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The world at present is all about technology leading to extensive digitalization. It means having a strong digital market for your business is needed now more than ever! Regardless of the operating scale and size of your company, digital marketing has become a crucial aspect of success. Even the old-school or conventional business owners are now opting for digital marketing strategies to flourish and expand their business. So if anyone is not opting for such smart strategies, they are taking their setup towards downfall.

Now, the point to ponder here is: What types of digital marketing strategies should be formulated and how?

Digital Marketing Strategies for Business Growth

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

It is the most basic and most important strategy to market your business digitally. Search engine optimization actually directs high traffic of relevant audiences on your business website or digital profile by natural means. You need to optimize your business website according to the ranking parameters of search engines so that the search engines upon relevant queries direct the users to your website. SEO itself is a detailed and lengthy process! If your website’s search engine optimization is done right, then your website would appear among the top results in SERPs (Search engine result pages).

Pay per Click (PPC) Advertising

Pay per Click advertising is the most powerful inorganic digital marketing strategy. The interesting fact about it is that you only have to pay for results and not for ad space!

It is basically a paid advertising process that follows an auction-based system. You have to bid for keywords that you want to include in your ads, and when the users click on your advertisement as it appears among top search results, only then you have to pay. The aim is to reach the target audience when they are seeking something. This strategy has proved to give a quick boost to businesses!

WordPress Website Development

In order to conduct digital marketing of your business, your business must have an internet or online representation such as a digital profile or website. Creating a website sounds complicated and an expensive process, and it actually is! But website development over WordPress has made things much convenient!

WordPress is basically a site-building forum that also serves as a content management system, which can be downloaded and installed for free! WordPress website development is not a simple process; however, if one has slight know-how of the field, WordPress website development could be conducted successfully by following the instructions stated/ given by WordPress.Creating websites over WordPress gives you the additional advantage of ranking high on Google and other search engines. Besides, these websites are also quite responsive and functional.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is another major strategy that helps you create an influential digital market for your business. It makes use of strong content to reach, engage, and connect with customers. This content is very informational, and it mainly includes blog posts, videos, and infographics, content that provides value to the customers.

By conducting content marketing for your business, you deliver valuable information to your relevant target audience, increase traffic on your site, and eventually generate conversions. During Content marketing, your site’s content is also optimized to improve visibility and enhance ranking over search engines.

This tactic would cost you an amount that’s62 percent less than conventional marketing tactics. It is also considered a smart tactic in today’s digital era as it connects a business with its audience throughout the buying funnel and doubles the website conversion rates. Besides, it also generates impressive ROIs (Return on investments).

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is a recently trending digital marketing strategy. The overall idea behind social media marketing is to build brand awareness among the audience and increase the rate of conversions by reaching out to more people.

Different marketing campaigns are launched over social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Linked In, and several others. As a business owner, it is your choice to launch your marketing campaign on any of these social media platforms or all forums, considering your audience. These campaigns mainly focus on creating informational and promotional content, building the company’s reputation, and interacting with users the respective forums.

Almost every other person uses social media, and thus it is considered a strong medium to create a digital market for your business.

These are the smart digital marketing strategies that will help you establish a vast digital footprint on the internet. The higher your digital visibility, the greater are the sales!

Generation Jobless Reflection

The video highlights the predicaments to the employment opportunities in Canada. The employment opportunities in Canada are reducing at a massive pace. There were times when the country was offering immense employment opportunities to young graduates. However, the current employment has posed threats to the economy and financial determinants of Canada. The major amount of unemployed in Canada belongs to young people. The fresh graduates are unemployed, and the unemployment rate has crossed the 15 percent ratio. The young people are mostly doing odd jobs. The skill and the learning are highly wasted due to the increase in the trend of doing odd jobs even after acquiring high-level degrees. The young graduates are also underpaid which has impacted the economy of the country.

The ratio of doing odd jobs has increased to one in three young graduates who either are doing odd or underpaid jobs. This trend has increasingly affected the demand for skilled and learned graduates. The situation has also impacted the financial conditions of young people. Young people are motivated to start the ladder of success. Therefore, they start their careers with odd jobs, which they think are a way to their financial and career predicaments. However, after doing these jobs, the young graduates distract from their respective fields of studies. Their financial conditions also become worse, and they mostly end up with a lot of debts. The unemployment of these young graduates is a sorry state for the Canadian economy. The burden of unemployment is ultimately bored the economy of the country.

The Generation Jobless is also finding the reasons behind the increasing unemployment of Canadians. One of the reasons explored by the Generation Jobless is the globalization and rapid changes in the international economy. The world has become a global village with a huge dependency on technology. Technological advancements have allowed companies to digitalize their works and outsource them for better results. The connectivity level of the world has made outsourcing easier and fast than before. Therefore, the companies do not need young graduates for their increasing work level. Furthermore, the companies have focused a lot on the training and development programs during the past few years.

Due to these changes, the companies now invest more in the already trained employees who become an asset to the companies. The young graduates are not ripe enough to provide abrupt benefits to the companies. Therefore, the companies do not want to indulge in the training of fresh graduates. These reasons have put the future of young graduates at stake. The experienced employees are delaying their retirements, and the young generations are put into limbo. The solution to these problems is not the responsibility of one authority or organization. The collective response from the government, the private sector, and all the stakeholders would manage this unemployment gap. Unemployment in Canada is also marred by several flaws in the educational system.

The education system in Canada is decentralized, and there are very few or fewer regulations to it. Therefore, the young people are not catered to by the institution for their career needs. The video also sheds light on the lowest unemployment rate in Switzerland. The need of their hour is to put a string educational and national career policy in force. This policy would be based on the set principles which could serve the unemployed graduates in Canada. Furthermore, Canada needs to develop a national mechanism that would analyze the skill level of young graduates. The analysis of skills would help the country to put the important man force in the relevant fields.

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LeRose, S. B. (Director). (2014). Generation Jobless [Motion Picture].

How to Avoid Production Line Issues with an ERP?

No business comes without challenges. However, there are some industry sectors that have complex processes and therefore face various internal and external challenges. For instance, discrete manufacturers continuously face production bottlenecks. They keep looking for effective solutions to reduce overhead costs and improved productivity at their manufacturing plants. 

Sacrificing the product quality may help decrease the production cost, but eventually, it will result in dissatisfied customers who will stop buying from them. So, why not modernize and automate your manufacturing processes and streamline production workflows. It will help you control and minimize the possibilities of production bottlenecks.

Get the ease of production management in your control.

ERP production management system plays a significant role in improving your business agility by making your production plants more efficient. If you are in a manufacturing business, you have a pretty good idea of how production bottlenecks result in time, money, and resource waste. It’s something none of the manufacturers or any business owner can afford.

Well, production line issues are quite common, but their early identification could help tackle them timely to avoid production gaps and inefficiencies.  

Let’s see how to make it happen.

Systematize your production processes with reorganized resources:  

Mismanagement of production workflows is the biggest of all issues. It results in a consistent rise in WIP (work in process) factor, which is not acceptable at all because it will increase the cost and reduce the profit margin.

The solution lies in production flow automation. Streamline all your manufacturing processes from the shop floor to the assembly line and supply chain with the best ERP software. Plus, improved scheduling of the production processes helps allocate your people and machinery more efficiently and hence timely delivery of customer orders.  

Now, as you will have a deeper insight into what’s happening on the production line, you can quickly identify the potential bottlenecks and take necessary measures to handle it before it causes you any loss.

MIE Trak Pro provides a flexible production management module to help manufacturers build accurate schedules using real-time data. It will also aid in the precise reorganization of both tangible and intangible resources you need at the shop floor and assembly line to avoid possibilities of production bottlenecks.

Focus on procedural guidelines related to shopping floor labor and machines:

Lack of resources is another issue that could decrease your production rate. Manufacturing bottlenecks do not only mean you are having problems on the shop floor or assembly line. It can be related to not having enough and competent labor and modern machines. Your machines may need maintenance, but since you are operating the shop floor with insufficient guidelines you are unaware of this thing. Moreover, you might be using an outdated ERP or one that lacks proper integration with the production line.

It means you need to reevaluate and redefine your production process guidelines focusing on labor and machines. Also, you need a fully integrated production management system to manage production jobs and resources. If you don’t have accurate guidelines for production manpower and equipment you will keep facing problems in the form of faulty products and order delays. Put corrective actions in place without missing the big picture – satisfied clients – and by ensuring that every single employee is following the predefined, accurate instructions.  

Make sure your machine’s capacity is up to the mark:

It’s not only the timely maintenance of your production equipment but its capacity of meeting the customer demand. If your machine capacity isn’t keeping up with the daily demand, it may need to be replaced. Now, how come you get to know about this issue if your production supervisor doesn’t inform you because he was trying to use it beyond its capacity to increase his team’s production numbers. An ERP system will help you in this regard. The ins and outs of raw materials and components and completed jobs will tell you how your workers and machines are performing.

It seems too appealing to push your machines beyond capacity to meet the production demand or when deadlines start to bite down or you get urgent mid-order changes or increments in the product quantity. For all these reasons, when you use a machine without breaks and try to take it beyond its standard capacity, it will accelerate the wear and tear process – it will increase the possibilities of its absolute failure. It will result in a serious production bottleneck which may not only be associated with only one phase but may halt the entire assembly line.        

Last but not least is poor forecasting about required materials, components, and resources you need on a production line and times of high sales orders. This will cause a grave bottleneck before you even get started with the production process. Here, you need flexible production management software like MIE Trak Pro that will help you with predictive analytics for accurate production forecasting and the ability to think long-term for business success. As you can predict the times of high customer demand, you can easily plan for it beforehand.   

In a nutshell, you need to pay more attention to your production processes and make sure that each and everything related to it is in perfect shape and order; be it the shop floor and assembly line workers or machines. Don’t let anything disturb your manufacturing plan performance because it can put your production to a halt.

Concluding Thoughts: 

You must achieve a harmonious balance of people, processes, and technology to avoid any chance of congestion points along your production line. But, what exactly does it mean? You need to implement an ERP solution that helps you streamline your manufacturing processes and elevate the capacity of your tangible and intangible resources you engage at the shop floor. Choose the right enterprise resource planning software to get rid of production problems and failures.  

Want to increase your production efficiency by eliminating the potential bottlenecks? Bring MIE Trak Pro into practice. Schedule a free demo now.