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IELTS Exam Pattern 2022

ielts exam pattern 2022


There are two types of IELTS exam training. First is IELTS General Training. And second is IELTS Academic Training. It contains four sections also i.e., Listening, Reading, Speaking, and Writing. So. Including these all factors we will discuss about the IELTS exam pattern 2022.

IELTS Exam General Training

General IELTS training is given by those who intend to immigrate to a largely English-speaking country. It can also be given by those who move to another country for job training. The results of the IELTS test play an important role in the selection criteria. This exam is conducted and administered by ETS, the Educational Testing Service worldwide. This exam is taken by more than 10,000 educational institutions in more than 150 countries.

IELTS Exam Pattern

We will first go with all the segments of IELTS. Let’s know about the marks, time duration, and paper pattern of all four sections.

IELTS Listening

IELTS Listening exam contains 40 questions in total. It includes four monologues and recorded conversations. Candidates have to listen to the conversation carefully. And after completing the conversation, they put their answers in the answer sheet. The duration of this test is of 30 minutes.

IELTS Reading

It also contains 40 questions in total. You are given three long passages and you have to read the passages carefully and then answer the questions. Texts range from descriptive and real to discourse, and the analysis contains non-verbal material, such as charts, graphs, and illustrations, from the original (taken from books, magazines, and newspapers). Time duration of this section is of 60 minutes.

IELTS Writing

IELTS writing exam has two tasks. That is task 1 and task 2. In addition, students are given information, tables, or diagrams that candidates must explain in their own words. Writing task 1 contains 150 words where candidates have to describe or explain a table, summarize the facts, explain the graph, chart, or diagram. Task 2 contains a short essay of at least 250 words. The time duration for these two task is 60 minutes.

IELTS Speaking

There is nothing to write in this section. It includes a face-to-face interview that has short questions to check your fluency in English. Also, it checks your confidence in giving an answer. It also includes group discussion with the Interviewer. It contains 11-14 minutes to complete the interview.

So, there is one thing to keep in mind that out of these four sections, three sections are held on the same day while the rest of the one will be on another day but in the same week. Exam held on the same day are Listening, Writing and Reading. Speaking part conducts on another day.

IELTS Coaching in Jaipur

If you want to prepare for IELTS seriously then you have to focus on its preparation. If you think that you are not able to concentrate at home then you can join coaching for IELTS. I will suggest you IELTS coaching classes in Jaipur. Well qualified tutors, all facilities related to IELTS preparation are available. They will provide study material also. And make the IELTS possible. Also, you can refer to overseas education consultants for more clarification.

National Federation of the Blind (NFB) Scholarship Program

(NFB) Scholarship Program

The National Federation of the Blind (NFB) Scholarship Program

The National Federation of the Blind (NFB) Scholarship Program for Students with Disabilities is a national scholarship program that annually awards scholarships of up to $10,000 to blind students. The program is open to legally blind high school seniors and undergraduate students who are pursuing full-time studies at accredited colleges or universities in the United States.

Students must have a documented disability that significantly affects their ability to function in daily life activities and maintain satisfactory academic progress toward completing a bachelor’s degree.

Eligible applicants must also demonstrate financial need. For the past 20 years, NFB has provided approximately $7 million in scholarships each year to assist eligible students with their post-secondary education. Scholarships are awarded based on a variety of factors, including academic achievement, extracurricular activities, community service, employment, and financial need.

The application period for the 2019-2020 academic year is now closed. NFB will announce the recipients of the NFB Scholarship Program for Students with Disabilities during the Awards Ceremony on May 4, 2020, at the Jernigan Institute in Washington, D.C. National Federation of the Blind Certification Program

Necessary Training for Those Who Work with the Blind and Visually Impaired #NTBI

To ensure maximum benefit to those who receive the training, the initial portion of the course must be followed by at least 80 hours of supervised fieldwork under the guidance of a certified trainer. NFB strongly encourages certified trainers to participate in fieldwork as well.

This 80-hour fieldwork requirement may be completed in the classroom under the guidance of a certified trainer or through actual hands-on experience in the community setting, depending on the training program offered. Certificates of Completion may be issued for the NFB NTBI Training Program. #ntbicom

This online course, Necessary Training for Those Who Work with the Blind and Visually Impaired (#NTBI), is designed to provide comprehensive training in three core areas:

1) information and referral;

2) specialized skills training; and

3) emotional intelligence.

By selecting one of the modules that interest you, you can receive training in a particular discipline or receive a complete training package.


The ensuing conditions apply to all aspirants

  • Must be cleanly sightless (PDF) in both eyes.
    Candidates by requirements must be a resident of the United States, the District of Columbia, or Puerto Rico.
  • Candidates are expected to be at least up to 18 years to be eligible by July 5, 2022.
  • Must be Going for or planning to Go for a full-time,post-secondary program of studies in a degree program at U.S. institute in the fall of the time of Applying (one scholarship may be presented to a person recruited full-time while He or she attends academy part- time).
  • Must partake in the exclusive NFB National Convention and in all of its listed education program exercises ( winners will Earn support to attend the public convention).

How to Apply NFB scholarship

To apply for the NFB scholarship you must Have to be sure you passed all the eligibility and requirements needed before  March 31, 2022. Then scroll down towards this link below and apply

Online Application here https://nfb.org/civicrm/scholarships/login

You can also check: aim global scholarship accredited schools

How does education contribute to community development

How does education contribute to community development

Education has a major role to play in community development. It is the principal means by which communities can lay the foundations for future progress and prosperity.

  • How does education contribute to development?
  • How do we recognize when an educational system is failing students, teachers, parents, and society in general?
  • How broad should the spectrum of education be when you look at all the different types of education?
  • How do we make sure education prepares children with the necessary skills to be competitive in a global economy?
  • How is education linked with development?
  • How do we reconcile access with quality when it comes to education in developing countries?

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These are some of the questions that will be addressed in this article.
To answer any question about how something contributes, you must first understand what that contributing means. In relation to community development, “education has been defined as a process by which knowledge and skills are transmitted from one generation to another” (Shad/Marks, 2001).

The definition is very simple, but necessarily so because there isn’t a universal description for this process or any agreed-upon way it happens. How education contributes to development is more about how education can be used as a tool for those who want to develop communities and those who want to do the developing.

How do we recognize when an educational system is failing students, teachers, parents, and society in general?

The first step is recognizing when an educational system is failing children, teachers, parents, and society in general. How do we make sure that it prepares students with the necessary skills and knowledge they need to be competitive in a global economy? How broad should the spectrum of education be when we look at all the different types of education? How do we reconcile access with quality? How does this relate to community development? These are all important questions because most countries have difficulties providing for their citizens due to financial reasons, political corruption, cultural beliefs, etc., thus making education a difficult task especially with all the other challenges communities face. How do we move forward if “education has become a bottleneck to development” (Shad/Marks, 2001)?

As Shad and Marks claim in their article How Does Education Contribute to Development, education is not just about reading, writing, and arithmetic? It’s about all the different aspects of life that are being discussed through educational institutions around the world.

How you can contribute to your community depends on what part of your education you have mastered or are learning more about.

We see today many children have lost interest to study and this is all due to the bad governance in some countries, particularly Africa and some parts of Asia. A lot of issues arise when children are not taught killings rape and other evil among the society.

When the educational sector is poor or down the country is said to be going into future collapse. Education does not only contribute to the development of the community also develops the mindset of every child to learn to be responsible grow up and give back to its community