algumas em seu guarda-roupa.
De roupas esportivas a roupas de lazer, a camisa estampada pode ser combinada com muitos itens de guarda-roupa, como calças de shorts, algodão seersucker e Madras . Perfeito para o cavalheiro preppy, é uma visão comum em campos de golfe, quadras de tênis , praias e pela cidade para passeios pelas lojas e uma refeição ao ar livre em um bistrô pitoresco.
Mesmo que uma camisa seja um item básico do guarda-roupa, pode ser difícil encontrar o corte, o tecido e as combinações certas para aproveitar todas as possibilidades de estilo que esta camisa única apresenta. Em nosso guia, damos uma olhada em cada elemento dessa peça, começando com sua longa e venerável história para que você fique no seu melhor no calor.
Hoje, a camisa estampada pode ser usada em quase todos os ambientes onde um colarinho aberto é substituído por uma camisa social e gravata. Dos tradicionais campos de pólo e quadras de tênis ao clube de campo e escritórios.

Como usar a camisa estampada

Os homens usam camisa estampada em quase todos os lugares, nos jogos de futebol e no escritório, e com tudo, desde um blazer feito sob medida a rasgados jeans. Até mesmo o smoking, James Bond, que é famoso por usar camisas pólo Sunspel, que combinam perfeitamente com seu Rolex Submariner ou Omega Seamaster.
Apesar do amplo uso da camisa, existem algumas regras a serem compartilhadas que o manterão com uma aparência elegante, em vez de desleixada.

Não faça camadas de camisas

Uma camisa bem ajustada deve ser justa, mas não deve apertar seu corpo, então não deve haver espaço para outra camisa. Usar uma camiseta quase garante que ela escorregue por baixo da manga ou amasse na gola.
Camisas estampadas não são feitas para camadas e camisetas (de mangas compridas ou curtas) nunca devem ser usadas juntas. Além disso, não coloque mais de uma peça de cada vez; esta tendência inexplicável é um grito por atenção ao invés de uma declaração de moda real.

Camisa ajustada, mas não apertada

Se você não consegue enfiar um dedo entre o bíceps e a manga, compre um tamanho maior. Se houver muita folga, escolha um tamanho menor. Camisas de boa qualidade são feitas de materiais leves como o algodão. Portanto, eles devem cobrir bem o seu corpo, sem mostrar muito dele.

Dimensione-os de acordo com sua altura

A menos que você tenha uma tendência para usar vestidos, certifique-se de que a barra de uma camisa estampada para fora da calça não se estenda além do meio da sua bunda. Não apenas amassará e ficará visível quando dobrado para dentro, mas também afetará suas proporções se não for dobrado.

Não erga o colarinho

Essa tendência de erguer o colarinho acabou e não vai voltar mais. Opte por protetor solar para proteção do pescoço e você não terá que colocá-lo em primeiro lugar. Levantar o colarinho é como usar óculos escuros à noite. Deixe isso para a multidão do bar e adolescentes tentando parecer legais.

Estampas grandes

Recentemente, uma tendência surgiu com estampas grandes. Tudo começou com Ralph Lauren e progrediu para outras marcas. Normalmente, defendemos evitar desenhos visíveis por completo, mas quando se trata de camisa estampada, ter pequenos desenhos distribuídos se tornou o padrão.

Use camisa estampada com um blazer

Alguns homens ficam elegantes usando uma camisa estampada com um blazer, embora a camisa seja de uso casual. Não importa a situação em que você esteja, um blazer sempre ficará melhor em situações de formalidade. Portanto, escolhe bem a camisa estampada para criar um look perfeitamente equilibrado.

Coloque seu camisa para dentro quando a situação exigir

Seria errado estipular uma regra de nunca dobrar ou abrir sua. Em vez disso, depende da roupa e da ocasião. Com um par de shorts, você não quer colocá-las para dentro, mas com uma calça de algodão ou jeans, ficará incrível quando estiver dobrado para dentro.

Camisa estampada x camisa lisa

Uma grande diferença entre a camisa padrão e uma estampada é o desempenho. Essas camisas são projetadas especificamente para permitir ao usuário uma ampla gama de movimentos e para protegê-los, absorvendo a umidade do corpo sob o sol quente.
Na maioria dos casos, essas camisas são feitas com uma mistura sintética de materiais projetados para uma vida ativa e o que distingui uma da outra é o ambiente e a situação em que será usada.

Things to know before studying in Canada

When we go to a new place there are few things we need to keep in our mind and especially if you are a student who is going abroad to study then there are few things which you should know as they are going to be really helpful for you in a new environment.
Here are few things which are going to be helpful for you if you are going to Canada for studying-
First things come first as you are going to a foreign nation you should prepare yourself to get adopted in a new environment. Canada is a multicultural nation, the culture, the people, the transportation, the environment, the food everything will be new for you but you should keep an open mind and keep your confidence levels high to get adopted in a new environment and everything will work out fine in sometime.
Then as you are going there to study so you should carefully choose your university. There are a lot of things one considers before selecting a university but one of the important thing to check before selecting a university is that is the university in which you are going fulfilling your requirements, you should check the status of the extra curricular activities you wish to do during your time in university and also you should check the previous students of university.
Do you know that most universities in Canada are Public which means they are funded by the public and that ensures a good quality of education for you and also it guarantees the recognition of your qualifications globally.
If you are looking for somehow cutting the financial cost of your education then you can apply for a scholarship, but before applying for a scholarship you should thoroughly research about the options which are available for you.
Accommodation for your stay is another thing that you should prepare before going to a new place. Either you can live on campus of your university or you can rent a home according to your budget.
If you are looking to cut your financial costs while you study in Canada then there is another good news for you and that is you can work while you study. There are various part time jobs for you to do ; also after completion of your studies you can work full time.
Last but not least Before you leave for your study abroad experience in Canada, it is important that you maintain adequate funds. Always keep a little extra funds with you, also you should contact the international relations department of your university and get your fees details, also you should check the dollar exchange rates before making a withdrawal.
After reading this article if you are wondering where you should start then worry not you should pay a visit to HS Consultants Education & Migration. This is a consultancy agency which has been working for many years in the past in this field.

Make Your House Most Beautiful with help of Architecture Firms Dubai

A well-crafted home is a work of art, with buyers opting to have their next residential project designed by the leading studios in the city. Clients are increasingly inquiring about the top architecture firms Dubai focused on that leverage the most regionally optimised layouts and the highest quality of materials.

Sustainability is also a key parameter that many home buyers are focusing on, especially when developing a project from the ground up. Buyers are often looking for innovative ways to cut down on HVAC (Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) costs while conserving energy actively and passively. By working with the top firms in Dubai, buyers can fully optimise their homes maximising aesthetics, longevity, and eco-friendliness.

Developing the right plan for a dream home

For many clients, having the right plan in place can significantly streamline a home’s construction. This includes having the right orientation, layout, design, geometry, floor plan, and materials to accomplish the perfect harmony of space and memory. A top design studio Dubai based, such as Prasoon Design, can help accomplish that by developing technologically and aesthetically superior designs via best-in-class methodologies.

The top architectural firms are also experienced in the latest trends in home styles and can develop the perfect concept by understanding a client’s needs more closely. A leading studio can also elegantly communicate with contractors in Dubai to ensure that the envisioned blueprint can be brought to fruition successfully.

Optimising the layout, design, and plan of the home

The top architectural firms in Dubai are leveraging technologically advanced BIM, computational design, and 5D mapping solutions to completely optimise the development of a client’s dream home. Architects in the city are experts at understanding the local landscape, the geographical expanse, and the heritage & symbolism behind a selected design. They also ensure that change orders and end-stage adjustments are minimised during construction to control costs.

They aid in avoiding non-reversible errors that can lead to long-term issues, such as incorrect sun orientation, leading to higher cooling costs for the home. Dubai being one of the tallest cities in the world, by skyline, also captures a range of different styles and designs across residential projects. The city houses some of the best architects in the world, that always ensure that all aspects of a dream home are fully optimised.

Introducing sustainability and eco-friendly measures

A city like Dubai requires a clearer focus on sustainability and energy conservation, as the summer months can significantly load energy infrastructures. The right cooling, lighting, water, and enveloping strategies are being leveraged by the top architectural firms in the region to minimise the impact of dynamic climatic conditions.

With Dubai being on track to reducing its energy and water consumption by 30% by 2030, architects play a significant role in embedding active and passive management measures. As buildings consume 40% of overall energy, it is important to have the right architectural firm in place to help comply with Al Sa’fat and other mandatory regulatory systems.

Residential projects are also being designed keeping a natural balance in mind, with the introduction of indigenous plant life to lower a project’s carbon footprint. Homes are being developed strategically to provide a natural shading area, along with the smart use of trees and landscaping to minimise the effects of extended direct sunlight.

Importance of finding the right architects in Dubai

Dubai is a booming market for residential construction, with several of the leading architectural firms actively driving demand in the city. It is important to gauge the market accurately to find the right architectural firm in Dubai for a project’s unique requirements. The following parameters can help in shortlisting the ideal design studio when developing a dream home.
Portfolio of residential projects – A residential portfolio is vital to analyse early on, primarily to understand its alignment with a client’s needs. Key factors, such as aesthetics, use of materials, sustainability, energy efficiency, trend-focus, and longevity, are critical to explore prior to onboarding an architecture firm in Dubai.

References and past projects – Clients can connect with homeowners that have worked with the architectural firm, especially for large-scale, premium, and complex projects. This is to reduce the risk of delays, unscheduled work, hidden charges, and other challenges that may rise during development.

Technological advancement of techniques – Many of the top architectural firms in Dubai focus on utilising the latest innovations to streamline strategy, documentation, and execution process. By using cutting-edge software platforms, architects are quickly iterating on different designs and layouts for complete client satisfaction.
Expertise in architectural practices – Whether it be contemporary designs, modern spaces, or minimalist homes, every client has a unique perspective on their dream abode. The right architectural studio in Dubai can help realise that dream to its maximum potential by using the latest strategies in design, materials, applications, and geometry.