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Is Customer Churn Acceptable for SaaS Businesses


Churn rate is one of the important metrics that always remain the point of focus for SaaS businesses. Churn is indeed concerning for businesses, however, it can be voluntary or involuntary. Voluntary churn indicates those customers who cancel subscriptions on their will. But involuntary churn rate shows those customers who get their subscription cancelled because of any technical issues.

Whether it is voluntary churn or involuntary churn, SaaS companies need to have failsafe strategies to deal with them and to implement these strategies, they onboard churn management software.

In this blog, we are going to help you know if churn is acceptable for SaaS companies or not.

Customer Churn: a Necessary Evil

Though all SaaS companies put in the effort to avoid churn as much as they can, churn is a necessary evil that cannot be avoided. So is churn acceptable for SaaS companies? No, it is not. However, SaaS companies try to limit churn by opting for various strategies as much as they can. The point is it is not possible to bring the customer churn rate to zero, but strategies are crafted and improvised to minimize the churn realizing that it is a necessary evil. The policies are made to bring churn to the level that is acceptable for SaaS companies.

What Is an Acceptable Churn Rate?

Acquiring more customers to compensate those who are leaving is not a satisfactory strategy to limit the churn rate. Though the churn rate depends on the market where you do business, 5-7 per cent is considered the acceptable churn rate for SaaS companies. Also, 3 per cent is considered a very good churn rate. But not all businesses succeed in limiting the churn rate to this percentage. It depends on competitors and the business market as well. Today, there are varying customer churn reduction platforms that are very helpful in limiting the churn rate. You can also adopt one.

How to Make Your Churn Rate Acceptable?

Now that we agree that churn is inevitable in SaaS subscription businesses, it is important to find ways to bring it to the level that is acceptable for SaaS companies. So, here we are to help you. Following are some of the strategies that are workable when it comes to reducing voluntary and involuntary churn rates.

Opt for Smart Dunning

Dunning is important to recover payments without affecting your customer relations. Dunning is the way of effectively communicating with the customer so that payments can be recovered from the customers. Also, specific templates for dunning emails and notifications are designed and used so that the tone to ask customers to pay their charges may not sound harsh. Many churn software for SaaS also offers dunning management. It is better to go for smart and automated dunning.

It is not easy to manage dunning manually. Why?

  • Dunning emails need to be scheduled
  • Dunning emails have a specific template and a format
  • Dunning notifications and messages have a specific tone

And to manage all these things for all subscribers is not a piece of cake. Therefore, SaaS businesses should go for smart dunning so that payments can be recovered from customers and they do not leave their services or products.

Proactive Approach

To avoid customer churn, a proactive approach is the best strategy. And what to do when you intend to be proactive?

  • Keep track of the customer journey
  • Do customer segmentation
  • Communicate with customers regularly

The most important thing is to never sever ties with the customers. Always maintain communication with the customer.


Nothing can help more than churn management software when it comes to filling the revenue leaks. Yes, it is a fact that customer churn cannot be avoided, but you can bring it to the level where it will be acceptable for your business. No strategy has helped any business in minimizing the churn to 0%, but that does not mean you need not work on it. You need to work on a churn reduction strategy that can help you in reducing the churn to the minimum level. Subscription Flow is one of the leading churn management software that can help you achieve revenue targets by minimizing customer churn rate.

The Impact of EHR In Nursing Practice

Overview: What Is Electronic Health Records Documentation In Nursing?

The nursing profession requires an in-depth understanding of documentation to improve quality care. Whether for the patient’s records or reports, accurate information helps nurses provide excellent service by sharing what has been recorded with other professionals on their team so they can better assist you during your time at a homebound rehabilitation center.

Electronic health records (EHR) is one of the essential tools that help provide care to patients. The EHR allows medical professionals access to information about their current status, past observations and treatments received while also recording new developments for them be informed when making decisions on how best to approach each situation with this individual at hand.

A person’s complete clinical record can now reside solely within an all-inclusive digital system called – Electronic Health Records (ehr). This type provides instant gratification without sacrificing accuracy which makes it easier than ever before possible regardless if you’re looking back over months ago or forward towards something.

The use of EHR systems in healthcare settings has been proven to improve patient outcomes by providing crucial documentation. Nurses cannot afford for any missed opportunities or missteps during their shift because it may lead to an incomplete handover process that could result both parties going back through previous notes with no clear understanding on what should be done next; this scenario would only serve as frustratingly repetitive if we want our best possible care delivered!

Empowering nurses with accurate records ensures they are able to make fully informed decisions about how much intervention will benefit each individual while still providing timely delivery across teams – all without losing sight.

What Is the Impact of an EHR on Nurses’ Productivity?

Nurses on the front lines of patient care need access to vital information about each and everyone they treat. With an EHR system, nurses can quickly locate what is needed in order for them to provide proper treatment with less time spent looking through paper charts or inputting data manually into patients’ records which saves both money and frustration by reducing mistakes made during entry processes where there have been errors before because templates save you from having do things over again if your handwriting doesn’t look like it did when filling out previous forms.

The electronic health record (EHR) is a powerful tool that not only improves efficiency for nurses but also helps them in their professional responsibilities. For instance, it sends medication reminders when doses need to be administered or Advisories against potential adverse effects from drugs being prescribed; it gives immediate access at any time of day to patient history and medications taken before coming into work without having to search through dozens upon stacks papers just so you know what’s wrong with your clientele today – because let’s face few things are more important than knowing how they’re feeling.

Top Benefits of Electronic Health Records for Nurses

Improved Nurse Satisfaction

Nurses are on the front lines of patient care. They rely heavily upon EHRs to monitor their work and improve productivity because it allows them hassle-free quick access as well with all orders prescribed by physicians for nurses can deliver quality treatment while meeting every need at hand – this was shown through an implementation study conducted among medical center staff where they found increased satisfaction levels after using these technologies which led many factors such as reduced workload or medication accuracy becoming much easier than before.

It wouldn’t be wrong to say that the EHR software is a game changer for nurse practitioners. It provides them with comprehensive data that can guide their practice and lead to more accurate, reliable care.

Reduced Time in Documentation

Nurses can save 24% of the time otherwise spent on documentation by using EMRs. This boosts job satisfaction and allows them to perform additional patient-centered care; with all that saved, nursing staff cut down costs for hospitals who are able to benefit from improved outcomes leading less medical errors plus the reduced length of stays in the process too! A study found significant reduction through capturing vital signs directly from connected devices which frees up a chunk percent more n GNP’s total workload allowing better service delivery while also reducing transcription error rates.

Reduced Errors

Nurses must remain vigilant when it comes to safely administer medications. No one is immune from error, but using EHRs can reduce the risk of adverse drug events by 52%. Some have been designed with bar code scanning technology so that nurses never receive mixed-up medicines in their bag or even if they’re written down incorrectly on paper already filled out correctly; instead, an alert pops up telling them what needs correction before you continue writing anything else!

What Are The EHR Challenges for Nurses?

Nurse Practitioners are hesitant to adopt EHR partly because it takes time away from their patients. Surveys have revealed that over 69% percent of nurses feel like they’re wasting valuable minutes on tedious tasks such as scrolling through screens or inputting data into fields when there should be more focus placed on providing quality care and services for clients who need them most.

The use of cluttered EHRs with difficult user interfaces makes it hard for NPs to adapt. The problem is made worse by the inclusion of auto-correct and autofill features, which may lead patients into dangerous mistakes when filling their prescriptions on an app-enabled device or during fieldwork–especially if they are using outdated technology that does not allow bar code scanning capabilities as well delays in receiving laboratory results immediately after blood tests have been performed at remote locations away from major hospital facilities.

Why NRI Sikh does prefer Indian life partner?

In Indian culture, marriage is regarded as being so auspicious event that not only binds two people together but also their family binds them into new relationships. As a most auspicious and important relationship, marriage needs consistency as well as it is necessary to establish and preserve it. Regardless of country, culture, or customs, weddings are the most awaited events worldwide. Indians are happy people who view marriage and weddings as the most hopeful times in their lives. However, finding the ideal Indian life partner might be an arduous task for an NRI.

It can be very challenging for NRIs to marry someone who belongs to the Indian community. It is due to the way of living, cultural dissimilarity, background, upbringing, and most importantly, distance. When two people come from distinct, or more precisely, opposing, cultural backgrounds, things become complicated.

Indians in favor to marry within their own communities the dint of their diverse culture and traditional customs that divide people into several castes, gotras, and regions. Therefore, Indian people hold the view that in order to maintain their religious values and to continue their religion generation to generation one should not marry beyond one’s caste or faith.

Despite these things still, NRI Sikhs prefer to marry an Indian life partner, because of various reasons:

Cultural inclination: In this modern era, due to globalization, various Indians are migrating to foreign countries for the purpose of better living standards, employment, and study basis. And, among these Indians, Punjabi people counting are more who are continuously settling in other countries. However, people find it challenging to adopt a new culture. Even though their lifestyle has been changed and they adopt the new society, they are still clinging to their former cultural instincts and beliefs. They just want to stay in touch with their traditions and culture, therefore NRI Sikh people want an Indian life partner.

Family: Punjabi people who were born in Punjab have a great influence from their upbringing and cultural background. Indian families have a very distinct family structure than those of other countries. NRI men recognize that even if a person from another country can understand their family structure, he/she won’t be able to adapt to their way of life. Only Indian-born boys or girls in India can. It might be difficult for Indian families to deal with vocal relatives. They, therefore, want a life partner with Indian cultural roots who can easily fit in with Indian families.

Returning with ease: In order to return to their home country again, NRIs select Indian life partners. There is no doubt that Punjabi NRIs have their hearts in their native nation yet reside overseas. They desire to marry an Indian person in order to boost their chances of returning. The reasoning for this is so that their soul mate will be willing to travel with them if they ever decide to leave this country on equal footing.

Punjabi Sikh weddings are unique weddings, and many factors make them distinctive and exciting. People are exceedingly fun-loving, amusing, and relaxed. They can celebrate without a special purpose. If they choose, they can plan a new event every other day. Punjabi Sikh weddings can last for days because of this. If you are living in India or any other country or finding a Punjabi Sikh bride or groom then log in with Best Sikh Matrimony. It is the top leading matrimonial website that provides you with various results.