Year: 2021

Website Security Made Easy with a DDoS Protection Plan

You may not know the name, but the term DDoS means Distributed Denial of Service. It can happen when too many people use your site and they all try to access it at the same time. If you find this happening, then you need to protect yourself with a DDOS protection plan. 

  • Having a DDoS protection plan in place for a website is a sound investment. 
  • The basic plan provides cyber security services to mitigate all attacks. 
  • More expensive plans offer various options to suit the business’ needs. 
  • DDoS prevention service will mitigate the effects of DDoS attacks. 
  • This service will defend against these attacks by filtering traffic that is flagged as malicious. 
  • They also offer protection for search engine optimization. 

A DDOS protection plan can be broken down into two parts, with the first part being DDoS mitigation, and the second part being DDoS prevention. DDoS Mitigation is the act of taking a DDoS attack that has already started and neutralizing it with the use of external DDoS mitigation services. DDoS mitigation is the process of blocking the DDoS traffic before it even gets to your web server. This is a stop-gap measure. The goal is to keep your web server from being knocked offline by the DDoS attack, and this involves setting up a firewall that has rules which block all incoming traffic except for your website’s IP address. 

The second part is to build internal systems that are designed to prevent an attack before it even starts. DDoS Prevention is the act of building internal systems and external security services to prevent a DDoS attack from even happening. When you purchase a DDOS protection plan, they can provide you with any combination of their services that will match the needs of your business. 

DDoS Mitigation 

A DDoS mitigation plan is a security strategy that focuses on reducing the impact of a distributed denial-of-service attack by decreasing the number of incoming requests to the target, typically by identifying and blocking the attacking IP addresses. Many people have been wondering how to protect their websites from DDoS attacks. Fortunately, there are DDoS protection services that specialize in mitigating these attacks for a low monthly cost. There are various types of packages, so you can find one that suits your needs. 

Many DDoS mitigation services will protect your website from the overwhelming effect of a massive DDoS attack, as well as other types of cyber-attacks. There are some advantages to DDoS protection services: 

  • They are inexpensive. 
  • They provide you with a long list of potential attacking IP addresses. 
  • They will work around the clock, helping you get a DDoS attack under control. 
  • DDoS Prevention 

Recent attacks on major websites like Amazon, Facebook, and Twitter have made the need for DDoS prevention services obvious. A DDoS protection plan can help businesses of all sizes stay online and maintain their good reputation. These plans are typically custom-tailored to each business. 

Content delivery networks (CDNs) can help you protect your website from DDoS attacks. They’re used to ensure that your site’s content reaches your users in the fastest, most efficient way possible. 

A common type of DDoS attack relies on UDP packets sent to port 80. Because many applications listen to that port, they’re vulnerable to DDoS attacks from a single source. 


Do you worry about a DDoS attack? You should because it can bring your website to its knees. Fortunately, a lot of web hosts offer a DDoS protection plan as an additional service for a low monthly fee. There are a few other things you can do to make your site less vulnerable to a DDoS attack as well. For example, you can use a CDN to distribute traffic evenly. You can also install a firewall and a web application firewall to protect your site from attacks. 

The Changing Face of Corporate Training During the Pandemic

The transformation of corporate training in the pandemic — why is this an issue of concern? Well, say 2019, when training and development in the workplace used to be relatively simple. Large corporations would just send their brightest executives to MBA or other specialized degree programs. External certification programs, professional development courses, or bringing individuals together in a conference room or off-site venue to go over off-the-shelf training material with an instructor — there were other measures to close additional gap areas.

Before the pandemic, the changing nature of technology and the workplace was already causing firms to rethink and tweak their business models. But now, many traditional beliefs about how to address skill gaps through regular corporate training and development have been thrown out of the water by COVID-19. So, what’s the changing face of corporate training in the pandemic? Let’s get started!

What’s the changing face of corporate training in the pandemic?

When the COVID-19 pandemic took the globe by storm, many managers had to adjust to totally remote work teams almost overnight. This transition instantly necessitated new and complex project management abilities. 2021 and any concept that this would be a one-time thing has vanished! Now, many businesses are preparing to go entirely or partially remote permanently.

For years, businesses and educational institutions have realized that corporate training’s future lies outside of traditional degree programs. They can no longer wait to put that into practice because of the pandemic — and its consequences.

Due to the rapid rate of change, companies require corporate training alternatives that are both readily available and teach material that is directly relevant to positions and company culture.

That isn’t to say that company-sponsored MBAs or project management credentials are obsolete. Instead, we require alternative learning methods to enforce corporate training in the pandemic. These methodologies should be faster, more flexible, and more targeted than traditional programs.

What are the alternatives to corporate training in the pandemic?

The ability to add a credential to their résumé or own a certificate with their name on it is a massive motivation for employees to take traditional courses outside of a degree. That has its place, but increasingly, businesses want workers to be trained rapidly on skills having a direct and immediate impact on their jobs, rather than having to complete a course and exam. Companies must find a means to reconcile their own needs with the growth ambitions of their personnel as a part of training in the pandemic.

For instance, a company may have identified a group of managers who are strong in their functional areas and want to invest in corporate training in the future. But who is willing to lose two years to an MBA program? Many of them may hold a master’s degree already.


Hence, finding short-burst learning choices that focus on practical skills is necessary. This situation is where organizations can incorporate the concept of microlearning – where you can segment the curriculum into concise, small learning units or short-term learning activities to enable quick delivery of corporate training content.


The rapid digitalization of work, as well as the sudden transition to remote work, has produced a significant skills vacuum in project management. Many middle managers want quick corporate training to learn how to manage performance in a remote-work environment, deal with the impact on business culture, and navigate rapidly changing IT demands.

Mobile Optimization

Remote learning mostly translates to online corporate training. Now, when you go digital, you cannot only think of desktops and laptops. You need to consider flexibility, and this is where the concept of mobile learning comes in. M-learning is learning via the internet through portable devices like smartphones and tablets that let learners learn on the go.

Many organizations traditionally used classroom sessions or e-learning for training, but now they are slowly moving into m-learning. Through m-learning, corporate training can be made more engaging, exciting, and intuitive for the employees. It merges work and life — a virtual space with services and information on demand. For employees, this means access to technology and training they need, when they need it, on whichever device they prefer to use.

Competent eLearning providers

Employers are the ones who sense and observe the pain areas and training requirements of their staff members. However, when seeking partners to help implement training needs, firms should keep a few key characteristics in mind.

It is best to work with partners who have a proven track record in education and corporate training. Colleges and universities aren’t the only options. You can also go for valuable collaborators with a track record of educational and training success.

Employers must choose vendors who truly understand their company requirements. A standard approach will not adequately meet the growing needs of any organization. Employers should look for providers who can deliver a “one-size-fits-one” strategy rather than “one-size-fits-all.”

For instance, a technology- and an app-based learning platform like PlayAblo can deliver faster corporate training and learning reinforcement. It enables effective learning through its engaging platform, resulting in improved employee skills and business performance.


It is critical to choose training courses with a robust assessment component. The coursework should be designed to ensure proper absorption of the subject rather than just participation and completion, as is frequently the case.

Measuring corporate training effectiveness enables you to justify your investment in a training program. It is not possible to talk your way out by convincing management to adopt a new learning tool. You must substantiate your proposal with data points and objective key performance indicators (KPIs). Most importantly, you must be ready to present irrefutable evidence that this investment will positively impact the workforce’s productivity.

In addition, after attending the corporate training session on the suggested learning platform, the learners must demonstrate information retention, confidence in their roles & responsibilities, and the ability to apply the newly acquired knowledge in solving real-life problems at the workplace. In short, showcasing training effectiveness and proving the impact of learning is not a luxury but a necessity.


As the pace of business and technology development intensifies, the necessity to turn on corporate training in this manner will only grow. Organizations that can analyze needs, quantify them, and roll out the appropriate training mix — either internally or through partnerships with third parties — will be more successful.

How to Resolve QuickBooks Error 15215 & Unresponsive Server

When conducting payroll changes and releasing maintenance, QuickBooks Error 15215 is common. It is going to install the payroll download or update. Another reason you can get this problem is if you try to download a payroll update and there’s a conflict with another application operating in the background.

This update problem is easy to spot because the system displays an error notice that reads:

“QuickBooks Error 15215 server not working”

“Error 15215: Unable to verify the digital signature“.

What Causes Error 15215 in QuickBooks?

The occurrence of this error could be caused by a variety of factors.

·       QuickBooks desktop Payroll may be unable to connect to the update server due to a firewall or firewall setting.

·       The QuickBooks software is either not installed correctly or is corrupt.

·       Your MS Windows system files or QB payroll program files have been corrupted by a virus, malware, or other harmful software.

·       QuickBooks payroll-related files were accidentally deleted by software or program.

·       Microsoft Internet Explorer is configured incorrectly.

·       Another program is operating in the background that is interfering with QuickBooks.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of QuickBooks Error 15215?

·       When this error happens, the active software will crash.

·       When you launch an equivalent program, your system will become corrupted with Error 15215.

·       On your computer screen, you’ll notice Error 15215: Unable to validate digital signature several times.

·       Your machine is slow to respond and runs slowly.

QuickBooks Error Code 15215 Solutions

There are a few ways to fix QuickBooks update Error 15215.

Method 1: Turn off and on your computer.

Many QuickBooks and Windows-related difficulties can be resolved simply by restarting your computer. This step prevents any application from interfering with the shutdown or resetting of QuickBooks Payroll’s settings.

It’s extremely likely that after restarting your computer, you’ll be ready to get back to work. However, there’s a potential that the problem will resurface after a short period of time. If that happens, you’ll try the troubleshooting actions that follow.

Method 2: Log in as an administrator in Windows.

You can avoid or resolve the QuickBooks error 15215 by running your accounting software as a Windows administrator, which will prioritize the software over most other Windows programs.

Running QB as an administrator also allows QB to interface with Windows, allowing it to use all of the resources available to it to figure out what needs to be done.

·       If QuickBooks Desktop isn’t already closed, close it.

·       Right-click on the Desktop icon to reopen it.

·       Select “Run as Administrator” from the drop-down menu.

·       If a message appears asking for your permission to make modifications to your computer, select “Yes.”

Method 3: Restore advanced settings (Internet Options)

·       Close the QuickBooks program.

·       Select “MS Internet Explorer” from the drop-down menu.

·       In the top right corner, select “Tools.”

·       Within the sink, select “Internet Options.”

·       Select “Advanced” from the drop-down menu.

·       Select “Advanced Settings” from the drop-down menu.

·       Check that “USE TLS 1.0” is selected.

·       Make sure Use “TLS 1.1” and Use “TLS 1.2” aren’t selected.

·       To close the window, click “OK” at the bottom.

·       “Internet Explorer” should be closed.

·       To “Save” the changes, restart your computer.

·       Click the QB icon to reopen QuickBooks Desktop.

·       Check to see if the update will download again.

Read Also: How To Solve QuickBooks Error 15241? (Easy Ways)

The solution presented here will assist you in resolving the update error that you may have encountered while downloading the software. If the problem persists, you should contact your IT department.

Method 4: Use Selective Startup to restart your computer.

·       Make sure QuickBooks Desktop is shut down.

·       (Windows key+R) Open the “Run window.”

·       Choose “Start” > “Run” in Windows XP.

·       Choose “Start” > “All Programs” > “Accessories” > “Run” on Windows 7 and Vista.

·       On Windows 8 and 10, press the “Windows key” and the “letter R” on your keyboard.

·       Click on “OK” after typing “MSConfig.”

·       Allow the “System Configuration Utility” dialogue box to appear.

·       Select “Selective startup” from the “General” menu.

·       Uncheck the item Labelle “Load Startup Items.”

·       To “Save” changes, click “Apply” then “OK” at the bottom of the box.

·       Reboot your computer.

·       Restart “QuickBooks.”

·       “Latest tax table” can be downloaded.

·       If the updates were successfully downloaded, reopen “System Configuration Utility.”

·       The “Normal startup radio” button should be selected.

·       To “Save” changes, click “Apply” then “OK” at the bottom of the box.

·       Your computer should be restarted.

Method 5: Set up a firewall and other security software.

Run the QuickBooks File Doctor after downloading the QuickBooks Tool Hub. This may automatically open your ports and fix the problem.


I hope the actions outlined above were helpful in resolving QuickBooks error 15215. If nothing else works, call our QuickBooks support hotline to speak with one of our qualified QB professionals. We will assist you in resolving even the most difficult accounting concerns in the shortest amount of time feasible.