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Planning To Set Up A Solar Farm? Be Ready For These Challenges

Technology has yet again given people a new professional realm altogether. Yes, people all over the globe are stepping into the world of solar farming. The mounting demand for land approvals to start a new solar farm is undoubtedly the epitome of how people are foreseeing tremendous golden possibilities in the realm. No wonder successful and visionary solar farmers are about to emerge in the coming years. However, everything that shines isn’t gold. While it is exhilarating to see people excited to start their solar farms, they must also dive into the practical situation and be prepared for the challenges.

No man alone can create history. Before starting a big venture like a solar farm, you need the support of quality men and women eager and capable to work for your vision. That’s when you would need highly efficient labourers for solar farms. Hesitate no more and contact Labouroo  for professional and affordable labour in Australia.


Now that you know whom to contact to get a strong team working for you, you do not need to worry much about obstacles coming your way. Read on to know the challenges you need to prepare for. 

Challenge 1-

Enough Space Availability

Setting up a solar farm is not a cakewalk. It is a huge project, and thus it requires a lot of space. Anyone and everyone who ever plans to build a solar farm needs to know that they might be needing a large area of land, to begin with. Experts say that you need at least 15 acres of land for your solar farm. However, the larger the space, the better and more convenient it becomes for you. Therefore, don’t forget to invest in a large area of land for your solar farm project. 

Challenge 2-

The Land Type

As much as it is necessary to look for a large area of land, it is also viable to pay close attention to the type of land. A keen and efficient assessment of land is important, to begin with, your project. Essential factors like the closeness of the land to substations and power lines, accessibility of water, and soil composition are some of the many things you need to consider before finalizing the land for your solar farm. 

Challenge 3-

Legal Issues

Make sure your dreams do not violate the law in any sense. Yes, a solar farm is a big project and thus it requires a lot of legal requirements to be fulfilled before its commencement. Note that this dream of setting up a solar farm is a long-term deal, and thus no legal violations will be tolerated, either done intentionally or unintentionally. It is a mandate for aspiring solar farmers to take care of every legal requirement and abide by every legal guideline or law to begin and sustain a successful, hassle-free solar farm project. 

Challenge 4-

The Right Labour

Every big project comes to success with the help of rightly skilled professionals working together for a vision. That’s what Labouroo aims to provide. Yes, we provide highly-professional, skilled, and affordable men and women that are eager to be a part of solar farm labourer jobs like the project you have in mind. Our labourers know how to bring a vision to successful completion; kudos to their zeal to perform better every day! 

Challenge 5-


Dreaming of a solar farm is one thing and setting it up, in reality, is another. Even if you have just the right expertise to kick-start your project, you will not be able to take it far if you do not have enough money to support your dream. Yes, the sad truth is that your bank account should be strong enough to bring your big solar farm project into existence. Even if you are planning to opt for a loan, you must have a lot of savings for an effortless journey ahead. A solar farm is a big project that requires you to burn your pockets at almost every step. From high land costs to the sky-touching cost of the machinery to the never ending machinery cost, you will have to invest a lot before hoping for any returns. In such a case, Labouroo aims to give you a breath of relief with its affordable labour services. When you get highly professional labourers for solar farms at an affordable price, it is surely a jackpot. Don’t miss the chance and contact Labouroo right now!


Three Solutions to Stay on Top of Your Supply Chain

Get an efficient Last minute delivery software that helps you in multiple tasks allocation, intelligent monitoring, delivery scheduling, and several other advanced features now available in both web and mobile apps. Last mile delivery software helps clients to schedule their delivery of a product to their customer’s door step, monitor their products in real time, make payments via multiple payment gateways, and give ratings or feedback about the delivery experience. It also integrates with client websites to display the customer’s order history, shipments and phone numbers, product information and reviews, in real time. The software can be customized to include several other advanced features.

Last minute delivery management systems and the mobile apps used for route optimization processes are indispensable partners in delivering a superior customer satisfaction experience. The efficiency of these tools allows companies to improve their customer satisfaction rating by delivering services faster than they previously did. Customer satisfaction is enhanced because of route optimization applications that help clients avoid bottlenecks in distribution and packaging. Delivery optimization helps companies save money by improving the on-time percentage of shipments while cutting expenses related to excess inventory and late deliveries. Route optimization requires real-time monitoring of routes, product availability and current state of inventory to determine the optimum routes for future deliveries.

Route optimization requires precise real-time data such as shipping dates and product availability for every shipment. In this regard, most real time GPS devices are helpful in helping fleet managers determine delivery date and times. Most delivery management software programs provide a detailed overview of the entire route. Along with delivery schedule and product availability, the software provides route maps and traffic data. Advanced fleet management systems, real time GPS, and detailed reports help management technicians generate reports that are accurate and up-to-date.

Fleet management requires effective driver tracking and transmission of accurate information. Real time GPS devices and other forms of advanced driver tracking applications are useful in ensuring that drivers are efficient and accurate. Route optimization programs that incorporate last mile delivery management systems also provide accurate estimates of fuel consumption and vehicle costs. This improved financial model helps optimize a company’s capital budget.

Route optimization relies on the last-mile delivery software, which delivers alerts when the status of a particular shipment changes. An integrated delivery application includes multiple layers of security features to prevent hacking, tampering, or false alerts. A successful fleet delivery requires a robust and reliable driver tracking system that delivers real time updates and alerts. Most companies offer a first-click notification system that delivers alerts when packages are in transit or waiting on the pickup dock. A customizable live tracking map lets drivers follow their routes from A to B without spending extra time on the road.

Fleet management systems can improve customer service because it enables companies to streamline processes and improve the speed at which deliveries are completed. It also reduces customer hold times by speeding up order processing and eliminating last-minute delivery mistakes. Most systems offer the ability to track and trace shipments, which allows companies to track and trace orders as they are delivered to customers. Order tracing helps improve customer satisfaction because you can determine the status of an order after it was received instead of just when it leaves your store. The last-mile delivery software also offers advanced dispatching functions that enable companies to dispatch products to the right locations with minimal downtime.

Final Mile delivery management software can help improve customer service by giving you real time data on the status of orders before they leave your store. You can also get swift delivery management software that offers three different solutions for fulfillment, delivery and customer support. If your organization needs additional solutions for logistics, consider getting swift delivery management software.

One last way that the most successful companies manage their supply chain is by using their network of distributors. When a distributor’s truck or delivery car is out of service, it can create problems for other distributors. Distributors miss out on business and have to invest extra resources to get the vehicles back in service, which can disrupt the flow of operations. Distributor management software, such as NPDx, provides alerts and notifications on the status of distributor trucks and delivery cars. This alerts a distributor when a delivery car or truck is out of service so that they can get it replaced quickly and resume normal operations.

BEE Certificate gives star rating to your Products and more

To promote conservation of energy, Indian introduced BEE certification. India also created a Bureau through which it can keep a sharp eye on the electric power efficiency of the consumer products. IF you are one of the electric appliance producers, remember that the bureau of always watching. 

But it’s not to punish you, it’s to motivate you. The Bureau of Energy Efficiency in India rates your products via star rating when you obtain BEE registration. Depending on the rating you’ve gotten, you can effortlessly market your products. However, if your star-rating is less than what you asked for, you can go back to the drawing board and redesign your product. 

So, what is BEE certification in India? This blog is going to give you the answer to this question and will also tell you how to obtain it quite easily. 

BEE Certification: History and Definition

When the 21st Century arrived, people’s perception towards electrical products changed, and so does the seller’s. Appliances that were once seen as luxury, became a necessity. People who once couldn’t afford them, now saved to buy them. Soon, the prices dropped as well, and more and more people started to buy the electrical appliances. At hindsight, it was admirable. However, the more the electric appliance sale rose, the more government got afraid of losing valuable electric power. 

That fear gave rise to BEE certification in India. By testing the product and rating on its energy efficiency, the Bureau intends to promote manufacturers to create products that use less electric power. At the same time, it promotes people to buy products that are five star rated in terms of electric efficiency. 

How to get BEE certification in India

The process to get certification by the BEE in the form of star rating involves two stages of steps:

  1. First, you need to get your brand registered by the BEE. To do that, you need to file an online application via the official BEE portal. The BEE certification requirements for brand registration are as follows:

    1. Trademark registration certificate of the brand

    2. Company incorporation certificate

    3. MOA

    4. Sample of products. 

  2. Once you have gotten registration for the brand of your electrical appliance, you can move on the model registration. It’s here the device is tested by the BEE and given a star rating. The documents required for this step are as follows:

    1. BEE brand registration certificate

    2. Test reports from an NABL accredited lab

    3. Sample of the product. 

So, how much does it cost to go through the entire process. The brand registration fee has to be paid one time. However, the BEE registration fee for the models is INR 2000 per model. 

An additional part to remember is that the certification is only for a finite time. Meaning that as the time passes, the product will lose its efficiency. 


BEE certification is a process that can be considered the need of the hour. However, it requires a deep level of insight into the product’s efficiency. If you’re looking for it for your product, reach out to our BEE certification consultants.