
According to Ayurveda there are lot of causes of Aphoria

“According to Ayurveda, there are a lot of causes of aphoria.
And the treatment of infertility through Ayurveda has shown great results.
Whether male infertility or female infertility, Ayurveda has tackled both
thoroughly and with great care.


The topics you will go through in this article are:

about Ayurveda

causes of infertility according to Ayurveda

Infertility treatment through Ayurveda

How can Ashadha Ayurveda help?

About Ayurveda

 Ayurveda is one of
the oldest medicinal systems originating in India. “Ayurveda is a combination
of two Sanskrit words – ‘Ayur’ and ‘Veda’.” That is why the science of
longevity is mentioned in Ayurveda.


The ancient ages of India did a lot of research not only for
the healing of the body but also for the upliftment of the mind and soul. They
came up with certain medicines, remedies, and yoga and meditation practices for
the well-being of body, mind, and soul.

According to Ayurveda, there are five basic elements in the
human body – fire, space, air, water, and earth. These five elements when
combined in the human body are called five life energies or doshas. These
doshas make the bodywork in certain ways You and in our lifestyle, this is very important for


causes of infertility according to Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, when the doshas are not in balance,
it leads to diseases including infertility in the body.

1. Kapha Dosha: This life force is known to control the body
strength, muscle growth, immune system, and weight.

Consuming so much sugar, sleeping during the day, or
consuming too much water or salt can worsen kapha dosha.

If your body is Kapha predominant, then imbalance in your
the body can lead to developing breathing disorders, asthma, diabetes, cancer,
nausea, obesity etc.

2. Pitta Dosha: This life force is known to regulate
metabolism, digestion, and hormones related to your appetite.

Pitta dosha can be aggravated by spicy and sour foods, or
prolonged exposure to sunlight.

If your body is pitta predominant, you are more likely to
have conditions like heart disease, Crohn’s disease, infections, high blood
pressure etc.


3. Vata Dosha: Ayurveda practitioners believe that Vata is
the most powerful of all the doshas. It controls heart function, breathing, the
ability to eliminate waste from the mind and body.

Fear, lack of sleep, frequent meals in a short span of time
and dukkha contributes to the disruption of Vata.

If your body is Vata dominant, then imbalance in the body
can lead to heart disease, anxiety, rheumatoid arthritis, skin problems, etc.

Infertility treatment through Ayurveda

One can easily find success stories of ayurvedic infertility
treatment on the internet. Ayurvedic medicine is highly effective for the
treatment of infertility. An Ayurvedic doctor will prepare the treatment plan
as per the requirement of the patient. Many people go for Panchakarma treatment
to cure their infertility issues. There are many Ayurvedic herbs and medicines
for infertility for women and men. Know more about Panchakarma treatment.

Panchakarma Treatment for Infertility

Before prescribing Panchakarma treatment for the patient,
the doctor will study the physical and emotional state of the patient, and then
formulate a treatment plan accordingly. This is done to make the treatment

Pre Panchakarma Treatment

Oliation: In the oleation process, medicated oils selected
as per the requirements are used for massaging the body. Patients also have to
drink medicated ghee or oil for some time. This therapy can last for 3 to 7 days.



Sake: After applying oil, there is a compress. In this
therapy, sweating is induced in different ways. It increases the heat (Agni) in
the body which helps in burning the excessive fat in the body and also eliminates
the toxins.

main panchakarma therapy

Vamana: Vamana therapy is given after passing through the
body oil and compress. In this, the patient is made to vomit after consuming
some herb.



Its purpose is to cleanse the stomach and intestines. Toxins
present in the intestines and digestive system causes a lot of trouble to the



Nasya: By putting drops of the medicine in the nostrils of
the patient, the nasal and throat passages are cleaned.



Basti: This is the cleansing of the rectum. Doctors clean it
by pouring medicated milk, ghee or oil into the rectum.



Raktamoksh: The aim of the doctor in this is to clean the
impurities of the blood. It is very useful in curing acne, pimples, skin
problems, and other blood-related problems.

If you also want to know more about this treatment and other
we also have sexual treatment, Where you can reduce yourself.

How can Asha Ayurveda help?

Asha Ayurveda has helped many people suffering from
infertility. Doctors are easy to find for Ayurvedic treatment, but finding
experienced doctors can be a bit difficult. We have highly trained and
experienced doctors. We provide treatment for Infertility, PCOS & PCOD
Tubal Blockage, Hair & Skin Problems, Psoriasis, and many more.

Health benefits of lemons


Lemons are a great source of vitamin C and fiber, lemons contain many plant compounds, minerals, and essential oils. Citrus fruits like lemons are high in vitamin C, a primary antioxidant that helps protect cells from damaging free radicals. You’ve probably heard that vitamin C may help prevent or limit the duration of the common cold in some people, but studies are conflicting.

While lemons don’t top the list of citrus fruits high in vitamin C, they’re still a good source. of vitamin C. In addition, they’re a decent source of potassium and vitamin B6.

Lemon contains approximately 10% carbs, which are mostly soluble fibers and simple sugars. Their main fiber is pectin, which may help lower blood sugar levels.

Lemons contain plant compounds that provide various health benefits. These compounds include citric acid, hesperidin, diosmin, eriocitrin, and d-limonene.

The juice of one lemon provides about 18.6 milligrams of vitamin C. The recommended daily amount for adults is 65 to 90 milligrams.

Citrus fruits, including lemons, are associated with numerous health benefits. Their vitamins and fiber, as well as their powerful plant compounds, are likely responsible.

Vitamin C found in lemons may help reduce skin wrinkling, dry skin from aging, and damage from the sun.

In fact, lemons may support heart health, weight control, and digestive health. Vitamin C may reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke, and lower blood pressure.

Intake of fruits high in vitamin C is linked to reduced heart disease risk. Low levels of vitamin C in the blood are also associated with an increased risk of stroke, especially among those who are overweight or have high blood pressure.

Intake of isolated fibers from citrus fruits has been shown to decrease blood cholesterol levels, and the essential oils in lemons can protect LDL (bad) cholesterol particles from becoming oxidized.

Lemons contain small amounts of iron, but they are a great source of vitamin C and citric acid, which can increase the absorption of iron from other foods. Because lemons can enhance the absorption of iron from foods, they may help prevent anemia.

Lemon juice may help prevent kidney stones. Citric acid may help prevent kidney stones by increasing urine volume and increasing urine pH, creating a less favorable environment for kidney stone formation.

Drinking lemon water may decrease stress, enhance immune function, help prevent anemia, reduce your risk of kidney stones, and protect against several diseases.

What does an ENT Doctor in Jaipur do?

ENT is the abbreviation for “otolaryngology.”Otolaryngology is the medical specialty that treats disorders and affections of the ear, nose, and throat, thus incorporating three different areas with a high degree of specialization. However, because the structures of the ear, nose, and throat are closely related, both anatomically and functionally, the three areas are generally all integrated by ENT doctors in Jaipur to establish a diagnosis. 

Ailments affecting the external ear, ear canal, and middle ear can often be treated effectively both physically and with medications. However, surgery may sometimes be necessary, such as placing a drain, closing the eardrum perforation, or cleaning the ear for inflammation, as well as interventions to improve hearing. Conversely, suppose nerve cells in the inner ear or vestibular system are involved (such as in the case of tinnitus, age-related hearing loss, dizziness). In that case, it is not always possible to undertake causal therapy. Nasal breathing disorders, chronic colds, and pressure in the face may be related to a deformity of the nasal structure (e.g., of the nasal septum) or a disturbance in the ventilation of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis). If conservative measures (such as using a nasal spray) are not effective enough, surgery can often be helpful.

What Treatment ENT Doctor In Jaipur Offers

 Septorhinoplasty (correction of the deviated nasal septum), rhinoplasty (correction of the entire nasal structure), and endoscopic surgery of the paranasal sinuses are some of the most common operations in the ENT field. Problems related to swallowing, sore throat, and hoarseness are typical symptoms requiring consultation with an ENT doctor. In ENT practice, modern endoscopes allow detailed observation of the alterations of the nasal cavity and allow inspecting the whole of the pharynx and larynx and detecting and promptly treating changes in the mucosa. Snoring is a problem that is often not limited to noise disturbance alone, as it can affect sleep quality and cause other negative effects. 

An ENT medical examination is a potentially very useful diagnostic component when the patient suffers from sleep pane and fatigue during the day. An ENT doctor in Jaipur is a specialist who knows about the potential diseases or injuries affecting the throat, nose, and ear organs. He deals with otolaryngology (ENT) in English Otorhinolaryngology as a medical specialist. It is a broad branch of medicine and, as a specialist branch, deals with the ears, respiratory tract, oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, and esophagus. The term “ear” is hypersonic that includes the pinna and lobule, the ear canal, the middle ear, the inner ear, the central auditory system, and the auditory centers. Based on the severity of the disease, which can have various consequences for the patient, the otolaryngologist decides the most effective treatment to follow: he can administer drugs or decide to operate on the patient if in the presence of a more complex disease. Familiarity with the operating room is an aspect that characterizes this profession. 

It also carries out its work in collaboration with various specialists, using their skills to build specific rehabilitation paths. Collaboration with the speech therapist, for example, can facilitate the patient in the correct use of language and voice after surgery. 

When one should have a Consultant with an ENT Doctor in Jaipur

The work of an ENT doctor in Jaipur includes prevention, diagnosis, operative and conservative treatment, assistance following therapy, and rehabilitation of pathologies and injuries, malformations, alterations, and tumors of an ENT nature. It also deals with the treatment of hearing, speech, language, and voice disorders. ENT specialists cover the entire spectrum of the otolaryngologist (ENT). When to see an ENT doctor? If you have an earache, don’t hesitate and contact your ENT doctor immediately. 

Only a specialist ENT doctor in Jaipur can ascertain any ear disease and, in the case of otitis, determine whether it is a bacterial infection or a virus and then identify the correct treatment. Especially in the case of babies and small children, an appointment must be arranged immediately. ENT pediatrician and pediatric audiologist Children are particularly prone to ear infections. If there is any suspicion, the ENT pediatrician should be contacted immediately. Even in children, hearing loss can be due to several causes. Ear diseases in children must be diagnosed and treated quickly to avoid permanent hearing loss. The ENT doctor is the perfect interlocutor.

If a child has permanent damage due to ear disease or a congenital malformation, hearing aids can help their development. Amplifon pediatric audiologists specialize in approaching children. They perform hearing tests, look for the appropriate hearing aid with the child, and accompany them in setting up the hearing aid. Hearing aids support children’s cognitive and language development.