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Important Roles of a Medical Nurse

Nurse’s primary responsibility is an advocate and caring for people who require medical attention or assistance.  Nursing has remained under-explored with the vast majority of people today classifying nurses as caregivers with few knowing there are specific roles nurses qualify to perform during their career. For people that have been admitted to a medical facility over a few days, it soon becomes apparent that nurses perform different roles and responsibilities for each of the roles. When admitted to a hospital several nurses attend to the patient, with each one performing different tests and recording specific data. This article will discuss the different roles through which understand how nurses operate and care for patients.

Recording a patient’s medical history and illness symptoms

One of the main roles of a nurse to assess., monitor and record a patient’s medical history and illness symptoms which are verified by the assigned doctor for a final diagnosis and treatment.  Nurses are the first point of contact for the patient as doctors and surgeons may be occupied and busy with other patients. It is, therefore, the nurse’s responsibility to perform a pulmonary assessment and record the patient’s vitals, as well as administer urgent first aid if required. This makes it important for the nurse to have a good grasp of medical conditions and trauma management for them to make informed decisions to prevent further damage or harm to a patient. Nurses handling trauma patients such as accident victims need to assess the patient’s physical and psychological state and determine the patient’s injuries. In case of accident patients, open wounds need to be dressed and x-rays of fractured bones taken to speed up diagnosis and treatment. Patients need to be assessed for internal and external bleeding and evasive actions taken to prevent the patient from suffering further damage or death.

Nursing plan for patient care

Once a patient’s vital has been stabilized, the nurses handling a patient need to be assembled to create a plan for care and treatment. This will require the steps linked to patient care and treatment requirements to first be identified based on which the plans can be designed. After admission and pulmonary assessment, the head doctor and surgeons will assess the patient and recommend treatments. Nursing assignment help care will require being available for the patient always starting from admission, to assessment, through surgery, treatment, rehabilitation and follow-up care. Nurses are involved in each step of treatment thus a detailed nursing plan must be developed for each patient.

Advocate for the health and wellbeing of the patient

Nurses are also responsible for communicating with patients relating to the health services and treatment procedures. This information needs to be shared with the health care facilities administrators and medical staff to help highlight patient concerns which can be used to help streamline processes to improve the patient’s experience in the future. In addition to offering care, the nurses are directly responsible for advocating the patients’ needs which help improve the health care delivered by the healthcare facilities and professionals.

Monitor patient health and record signs

Nurses are also responsible for monitoring patients before, during and after treatment. This is very important as they report the patient’s progress and can report issues to head doctors and surgeons before health issues escalate. Each patient’s records are maintained individually and patterns of treatment and responses recorded which helps the healthcare professionals detect patterns relating to patients responses to the treatment. This is important as it helps determine medications. Approaches and other treatment criteria a medical facility is using to treat patients which may be more effective than others. This information can then be reviewed to deliver important finding which can be published on medical journals and shared with other medical facilities to improve patient treatment and provide assignment help to other students in the field of nursing.

Administer medications and treatments

A nurse is also responsible for administering medication and recording the patient’s response.  This is considered as being a very important role as the medication a patient is given has a direct effect on their health. Wrong administration of medication can result in patient death thus a nurse must ensure the correct medication is being administered. In addition to administering the medication, nurses are also responsible for ensuring the patient is consuming the medication and must also observe the patients reaction to the medication. Medicinal reactions are common among patients and require to be detected as soon as possible to prevent medical conditions escalating out of control.

Operate medical equipment

As mentioned earlier, nurses are responsible for receiving patients admitted to the medical facility both in and outpatients as well as those being admitted at the emergency wards. Nurses require performing the initial assessment and determining the urgency of treatment thus making it important for them to operate healthcare equipment. Operating medical equipment is critical for a nurse to know as this allows them to perform urgent tests on a patient to determine their vitals before doctors arrive to treat the patient. As discussed earlier the nurse should be able to request extras of a patient with fractured bones thus allowing the extra images to be produced before a doctor attends the patient. This also allows the nurse to begin providing first aid to the patient.

Provide support, advise and educate patients on illnesses

Nurses are also responsible for providing patients and their families and guardians with support, advice, information and guidance relating to the patients’ health condition and treatment options. This is important as many patients are diagnosed with health issues late and may require specialized attention, care and treatment. Many patients may be facing serious psychological, stress and anxiety-related issues after being diagnosed with a medical condition thus making it critical for the nurse to offer assistance to the patients, ensuring they get the best care and treatment.

Do These Five Asana’s Daily And Keep Your Stress Levels away

Yoga being highly spiritual anyway works well for unlocking the untapped happiness within our physiques. When practiced regularly, yoga might help in detoxing and stress release, thus departing us rejuvenated and refreshed.

Yoga is the own journey around the pad and you’re competing without anyone whenever you bring yourself on the pad, so please practice each asana carefully rather than push yourself a significant amount to complete any pose around the pad. You need to be and allow it to be as well as your body will flow using the practice.


1) Matsyakridasana (Flapping fish pose):

Start the practice inside a simple flapping fish pose and concentrate on breathing, breathe in and out deeply and then try to relax together with your eyes closed. Child pose is a superb method to slow lower in the fast-paced existence helping in concentrating as soon as, aiding in tuning with this truer selves. It’s demonstrated to help ease panic and anxiety.


2) PASCHIMOTTANASANA (Sitting down forward bend):

Sitting on the ground with legs extended out, feet together, and on the job your legs, while attempting to bring the crown from the mind towards the knees. Paschimottanasana is helpful in maintaining normal blood pressure for High BP patients. This asana works well for relieving the rear stress or discomfort and helps with stretching hamstring and hip muscles, it’s also very useful in the coping track of premenstrual stress too.


3) Padhastaasana (Forward Bend):

In forward bending asanas, gravity is required to stretch muscle groups being focussed upon. In forward bending, the flow from the bloodstream is reversed and also the poses provide the leg, hamstring muscles to unwind, thus works well for easing out and de-stressing just by finding yourself in uttanasana or forward bend pose.


4) Bhumi-pad mastakasana (Half- mind stand):

Put the crown from the mind between you on the job pad and straighten the legs and lift the bottom, balancing around the mind and ft. Bring the heels together and separate the toes. Once the is in the two-mind stand, the breathing becomes slow and deep, maximizing the absorption of oxygen in your body, therefore causing you to feel comfortable and refreshed.


5) Savasana (Corpse pose):

Nearly every individual who has ever practiced yoga is aware of this pose. Savasana is the greatest pose to wind down your entire day and relax, many yoga studios summary the yoga class by practicing Savasana, this pose works well for releasing any difficulty, stress, or any area of the day which bothers you. Even if you’re not practicing yoga regularly, 2-3 minutes put in this posture can help in calming lower a great deal.


Additional Pose

Downward Facing Dog

The fundamentals class within the 200-hour yoga teacher training program in Rishikesh, India consists of the very most misinterpreted pose, the downward-facing dog. This pose is frequently utilized by dance teachers to warm-up before a session and also the students dislike this pose. This is generally adopted through the plank pose, and students find it hard to do it correctly. But during a period they’d learn and take part in the flow.

The pose is extremely popular but through the years many myths about this came up. Probably the most myths are connected with yoga physique and what’s safe. These myths are mainly because of stereotyping of yoga. There’s no ideal method of doing this pose. The practice can differ according to the body and also the purpose that to control your emotions. Yes, there are several instructions for alignment that needs to be adopted but they’re very fundamental and could be made by anybody. So, there’s no ideal way and it ought to be done in the manner comfortable to a person’s body.

7 Biggest Automobile Companies in the USA

The automotive industry is a crucial element and contributes a certain value to the global economy. In the automotive industry, cars, SUVs, trucks, busses, and many other types of vehicles are produced that not only help in our regular life but also used to transport goods across regions. In this blog, we will discuss some amazing and biggest car manufacturing companies and distributors and graphite manufacturing parts in the USA.

1.       1 Toyota Motor Corp. (TM):

A Japan-based multinational company (Toyota Motor Corp.) was the first and largest company to contribute a share in the USA economy. In the automobile industry, Toyota is setting up quality and reliability at a large scale and that’s why millions of the customers trust them.

Here are a few stats that will elaborate the company worth:

·         Revenue (TTM): $248.6 billion

·         Net Income (TTM): $14.4 billion

·         1-Year Trailing Total Return: 1.8%

·         Exchange: New York Stock Exchange

·         Market Cap: $183.3 billion

·         Vehicle models: Corolla, the Prius, the hybrid electric sedan, Camry, 4Runner, and Tacoma

2.       Volkswagen AG (VWAGY):

Germany-based multinational automotive company (Volkswagen AG (VWAGY)) is famous because of its incredible quality cars, trucks, and light commercial vehicles. The company has been competing with different brands because of its famous vehicle models like Tiguan, Golf, Jetta, Passat, and many others.

The figures below will give you a compact idea about Volkswagen AG:

·         Revenue (TTM): $247.4 billion

·         Exchange: OTC

·         Net Income (TTM): $6.4 billion

·         Market Cap: $95.8 billion

·         1-Year Trailing Total Return: 11.2%

3.       Daimler AG (DMLRY):

Daimler AG is also a Germany-based multinational automobile company, manufacturing vans, off-road vehicles, passenger cars, commercial vehicles like heavy trucks and public buses. They create vehicles under various brand names like Daimler, Western Star, smart, Mercedes-Benz, FUSO, and more.

 You can check the stats below about the company:

·         Revenue (TTM): $174.6 billion

·         Exchange: OTC

·         Net Income (TTM): -$309.3 million

·         1-Year Trailing Total Return: 9.8%

·         Market Cap: $58.7 billion

4.       Ford Motor Co. (F):

This multinational automotive manufacturer is quite reliable and manufactures cars, special SUVs, vans, and heavy trucks. Ford Motor Co. produces various brands of vehicles like Escape, Edge, F-150, Ranger, the Fusion, Mustang, and more others. The company also provides financing and leasing for vehicles.

You can check the stats below to know more about the company:

·         Revenue (TTM): $130.4 billion

·         1-Year Trailing Total Return: -24.5%

·         Market Cap: $27.7 billion

·         Exchange: New York Stock Exchange

·         Net Income (TTM): -$2.1 billion

5. Honda Motor Co. Ltd. (HMC):

Honda is a Japan-based multinational automobile company that produces public transport vehicles including cars, transport trucks, vans, motorcycles, and all-terrain vehicles. This company also goes with the line of manufacturing auto spare parts of the vehicles they manufacture. They also offer financial and insurance services for the convenience of the targeted customers. Here are the stats that describe this automobile company well:

·         Revenue (TTM): $120.7 billion

·         Exchange: New York Stock Exchange

·         Market Cap: $43.7 billion

·         1-Year Trailing Total Return: 2.4%

·         Net Income (TTM): $1.9 billion

6.       Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMWYY):

Famous and commonly known as BMW (Bayerische Motoren Werke) is a German-based multinational manufacturer of luxury vehicles. These company brands come as BMW, MINI, and Rolls-Royce. They also manufacture special automobile accessories and spare parts. They also offer financing, leasing, and other special customers to their customers. Read these amazing stats:

·         Revenue (TTM): $116.7 billion

·         1-Year Trailing Total Return: 12.9%

·         Net Income (TTM): $5.5 billion

·         Exchange: OTC

·         Market Cap: $49.5 billion

7.       General Motors Co. (GM):

GM is a multinational automobile manufacturer that deals in designing and manufacturing high-quality vehicles. This company deals under 4 major brand names which are GMC, Buick, Chevrolet, and Cadillac. GM Co. also offers automotive financing and aids its targeted customers with various automobile services. Check out these amazing stats that best describe this automobile company:

·         1-Year Trailing Total Return: -17.4%

·         Revenue (TTM): $115.8 billion

·         Exchange: New York Stock Exchange

·         Market Cap: $45.7 billion

·         Net Income (TTM): $1.7 billion