Month: October 2021

Glam Up Yourself With The Best Authentic Makeup Brands

Even the most seasoned beauty editor’s head can spin with the sheer number of makeup companies on the market—not to mention the number of new ones emerging every day. As a result, there are more products and formulations accessible than ever before; whichever type of makeup you’re looking for, we assure you there’s a company out there that has it. But nothing beats authentic makeup brands’ products. 

Keep Reading To Find Out More About Which Brand Can Serve You The Best

Armani Beauty

Since its inception in 2000, this worldwide fashion brand has been a significant player in the luxury beauty industry. There’s a reason why Giorgio Armani Luminous Silk Foundation is iconic, a cornerstone for professional makeup artists and committed consumers alike. It’s incredibly adaptable, and always leaves a silky and radiant finish.

Fenty Beauty

Rihanna is now regarded as an extensive beauty mogul, possibly even unlike a music icon. Fenty Beauty was founded in 2017 by Rihanna, who was motivated by the absence of hue diversity in the beauty business. Unsurprisingly, this company’s complexion cosmetics are a classic, and they come in a wide range of colours; the foundation, for example, made headlines when it debuted with 40 various shades.

Pat McGrath Labs

Pat McGrath is a makeup icon, possibly among the most creative of all time. She was a regular at fashion events worldwide and collaborated with several brands before establishing her line in 2015. This is a label for women who enjoy cosmetics and want to achieve McGrath’s edgy, editorial appearance. McGrath is famed for her ability to transform ordinary skin into a glossy, glowing masterpiece.

Rude Cosmetics

Rude Cosmetics was established in 2016 with the express intention of providing a qualitative, cutting-edge range of cosmetics at affordable pricing. If you are aiming for a natural, loud appearance or, as the company prefers to call it— rude makeup, the objective is to let your ideas flow essentially. With the Roaring 20s line, Rude Cosmetics managed to bring forth defiant and rebellious beauty in the current century, which featured the palette dubbed Reckless. Why go subtle when you can don rude makeup and stand out?


This recent arrival is capable of a broad spectrum of beauty applications and excels at them all. The company is all about primary, quick, and straightforward beauty; their products offer skin-loving components, blurring the distinction between skincare and cosmetics in hybrid compositions ideal for individuals who like a simplified routine. The products also have unusual, comforting textures, such as a coloured face oil and a fluid shadow, unlike anything we’ve seen before. The best thing, they are cruelty-free and a clean brand.

Charlotte Tilbury

Charlotte Tilbury, a Britain-based makeup artist, is a red carpet mainstay recognized for her glossy, feminine appearances for her A-list clients. In 2012, she started her original label to give genuine women worldwide access to the same level of glamour. Sure, the design is stylish, but the formulae don’t disappoint, with each new release making it even more delighting than the previous one.

Let’s Make Looks Better With Makeup

Someone quoted, “The best makeup a woman can wear is passion. But cosmetics are easier to buy.”

Makeup is all about expression, impressions, and passion. And, all these “ions” make a significant difference to our appearance.

Makeup is all about enhancing looks. So invest in authentic makeup brands. Using the finest and best quality makeup products is a promise made to yourself for a killer dazzling smile and lots of confidence. 

What is Digital Marketing, Income, Career – Beginners Guide


In simple words, digital marketing is a branch of marketing that uses the internet and electronic channels to promote the product and services.

Some of them are promoting through e-mail, social media, youtube advertising, and advertising on the website, etc. In recent years, there is a huge leap in internet users.

Almost all people around the World access internet which creates the opportunity for the brand to connect to their audience. Here digital marketing comes in the role.

Digital Marketing

In this era of cut-throat competition in every market, it is not easily possible to survive without advertising your product. It is also essential to have the Right marketing strategy.

Digital Marketing has the potential to reach and promote the product or services to a large audience. The job of a Digital Marketer is to engage with people in the digital space and present the intended product or services to the Right Audience with the right information and message.

Moreover, one benefit of digital marketing is that brands can promote their product to a large audience which is not possible in traditional marketing.

As it is based on digital technologies that make it highly volatile and dynamic because of rapid changes in digital technologies, a Digital Marketer has to keep himself aware of new changes in technologies.

Some of the digital marketing channels allow two-way communication like Facebook, Youtube sponsorship, and Instagram, etc which enables the targeted customers to share their opinion, thought, and experiences.

This two-way communication modal allows the brand to receive feedback about the product or services and build a strong customer support service.

Another benefit of digital marketing is that the brand can analyze the results of different marketing channels and change and direct its strategy accordingly.

Types of Digital Marketing

  • Internet-Based Digital Marketing
  1. Affiliate marketing
  2. E-mail marketing
  3. Social media marketing
  4. Influencer marketing
  5. Search engine optimization
  6. Search engine marketing
  7. Content marketing
  8. Website advertising
  • Non-Internet Based Digital Marketing
  1. Television marketing
  2. Radio marketing
  3. Mobile marketing through SMS and call

How much do digital marketing people earn?

It totally depends upon your creative skills and hardwork. Along with these, experience also plays a crucial role in bringing revenue for you. People providing Digital marketing services are often working as independent people.

If you are passionate about digital marketing, you can make lakhs in a month. On the other side, there are many people who earn around 20000 per month from digital marketing. So your skills and knowledge decide your income.


As Digital Marketing will be the leading advertising modal in the future, everyone is rushing towards it. On the other side, it is creating employment opportunities for people.

People with sound knowledge of digital marketing are paid a good amount of salary. Digital Marketing, being a large space requires different digital marketers specializing in various job roles of digital marketing. Some of the roles are as follows.

Digital Marketing Manager

A Digital Marketing Manager must have knowledge and skills to manage various digital marketing functions such as SEO, SEM, e-mail marketing, and social media marketing, etc.

His job profile includes managing the budget for a campaign and spending them effectively. He is responsible for the execution of the marketing campaign.

He takes decisions regarding areas and volume to be targeted. In the end, he has to make a report on the performance of the campaign.

SEO specialist

The most crucial role in digital marketing is SEO specialist. Without an SEO specialist, it is almost impossible to successfully implement a marketing campaign. He is the person responsible for reaching a campaign effectively to the right audience.

The job profile of an SEO specialist requires good knowledge of ranking algorithms and SEO tools like google analytics, Similerweb, Search console, and SEMrush, etc.

Choosing a HIPAA compliant messaging app and why it matters

The total global mobile health (mHealth) market is predicted to reach nearly 100 billion U.S. dollars in 2021. That would be a fivefold increase from around 21 billion dollars in 2016.

Therefore, it is clear that healthcare messaging needs to be HIPAA compliant to ensure that sensitive data like Protected Health Information (PHI) is protected while in transit. In this article, we will explore the best HIPAA-compliant text messaging apps, what some of their key features are, their pricing available, as well as look at how to go about choosing a HIPAA-compliant secure texting app for healthcare.


The 5 best HIPAA compliant messaging apps – A feature-wise comparison

Healthcare apps with messaging features are many, but, here is a list of the best HIPAA-compliant texting apps available today that provide the best support for both patients and doctors alike.


1)      OhMD: Transparent and Affordable Pricing


OhMD claims to be the simplest way for healthcare providers and patients to communicate and they are justified in making this claim. With a user base of over 30000 healthcare professionals, they have the numbers to back them up.

OhMD is a HIPAA-compliant platform that provides patient communication, video consults, appointment reminders, and a host of other features. All of this without even needing the patient to download an app!

Their unique two-way communication system allows the patient to access a link right from their text messages that open up a video conference on their browser. Considering all information is secure in a HIPAA-compliant messaging system, this makes it a very good option for both healthcare providers and patients alike.


Some of their features are:

·       Over 50 EHR integrations

·       Easy User Management

·       Appointment Scheduling

·       No App needed for patients

OhMD’s plans come at very affordable rates as well. The Basic plan is free to use, and they have two more: Plus (at $7 per user, per month) and Reach (which needs users to reach out to their sales team).

2)      TigerConnect: A Comprehensive Solution

Named a Category Leader in 2021 in telemedicine apps, TigerConnect is a comprehensive HIPAA-compliant chat software that can be used across the desktop and as a phone app.


It uses 256-bit AES encryption to send messages. No one may copy, paste, or forward these communications for extra protection. Physical precautions such as biometric measures, backup generators, and cooling systems are included in their data center security features. They’re also SAS 70 Type II certified, and they’re encrypted at rest using AES 256-bit encryption.

According to their website, some of their unique features are:

·       They are HITRUST certified

·       It allows for one-to-one or group messaging features like chat rooms that are HIPAA compliant.

·       Priority messaging feature that puts high-priority messages at the top of the recipients’ inboxes.

·       Message recall function

·       Secure attachments

TigerConnect’s pricing is available on request.


3)      Providertech: Innovative and Making News

Providerteach has been making waves in the secure medical messaging app space. In 2019, they were featured by HOP (Health Outreach Partners) as an innovative outreach practice leveraging technology to create trusting relationships, ensure access to health care, and improve self-management of care for vulnerable populations.

Providertech is also HITRUST certified and their secure, healthcare communication app is not only a HIPAA-compliant messenger but also adheres to the HITRUST CSF Assurance Program requirements for security.

In addition, some features they offer, among others, are:

·       Speedy delivery of test results to patients electronically

·       Vaccine Management

·       Population outreach

·       Real-time but HIPAA secure messaging

Providertech’s pricing is available on request.


4)      Halo Health: Early player but still relevant

Founded in 2014, Halo Health was one of the first cloud-based HIPAA-compliant chat systems that were implemented. They are hosted by Amazon web services and have continued to bring about improvements by providing avenues to improve clinical collaboration, and communication between patients and healthcare providers and thereby improving patient outcomes.

Their customers range from independent clinics to large healthcare providers looking to automate and streamline their processes without compromising on patient communication and outcomes. Their chat solutions are also HIPAA compliant and they have more than 20000 users on their platform.


Some of their features are:

·       It allows for audio and video conferencing

·       Has discussion forums available

·       Tracks No-Shows for easier scheduling

·       Sends out automated appointment reminders

·       Their entire platform is HIPAA compliant

·       Has the ability to send messages tailored to the recipients for example to doctors vs nurses

Pricing for Halo Health can be obtained by contacting them directly.

5)      Spok: Seamless Interoperability

Spok’s main USP is its interoperability. With its ability to integrate with most EHR and clinical systems, it offers seamless integration. In addition, with its HIPAA-compliant chat options, there is a very good reason it makes it to the list of the best apps for HIPAA-compliant text messaging apps.

Some of the features that Spok provides are:

·       A full audit trail of messages

·       Sent and read receipts of messages

·       On-Call Scheduling

·       Sharing clinical diagnostic results quickly and efficiently


One of the most unique features that Spok offers is its DPE (Device Preference Engine). This feature enables Spok to match the priority of messages to the preferred device of the user, thereby ensuring that users have access to the highest priority messages earliest. For example, if someone has selected their smartphone as the device they have the most immediate access to, the highest priority messages are sent to their smartphone whereas something that is not so urgent will be sent to their other device to be accessed later. This way, it prevents information overload as well as overcrowding of the preferred device.

Spok’s pricing is also available on getting in touch with them.

How to select a HIPAA-compliant messaging app

While these options are the best available, you might decide to go with another option or need some pointers to select the one that you might want to use for your business. We have put together a few pointers to consider.

          Consider HIPAA compliance messaging app and other security certifications

          Ensure implementation of adequate quality controls

          Assess the list of all features that suit your business


Covid-19 has made access to healthcare using virtual means even more critical than it was before. In addition, with strained resources, it has become essential to use resources optimally so that healthcare providers can focus on what they do best: taking care of people’s health. Virtual texting apps go a long way in helping this objective. However, considering PHI and other compliance factors around healthcare, it is imperative that not just any solution be used. Instead, using a HIPAA-compliant messaging system will make such interactions not only easier but also secure, adhering to protocols.