Year: 2022

Best Mobile App Ideas For a Successful Startup in 2022

Mobile app development is critical for any startup wanting to be successful. Think about it- most people are carrying around a mobile device with them everywhere they go. By having a mobile app, you’re providing your potential customers with a convenient way to connect with your business. In addition, mobile apps are a great way to build brand awareness and loyalty. customers are more likely to return to an app that is easy to use and provides value. When considering mobile app ideas for your startup, consider what would be most useful for your target audience.

There are a number of different types of mobile apps, so it’s important to choose one that best suits the needs of your business. For example, some businesses may benefit from a mobile app that allows customers to book appointments or make purchases while on the go. Others may need an app that helps them track their inventory or monitor their supply chain. The options are endless, so take some time to explore what’s out there. With mobile app development services becoming more accessible and affordable, there’s no excuse not to have a mobile app for your startup. Do some research and figure out what would work best for your business – you won’t regret it!

Here are the Top Mobile App Ideas for a Successful Startup in 2022.

Here are a few of the best mobile app ideas for you to consider when starting your business:

1. Taxi Dispatch and Management:

With the rise of ride-sharing apps like Uber and Lyft, there’s no doubt that the taxi industry is in for a major change. And one of the best mobile app ideas for a successful startup in this space is to develop a taxi dispatch and management system. This type of app would allow taxi companies to better manage their fleets, dispatch drivers, and keep track of their passengers. It would also provide valuable insights into the business, such as which areas are most popular for pickups and drop-offs, and what time of day is busiest. If you’re looking to enter the taxi industry, this is a great mobile app idea to consider.

2. Gas Delivery App:

Another great mobile app idea for a successful startup is to develop a gas delivery app. This would be a convenient way for people to order and receive the gas, without having to go to a gas station. It would also be a great way to build loyalty, as customers would be more likely to return to an app that is easy and convenient to use.

3. Grocery Delivery App:

With the rise of online grocery shopping, there’s no doubt that a grocery delivery app would be a hit. This type of app would allow customers to order and receive their groceries without having to leave their homes. It would also be a great way to build loyalty, as customers would be more likely to return to an app that is easy and convenient to use.

4. Beauty Service App:

Another great mobile app idea for a successful startup is to develop a beauty service app. This type of app would allow customers to book appointments or make purchases while on the go. It would also be a great way to build brand awareness and loyalty, as customers are more likely to return to an app that is easy to use and provides value.

5. Medicine Delivery App:

Another great mobile app idea for a successful startup is to develop a medicine delivery app. This type of app would allow customers to order and receive their medicine without having to leave their homes. It would also be a great way to build loyalty, as customers would be more likely to return to an app that is easy and convenient to use.

6. Agency Banking App:

Another great mobile app idea for a successful startup is to develop an agency banking app. This type of app would allow customers to access their bank accounts and make transactions while on the go. It would also be a great way to build brand awareness and loyalty, as customers are more likely to return to an app that is easy to use and provides value.

7. Event Management App:

If you’re looking to enter the events industry, then developing an event management app is a great mobile app idea for a successful startup. This type of app would allow event planners to better manage their events, keep track of RSVPs, and send out notifications to attendees. It would also provide valuable insights into the business, such as which events are most popular and which times of year are busiest.

7. Tutor Finding App:

There is a big market for mobile apps that can help people find tutors. This type of app would allow users to search for tutors by subject, location, and price. It would also be a great way to build brand awareness and loyalty, as customers are more likely to return to an app that is easy to use and provides value.

9. Car Rental App:

If you’re looking to enter the car rental industry, then developing a car rental app is a great mobile app idea for a successful startup. This type of app would allow customers to rent cars on the go and would be a great way to build brand awareness and loyalty.

10. Healthcare App:

There is a big market for mobile apps that can help people with their health and wellness. This type of app would allow users to track their health, schedule doctor’s appointments, and find nearby pharmacies. It would also be a great way to build brand awareness and loyalty, as customers are more likely to return to an app that is easy to use and provides value.


These are just a few of the top mobile app ideas that will be popular in 2022. If you’re looking to start a successful startup, consider developing an app for one of these industries. Of course, this is only a starting point – Appinventiv can help you develop an app for any industry or niche market. Contact us today for more information about our mobile app development services and how we can help you create a winning app for your business.

Purpose Of Planning And Time Management In Dissertation Writing

Writing a dissertation requires a number of duties to be played with a great deal of responsibility. There should be a correct procedure to follow when writing a dissertation. For instance, a dissertation has five chapters. There are specific topics for definition and detailed descriptions in each chapter. You can handle the numerous components of the dissertation with a good plan.

On the other hand, poor planning and negligence can ruin all of your efforts, and nothing would be productive in the end. At the time of planning things for the dissertation, the major contribution is of time. For writing a dissertation, you are provided with defined time duration and are supposed to submit the dissertation within that slot. With effective planning and time management, you can increase the rate of efficiency. Also, it helps in developing a high focus on the dissertation. As per their importance, this article aims to discuss the purpose of planning and time management in dissertation writing.

What Is Time Management And Why It Is Important For Dissertation Writing?

A procedure to categorize several activities for having the best end results within a specified time is named as time management. The procedure of time management makes things easy to accomplish in a smart way. For example, there are 12 hours to work on an assignment. You can divide the assignment into several parts and keep the order of each part clear to you. Now, assign a particular duration to each part based on its length and the type of data required for it. At the time of working on an assignment, follow your time management schedule and achieve the goal in an effective way.

If you work on different facets of time management, you can find that it covers planning as well as control of activities. Planning is no other than time management. In simple words, planning is one of the aspects of time management that assist in completing a task with less stress and pressure.

With no time management, the pressure to complete a dissertation with the right content increases. It makes you fall into a state of frenzy. As a responsible researcher, you must maintain a high focus on the dissertation. An effective contribution to research helps you make a name as a credible writer. Also, time management is a technique that lets you enjoy every milestone of dissertation writing and make it simple as possible. This strategy makes you able to have control every 24 hours and utilise them effectively. This skill of time management not only helps in the best performance in academics but also prepares you well for professional life. So, it is better to learn and sharpen up your skills regarding time management and planning. However, in case of any difficulties, you may get dissertation help online.

How Do You Manage Time and Plan for Dissertation Writing?

At the time of dissertation writing, you do not have to write five chapters only. It requires so many other things, including resource management, research and collection of relevant data. You have to determine the best platforms that can provide you with credible writers and their valuable data. You can take Google Scholar and ResearchGate as reputable platforms for data collection. Once you step into the final year, it is your responsibility to start planning things for dissertation writing. Also, you can meet all deadlines and secure good grades in academics. Let’s discuss the tips that can help you in effective planning and time management for writing a dissertation that can stand in the crowd. Following are the tips that can work well to make everything fit for a track:

  • Make a timeline
  • Do research
  • Prioritize your activities
  • Set follow-up meetings with your advisor

You can better understand this structure with a description.

Make a Timeline

For a timeline, you can use a calendar, phone and many other things, including an excel sheet or paper sheet. The purpose of making a timeline is to track down the progress of activities. List down the five chapters of the dissertation as follow;

  • Introduction
  • Literature review
  • Methodology
  • Data analysis and results
  • Conclusion and recommendations

A professional approach is to use a Gantt chart for it and make a mega plan for dissertation writing.

Do Research

At the time of writing a dissertation, every single day matters a lot. You should plan all tasks on a daily basis. In this way, you can manage a work-life balance effectively. After having a timeline, start planning things for research. Ask your advisor for better suggestions who is an expert in his field, and then add those tips to your plan. Go for reputable sources and collect valuable data, then add in your dissertation with proper referencing. In your time management plan, you have to specify a particular time to each activity.

Prioritise You Activities

After research, start working on different chapters of the dissertation in a designed sequence. Do not start writing randomly but follow a particular path. You can also start writing at the time of research. On the other hand, you may go for dissertation writing after completing your research. Specify the time for each chapter of the dissertation and strictly follow the period. If there come some unpleasant circumstances, you must review your plan and make changes to it accordingly.

Set Follow up Meetings with Your Advisor

Planning and time management in dissertation writing requires several follow-up meetings with an advisor. A dissertation is a task that needs proper guidance on different milestones. By meeting with your advisor, you can ensure everything is going in the right direction. It is better to schedule meeting at least once a week.

Final Thoughts

By reading the above-mentioned points, you can better understand the importance of planning and time management in dissertation writing. This article also has tips that can help you create the best dissertation plan. By following such plans, you can manage your time in a smart way.

5 Investment Banking Skills a Prospective Banker Must Acquire

Investment banking is among the most difficult career paths to walk as there exists an intense competition for the job roles associated with the said domain, especially when you have got no prior work experience. Besides, investment banking is a highly demanding field of profession that tests you real hard at the beginning of your career on many levels, i.e. relentlessness, perseverance, ability to cope up with work pressure, and a few other such work-related challenges.

Surviving the first couple of years in your banking career is considered the hardest. You need to work long hours on a day-to-day basis, sometimes you may need to work on weekends, then cracking investment deals is some another level of difficulty that demands a strong hold on multiple soft skills, and persuading capabilities, apart from possessing the necessary tech skills. The biggest reason for the intense competition in the global job markets for investment banking jobs is the fat pay cheques associated with them. A great tip for aspiring bankers would be to enrol into industry-relevant investment banking certification programs.

Let us have a brief look on how much the investment banking professionals earn in the US.

Investment Banking Salaries in the US

For the junior-most positions in the investment banking industry in the US, the annual pay at large banks range between USD 85k and USD 95k, along with yearly bonuses amounting 70% to 100% of the aforementioned numbers. Associate base salaries on the other hand, ranges between $140k and $180k with yearly bonuses amounting 100%+ of the base remunerations.

Let’s now come back to the core topic of the article, i.e. top 5 investment banking skills for aspiring bankers.

5 Skills You Must Possess as a Potential Investment Banker

  1. Entrepreneurial

Investment bankers, at some point or the other need to act as sales people, because in totality, banking is a form of business. And at the end of the day, being a part of your firm’s sales force, your ultimate goal is to earn profits for the bank. Investment bankers must ensure that the revenues associated with each transaction have to be bigger than the costs incurred.

  1. Building Professional Bonds (Networking)

Good client relationships are key to succeeding in the banking sector. The human touch makes all the difference. More than often, you have to meet the other investment bankers and investors to help crack a deal, or sourcing deals in the first place. Forming healthy professional bonds, therefore becomes crucial. The better network you have within the said domain, the better are your chances of growing in the said field of profession.

  1. Intellect

Intellectual abilities set you apart in the banking world, and hence, it’s among the most sought after skills in the banking domain. An intellectual banker can think out-of-the-box, which is what every hiring manager looks for in a candidate while filling an investment banking job position. Also, you need to be a quick decision-maker and a thinker, someone who can come up with new ideas and strategies, fast.

Simply imagine yourself in a very likely situation that you would definitely face as an investment banker, some day or the other, when you are at a business meeting related to deal-making and the potential investment-makers ask you some question about the prospective deal for which you are unprepared for. At this very time, your intellectual capabilities need to kick in. A career in investment banking simply cannot be made if you don’t possess a great intellect.

  1. Global Point of View

As a potential investment banker, there is every possible chance of you being hired by an MNC (Multinational Corporation). That way, you will get exposed to many transactions that are executed on global levels. You will be bonding with professionals from different nations. Even in case, you get employed by a local bank, it’s a given that you will still come in close proximity to international transactions. Moreover, each country these days works in tandem with the other countries that exist across the globe. It’s a highly interconnected world in the times of availability of fast web connectivity, and cross-border communication channels.

An aspiring banker can better his global outlook by reading the global section of prominent newspapers, and keeping a constant tab on the news pertaining to international financial markets.

  1. Analytical Bent of Mind

In an investment banking job role, you are asked many complicated questions on a day-to-day basis by your superiors and sometimes, by the prospective investors. To efficiently answer such questions, you are required to see a problem or a scenario from every angle possible, and analyse it mindfully to take an informed decision, that too, fast. To do all of this, you need an analytical bent of mind as it’s much critical to dissecting clients’ issues effectively, and developing varied kinds of financial models based on the client’s situation.

To enhance his existing analytical skills, an aspirant can try solving a Sudoku, or a crossword, or a Rubik’s cube on a daily basis. Or, you can play games specific to brain-storming, such as Chess. One can also opt for solving a business case each day for practice.