Top 30 Silent Quotes
Silence is like a motivational Thursday following a trying Monday. And let’s face it, Mondays are often tricky. Why? Considering that it follows a Sunday that you don’t want to end. Surely not?
Because it might be challenging to keep your mouth shut when you have so much to say, silence is like a Thursday. On the days after Thursday, you may accomplish what you can’t do now. The end is on Friday. You know you have missed many other opportunities to express yourself, but…
For example, many of us refrain from visiting a buddy in the hospital out of concern that we won’t have the right words. However, being there for your friend conveys everything they need to know: “I’m here for you.”
You must also listen to Amazing Slow Downer to keep your mind calm.
Listening without speaking is a sign of wisdom, not incompetence.
May these sayings encourage you to soar above the din and discover the value of stillness?
- Never assume that shouting is powerful and quiet is weak.
- The best reaction to an idiot is silence.
- Some hearts may communicate with one another even in quiet.
- There are answers in the void of silence.
- Rather than the words of our adversaries, we shall recall our friends’ silence. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- On occasion, it’s wise to maintain silence. Without ever speaking a word, silence may convey a lot.
- A lack of reaction counts as one. It’s also a strong one.
- The wisest response is silence. -Euripides
- As you get more intelligent, you speak less.
- Wise men give themselves the benefit of the doubt and keep quiet while deciding whether to talk or not. Nelson Hill
- Only speak out if what you have to say would be more wonderful than being silent.
- The most important discussions in our life take place in quiet. (Simon Van Booy)
- On occasion, it’s preferable to let quiet speak for itself.
- Even in quiet, a heart worth loving is one you can comprehend. — Shannon L. Alder
- They are unsure of what to attack while you create in quiet.
- As you age, you understand that keeping quiet may be just as effective as making a point.
- The most profound emotions are frequently conveyed in quiet.
- The gift of silence. Recognize its essence’s worth.
- The more you calm down, the more you hear.
- Muhammad Ali once said that silence is golden when you are stumped for a response.
- An intelligent man once remained silent.
- There are several types of silence, each with a distinct significance. Charlotte Bronte.
- Pay attention to stillness. There is a lot to say. – Rumi
- According to Marcus Tullius Cicero, one of the great talents of discourse is silence.
- Sometimes, the best response is to stay silent. Dari Lama
- Put a lot of effort quietly and let success speak for itself. (Frank Ocean)
- Keep quiet and stay safe—quiet never betrays. the late John Boyle O’Reilly
- The stillness made me feel at home and alive, inspiring me to explore my inner world. — Karen Armstrong
- You should never return insults. People’s rudeness to you is a reflection of who they are, not of who you are.
- I wasn’t blind, but I was silent.