Year: 2021

Does a chemist need to know about percentage yield while balancing a chemica–l Equation?

The ratio between actual yield and theoretical yield is called percentage yield. To be precise, actual yield is the total amount of conversion obtained as a result of chemical reaction while theoretical yield is the pre calculated amount of products produced after conversion to limiting reactant under described set of reaction parameters. Percentage yield is a unit less term often written in %.

Percentage Yield and Balanced Chemical Equation:

It is often seen in chemistry and chemical engineering that a variety of chemical reactions occur at different temperatures and pressures. As a result, many new products are formed that find a range of applications in industrial and domestic lifes. It is worth mentioning here, that each chemical reaction independent of its type can be written in a chemical equation. A balanced chemical equation, shows the formula and state of reagents and products. Moreover, reaction temperature, enthalpies and pressures can also be found indicated on a chemical equation. The percentage yield depends on the theoretical and actual yield. Hence, it is very important to balance a chemical equation otherwise the limiting reactant will not be identified and hence, the correct percentage yield will not be calculated. 

Let us take a chemical equation written in a balanced and unbalanced form and calculate percentage yield & theoretical yield. 45 gram of iron (Fe) combine with 50 grams of oxygen (O2) to give iron oxide (Fe2O4). The actual yield of the process is 0.2 moles. Calculate the percentage Yield? 

Percentage Yield with Balanced Chemical Equation

The balanced chemical equation of the above reaction is 

3 Fe + 2 O2 → Fe3O4

To find out the percentage yield we need to calculate the theoretical yield first and for that we need to identify the limiting reactant. 

Mass of Fe = 45 g

Molar Mass of Fe = 55.8 g/mole

Mass of O2 = 50 g

Molar Mass of O2 = 32 g 

Actual Yield = 0.2 moles

Amount of iron oxide produced by

iron = 45g Fe ×1 mol Fe 55.8 g Fe ×1 mol Fe3O43 mol Fe: = 0.269 mole Fe3O4

Amount of iron oxide produced by

oxygen = 50g O2 × 1 mol O232 g of O2 ×1 mol Fe3O42 mol O2 = 0.781 mole Fe3O4

The amount of iron oxide produced by iron is less. Hence, it can be concluded that Fe is a limiting reactant. Hence, the theoretical yield of 0.269 moles. 

Percentage Yield=Actual YieldTheoretical Yield×100

Percentage Yield=0.20.269×100

Percentage Yield=74%

So, the percentage yield via the balanced chemical equation is 74%. 

Percentage Yield with Balanced Chemical Equation

The percentage yield of an unbalanced equation can be calculated by two ways. 

Unbalanced Fe:

 Fe + 2 O2 → Fe3O4

Mass of Fe= 45 g

Molar Mass of Fe= 55.8 g/mole

Mass of O2= 50 g 

Molar Mass of O2= 32 g 

Actual Yield= 0.2 moles

Amount of iron oxide produced by iron= 45 g Fe ×1 mol Fe 55.8 g Fe×1 mol Fe3O41 mol Fe: = 0.86 mole Fe3O4

Amount of iron oxide produced by oxygen= 50 g O2 ×1 mol O232 g of O2×1 mol Fe3O42 mol O2 = 0.781 mole Fe3O4

Hence, for the unbalanced Fe in the chemical equation, the limiting reactant has been changed from iron to oxygen. Now the theoretical yield is 0.781 moles. 

Percentage Yield=Actual YieldTheoretical Yield×100

Percentage Yield=0.20.781×100

Percentage Yield=25%

So, the percentage yield via the unbalanced chemical equation is 25%. 

Unbalanced O2

3 Fe + O2 → Fe3O4

Mass of Fe= 45 g

Molar Mass of Fe= 55.8 g/mole

Mass of O2= 50 g 

Molar Mass of O2= 32 g 

Actual Yield= 0.2 moles

Amount of iron oxide produced by iron= 45 g Fe ×1 mol Fe 55.8 g Fe×1 mol Fe3O43 mol Fe: = 0.269 mole Fe3O4

Amount of iron oxide produced by oxygen= 50 g O2 ×1 mol O232 g of O2×1 mol Fe3O41 mol O2 = 1.5625 mole Fe3O4

Hence, in the current scenario, the limiting reactant is the same and that is Fe and the theoretical yield is 0.269 moles. If we calculate the percentage yield then it will come out to be 74% as in case 1. Hence, the yield remains the same as long as the limiting reactant is not affected. 


It can be concluded from the above discussion that a chemist should be very well aware of percentage yield when he is balancing the chemical equation. The percentage yield is the ratio in between actual yield and theoretical yield. When the chemical equation is not balanced correctly then the identification of the limiting reactant gets disturbed. For instance, in the example stated below when the equation was not balanced for oxygen the limiting reactant got changed from iron to oxygen and hence, the percentage yield changed from 75% to 25%. Hence, the relationship between percentage yield and balancing chemical equation is very vital in chemistry.

Best Gaming Laptops For Professional Gamers

If you’re searching for the top gaming laptop or the most powerful desktop, or even the top keyboard, you’ll need to ensure you’re getting the best value for your money. How can you tell whether those RAM sticks are priced too high or if the graphics card in it is the one that can climb the leaderboards in the most recent online shooters?

#1 Dell Inspiron i7559

While it might not appear the most gorgeous or feature all of those “extreme” accents that many gaming peripherals don’t have nowadays however, this Dell Inspiron i7559 is hiding many of the benefits inside a small (and extremely light) packaging.

The secret to being able to put in the graphics power you need without increasing the price to the same level as competitors is in the processor that is clocked at an i5-6500HQ with just 8GB DDR3L RAM. If you’re for a price and are looking to save money these compromises are the ones that offer the best bargains. The majority of AAA games that require lots of resources from your system aren’t as dependent on the power of RAM and CPU as they were in the past and are now shifting a lot of the task to the GPU. With a GTX 960M that is massive with 4GB of DDR5 VRAM this means that the Dell can easily with almost any game you could imagine without blinking an eye. It will be able to handle minor slowdowns when performing intensive multi-tasking tasks like video editing and intense internet browsing.

With this all with this in mind, it’s hard to resist Dell’s bargain price of $799. Yes, you’ll need to contend with a slower processor and a limited amount of memory however, for the price there’s no more affordable option on the shelves right now.

#2 Pick MSI GS60 Ghost Pro 4K

The first shock at the price of MSI Ghost Pro 4K may be a bit overwhelming, the sticker price on MSI Ghost Pro 4K may cause it to be a bit more difficult to believe that this is a laptop that’s worth it for its money; trust us when we say it’s worth the money as few other laptops in this list.

With a huge 6GB of VRAM in its GTX 970M motherboard with it has 16GB of DDR4 RAM and a stunning 15.6 inch UHD 4K display The MSI Ghost is a complete beast that can compete with any gaming desktop , without even moving one centimeter.

In addition, you get a gorgeous modern, stylish design for just $1767, and you’ll get is a laptop somewhat on the costly than the average, but will pay it dividends when you’re out on the go at home or in between.

#3 Pick Lenovo Y700

It’s a bit odd that the Lenovo Y700 has got an odd design, but its specifications and price are exactly what you’d like from a gaming laptop that’s doing all it can to provide the most value possible for the money you’ve spent.

With a sturdy set of two-watt JBL speakers, and the addition of a subwoofer with 3W the Y700 is ideal for gaming, or possibly more important, depending on the person you ask, watching media while on the move. With its elevated screen and super-cool fan it is a laptop that can be able to sit on any surface without melting its components. It does this without sacrificing the sound quality that other laptops in this category have to sacrifice for greater ergonomics.

Include the 4GB GTX 960M equipped with the Intel Core i7-6700HQ CPU, and it’s evident that although Lenovo might not be the best in the realm of gaming laptops but they’re certainly not a any less than the competition, and neither are they a slouch.

#4 Pick Gigabyte P35x V5

Certain gamers prefer a lower price, while other gamers prefer to consider price in conjunction with other features such as media viewing capabilities as well as a beautiful screen. There are also those who simply need pure and unadulterated power.

This is the Gigabyte X35x V5, which, to be blunt does not deserve to be at the price it is. The P35x manages to pack with the same specifications we’ve been accustomed to seeing at this price (8GB of RAM, Intel i7-6700HQ, and so on) All while packing with an additional Nvidia GTX 980M 8GB on the top. This makes it a cut above the other models here that aren’t even as close to the raw performance that this version with 8GB can boast of.

If you’re willing to give up some other luxury items like a beautiful screen to extract the most graphic power from your device Look no further than the Gigabyte P35x.

#5 Pick Acer Predator 17 G9-791-78CE

Since I got to grips with the Acer Predator 17, it’s been a struggle to let it go. There’s not a single category in which Predator 17 excels. Predator 17 completely blows the other laptops for gaming here out of the park However, it’s the overall experience of the entire is what brings the entire thing together.

Its build is amazing The trackpad and keyboard are enjoyable to use for hours and the display is great to watch movies or playing a marathon game. Then, add 32GB of RAM and the 512GB PCIe SSD that act as an added bonus, and you’ll have an extremely stable all-around gaming laptop that is able to endure any test that you throw it.

It’s a great option for people who’ve never had one before, or is this your 10th in a decade, or both. Either way , with all the top-of-the-line features, without the weight and weight, you’re left with an ultra-gaming laptop that can tick every box you can imagine.

Key Factors and Features to a Good Gaming Laptop For the Money


  • When you’re trying to find the most price for your dollars in any type of product The most important thing to consider is compromise.
  • The majority of the laptops in this list (save for one exception) has Intel’s mobile powerhouse, the Core i7-6700HQ
  • The processor isn’t as crucial in gaming as the graphics card, however you shouldn’t go to below “i5” line of CPUs unless it’s impossible to avoid it in the price range you’re looking for


  • RAM is another aspect that can be adapted to the needs of gaming PCs because it’s not as essential as the graphics card.
  • The rule of thumb is that you should never go lower than 8GB because this is the minimum size that every video game (whether you’re playing Hearthstone or GTA V) will need to render its graphics, as well as its graphics while at the same time.

Graphics Card

  • We are now at the most important aspect of every gaming laptop worth its worth GPU. GPU
  • Nvidia has launched cards for every budget that you can imagine in this market, but the three main chips to keep an eye on are the GTX960M, the GTX970M, and GTX980M.
  • Each one has its own functions and cost-to-benefit-ratios, but generally, you’ll want a card that is able to carry its own AAA title (the 970M 3GB is a good choice in this regard) however, it shouldn’t be too expensive that you’re priced out of a card with higher specs .


  • Don’t buy a gaming laptop that doesn’t have at least 128GB SSD, if possible. get around it.
  • As we’ve previously mentioned, the speed gap between an SSD and an HDD to play games is huge which means you’ll be spending an entire lot of time waiting for loading screens if you go for the HDD only option.


  • Some say they can’t endure anything less than 4K resolution on laptops, whereas others live in the world where 1920 x 1080 pixels are the norm.
  • Resolution and screen size almost always come down to personal taste What is the best for you will depend on your budget is and what features you’d like to see to get on your new device.

Build Quality

  • Laptops that are budget-friendly have a habitual practice of sacrificing build quality and quality over more powerful specs. In fact, some laptops that are on this list may be guilty of this sin.
  • As it’s an established manufacturer such as Acer, Gigabyte, or MSI You are assured that the manufacturer will ensure the durability and longevity of its keyboards and cases for up to three years following your initial purchase.

Mistakes to Avoid

Buy Features You Don’t use: As we mentioned above finding the best laptop at the right price is all about maximising the number of features available against price and deciding from that list. If you’re looking for a 4K screen but aren’t afraid of giving up some graphics power for it there’s a laptop that can do this. If you’re looking to have large, powerful speakers but don’t care regarding the dimensions of your SSD you can get a laptop for this too.

“Budget” Doesn’t Mean “Cheap”: All the gaming laptops in this list are costly according to normal standards, one exception: those like the Dell Inspirion i7559. A gaming laptop isn’t upgraded, so it is essential to save whenever you can to get the best laptop you can, so that it will last for more than couple of product cycles and game releases, without becoming outdated. The more money you invest in advance on the next laptop the longer it’s likely remain within the vast scope of things.

Which Gaming Laptop for the Money is Right For You?

From our lists that we’ve compiled on this topic This list offers the largest variety of possibilities between the top gaming laptops that are available today. “Value” is in the perception of the buyer that’s why we’ve included a wide range of options to suit any price and budget.

Pound for pound, Dollar for dollar, you can’t surpass the value you receive from the Dell Inspiron i7559, but it’s not able to do everything you could require from the laptop by itself. This is where other options like the huge Lenovo Y700 and Gigabyte’s graphic flagship the P35x are able to take the place of the. Its Predator 17 is a solid all-around laptop, and it’s MSI GS60 Ghost Pro features stunning 4K resolution that is perfect for movie watching gaming or gaming simultaneously, with the additional space you’ll need to explore.

The most powerful gaming laptop doesn’t necessarily mean the one that’s the most cost-effective It’s the one that offers the features you require in one unit and without extra features that hinder you from the most important aspect of owning one of these devices at all playing to your heart’s satisfaction for long hours.

Best Bluetooth Headsets for gamer’s Buyer’s Guide

To identify the most suitable Bluetooth headsets we considered the following factors: design and battery time, Bluetooth range, additional features, and price. It’s up to you to decide if you prefer a one-ear design or dual-ear model and if you’d prefer to wear in-ears rather than over-ear or on-ears. Also, think about the battery’s lifespan. For power talkers, it is best to choose a model with at least eight to ten hours of uninterrupted talk time and quick recharge between one and two hours. The Bluetooth range should be at a minimum of 33 feet. Depending on the way you intend to use the headset, additional features may vary from a waterproof rating to a carrying case.

The Most Important Factors to Consider

  1. Design Once there was a time when the Bluetooth headset had a one-ear style that was either small or included a microphone boom. Nowadays, Bluetooth headsets are usually more similar to headphones and are in-ear (earbuds) or on-ear and over-ear models that have built-in microphones. Some prefer the slim appearance of in-ear Bluetooth headsets, while others prefer the traditional style of headphones. If you decide to go for an in-ear model it is important to focus on their fit, as they are designed to be snugly inserted into the ear canal. You should look for models with several earbud tips that are available in a variety of sizes to ensure that you find the ideal size for your ears.
  2. Controls
    Nowadays, Bluetooth headsets can do more than let you make and receive calls without hands. Many people make use of these headsets for listening to music or to watch videos. Therefore, it’s important to find headphones (regardless of design) that have controls to adjust the volume, change between different music tracks, and, in certain cases, noise cancellation. Even though the noise cancellation feature is typically available on higher-end headphones.
  3. Sound Quality
    The older Bluetooth headsets were well-known for the poor quality of their sound they could sound distorted or as if you were talking underwater. But headsets have significantly improved in recent times. Look for headsets that have high-quality audio.
  4. Battery Life
    Bluetooth connectivity is known for rapidly draining battery life. This is one area that the more expensive over-ear and on-ear models are more efficient than their in-ear counterparts. A majority of earbuds will last up to 5 hours with a single charge. However, the traditional headphones could last for an entire 24 hours before needing to recharge. If you prefer in-ears make sure you choose ones that include charging cases to prolong their life particularly when you’re on the move.
  5. Bluetooth Range
    As a minimum, search for Bluetooth headsets that offer a range of 30 feet. This is the minimum at which you’ll be able to keep the clarity of your audio before beginning to notice the disturbance.
  6. Additional Features
    If you’re a heavy user who relies on Bluetooth headsets regardless of what you’re doing, there are additional features you may consider important. For instance, an IPX waterproof rating is crucial if you plan to wear these headsets when exercising. Maybe you prefer the minimalist appearance of an in-ear headset however, you prefer the safety of the wire to ensure that you never lose any of your earbuds. Other options include an auxiliary backup cable and a carrying case or bag are other common accessories that add value.

Learn More About Bluetooth Headsets

For a bonus point to help you play, take a look at the most effective Xbox One headset and the top PS4 headset to discover the most efficient gaming headphones. The most efficient gaming headset wireless can also enhance your gaming experience.

Although Bluetooth headsets aren’t as well-known as they once were, they remain an essential component of a professional mobile device and are extremely useful in a variety of situations. That’s why Gadget Review offers an expert Bluetooth headset evaluation and suggests the top Bluetooth headsets and the most essential features for consumers who are interested. If you are looking to purchase your first headset or searching for a replacement to an older model visit Gadget Review and see what we can provide before deciding!

The most common Bluetooth headsets do a basic function, and it’s not easy to distinguish yourself from the rest. This is why the top Bluetooth headsets are those that offer additional features and functions including noise cancellation, to allow you to listen to people in the crowd, and hybrid choices which combine wireless earbuds to play music and the capability to receive calls. But, Bluetooth headsets are typically made to work with a limited selection of smartphones, which means you must choose the best headset for your task at hand. Gadget Review can help you with our tips to recommendations, tips, and more!

It is also advisable to look at the top headphones and the top headphones that cancel out noise for even more audio. Our 6 best in-ear headphones list can be helpful. If Beats is your choice, check out Beats Wireless headphones.