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Top Tips for Making the Transition to Remote Working

Once a niche idea for only a certain type of person, remote working, exacerbated by the coronavirus crisis and the real need for people to stay at home, it looks like it is here to stay. Due to the flexibility and privacy, it offers you, it might be something that you are actually interested in. Perhaps you have already been offered a job within the remote working sphere. If this sounds familiar, then you are in the right place, as this guide has actually been created in order to give you the essential overview when it comes to making sure that have you a successful transition to remote working.

Move Somewhere With Cheaper Cost of Living

If you are working remotely, this means that basically, time zone notwithstanding, you can live anywhere that you want in the world. This means that you should be taking advantage as much as you can by moving somewhere with a much cheaper cost of living. The main point here that you have to take into consideration is the cost of relocation, especially when it comes to vehicles and pets.

 If you have a dog that you need to move to a new place, then you should look around for a great dog transport service that can offer you a reasonably-priced dog taxi. Additionally, be careful about moving to another country, as the USA still has a double-tax law, meaning that you could end up losing money if you move abroad.

Keep the Schedule

Remote work does offer flexibility, but it can also offer confusion. This is why it doesn’t work for a fair amount of employees, who prefer the hustle and bustle of the office. Nonetheless, just because you are not physically in the office, this doesn’t mean that you have to throw the schedule in the trash. Instead, what you need to do is to devise a schedule that actually works for you. By having that fixed idea of what you should be spending your time on, you will then find yourself working a whole lot better as a result.

Ask For a Remote Work Budget

Working remotely for a lot of companies is not just as simple as opening your laptop in bed. Instead, they have to make sure that their remote work employees are properly set up to do their job. This requires having a lot of different technology involved. Nonetheless, if you are hired on a full-time remote contract, it should not be your responsibility to fork out the money involved in this type of relocation.

Instead, ask clearly and firmly to the company you are working for to give you the money needed to set up remotely. If they cannot commit to giving you the money that you need, then you should probably take your skills elsewhere, as this is actually a sign that they are actually a company that doesn’t truly understand the different emotional and technological needs that are involved with remote work.



Etiquette is the set of conventional rules of personal behavior in polite society.
Usually in the form of an ethical code that delineates the expected and accepted social behaviors that accord with the conventions and norms observed by a society, a social class, or a social group.

You can say “Etiquette” is merely a set of guidelines for politeness and good manners, the kindnesses with which we should always treat each other. It will always matter! Etiquette, the complex network of rules that govern good behavior and our social and business interactions, is always evolving and changing as society changes.

The word “Etiquette” comes from the French word “etiqueta”

The French word “etiqueta” means “ticket” or “label attached to something for identification.”.

In 16th-century Spain, the French word was borrowed (and altered to “etiqueta”). To refer to the written protocols describing orders of precedence and behavior demanded of those who appeared at court.
Eventually, “etiqueta” came to be applied to the court ceremonies themselves as well as the documents which outlined the requirements for them. Interestingly, this then led to French speakers of the time attributing the second sense of “proper behavior” to their étiquette,
And in the middle of the 18th century English speakers finally adopted both the words

The Ancient Egyptian vizier Ptahhotep wrote The Maxims of Ptahhotep (2375–2350 BC).
A didactic book of precepts extolling civil virtues, such as truthfulness, self-control, and kindness towards other people.
Recurrent thematic motifs in the maxims include learning by listening to other people. Being mindful of the imperfection of human knowledge, and avoiding open conflict, whenever possible, should not be considered a weakness.

That the pursuit of justice should be foremost.
Yet acknowledged that, in human affairs, the command of a god ultimately prevails in all matters; thus some of Ptahhotep’s maxims indicate a person’s correct behaviors in the presence of great personages (political, military, religious). Instructions on how to choose the right master and how to serve him.

Moreover, other maxims teach the correct way to be a leader through openness and kindness. That greed is the base of all evil and should be guarded against. And that generosity towards family and friends is praiseworthy.

Confucius (551–479 BC) was a Chinese intellectual and philosopher.
Whose works emphasized personal and governmental morality. The correctness of social relationships, the pursuit of justice in personal dealings, and sincerity in all personal relations.

Baldassare Castiglione (1478–1529), count of Casatico, was an Italian courtier and diplomat, soldier, and author of The Book of the Courtier (1528).
An exemplar courtesy book dealing with questions of the etiquette and morality of the courtier during the Italian Renaissance.

Louis XIV (1638–1715), King of France.
Used a codified etiquette to tame the French nobility and assert his supremacy as the absolute monarch of France.
In consequence, the ceremonious royal court favorably impressed foreign dignitaries whom the king received at the seat of the French government, the Palace of Versailles, to the southwest of Paris.

Etiquette reflects our cultural norms, generally accepted ethical codes, and the rules of various groups we belong to. It helps us show respect and consideration to others and makes others glad that we are with them.

Without etiquette, members of society would show far too much impatience and disrespect for one another. Which would lead to insults, dishonesty, cheating, road rage, fistfights, and a rash of other unfortunate incidents

How Do I Restore My Contacts in Outlook 2016? Here’s the Solution

How Do I Restore My Contacts in Outlook 2016? – 2022 Latest Solution

How do I restore my contacts in Outlook 2016? This is the query that we get from a lot of users around the world every month. So, here we are with both manual & latest automated solutions that can easily counter the complications involved. This article includes the modern & manual solutions along with their advantages & disadvantages in detail for a smooth recovery operation.

As we know that PST files are quite sensitive, and users must keep them safe. However, there are scenarios, when they accidentally lost their files due to viruses, deletion, or other reasons. To recover these crucial files there are a couple of methods available that we’re going to discuss in detail. By the end of this article, you can clearly select a perfect solution for yourself & simply restore your Outlook contacts.

How Do I Restore My Address Book in Outlook 2016 Safely?

Well, we have the manual method for this solution, but we can’t say that it is totally safe. That’s why the modern approach for the same is what we call the perfect solution that users can get to maximize safety & accuracy.

The automated solution consists of the Best Rated Outlook Recovery Tool that is designed with the sole purpose of handling this issue. So far, the utility is quite successful & even recommended by IT experts. If you’re in need of any automated tool, this one can be the perfect choice for you.

Follow the easy steps mentioned below with their respective visuals & simply get the best results as expected.

Step-1.  Download & Launch the Recovery Utility on your computer that allows you to search & select files to recover.

Step-2. Now as per your preference & available time, simply Select either the Quick Scan or Advance Scan option.

Step-3. Here, the utility scans your system & recovers all the files & highlights the deleted or corrupted files in Red Colour as shown in the image. 

Step-4. Select the Outlook Contact Files you need & then Set the destination path & Click on the Export button.

Advantages of Using the Automated Method

Now as discussed the safest method, let’s understand how it restores Outlook contacts in such an easy manner. This can help us understand the features & advantages that we can avail using this automated method for recovering our PST data files.

To get an answer to the user query ”how do I restore my contacts in Outlook 2016”, getting a deep insight into the features & advantages is important. The major features of the tool are listed below.

  • Ability to recover permanently deleted contacts from PST files due to any reason.

  • Selective export feature to export required data files & save time & storage space.

  • Highlight the deleted files in red color after recovery for ease of identification.

  • The search file option enables users to restore multiple data files / Outlook.bak files.

  • The tool is capable of removing encryption of SMIME & OpenPGP from all the files. 

  • If your files are password protected or corrupted, it can still recover these files easily.

  • Last but not least, this software support all of the Windows OS & Outlook(32/64) Bit.

How Do I Restore My Contacts in Outlook 2016 Manually?

If you’ve not permanently deleted your contacts, you can get them back using the Outlook application. However, if you have deleted your contacts permanently, then the task gets a little more complicated. Here, we’re going to get the solution for temporarily deleted items.

Step-1. Launch Microsoft Outlook on your system.

Step-2. Go to Deleted Items Section in the email folder list.

Step-3. Find your data in the Search Deleted Items box.

Step-4. Right Click on files >> Move >> Other Folders.

Step-5. Select the Contacts folder & Click on the OK button.

Where Does The Manual Method Fail?

It is important to understand the loopholes of the modern method in order to make a final decision in selecting the method. The manual method was decent at the time but nowadays it’s outdated & full of drawbacks.

Below are the drawbacks of the conventional method that makes it a bad option for users. These limitations are going to help you in understanding the solution to the query “how do I restore my address book in outlook 2016”.

  • Outlook installation is mandatory in the system to execute this method.

  • The above-mentioned manual method does not recover permanently deleted files.

  • ScanPST.exe is required for recovering permanently deleted files that are outdated.

  • This method does remove the file corruption of only minor levels which is annoying.

  • The manual method fails to repair files with more than 2 GB within the size limit. However, the modern approach does not have any limits.


This task seems quite difficult without understanding the technicalities of the operation. It’s normal for new users to be a little nervous. However, learning the smart way to execute the process with the right tool in the right way can reduce complexities. To counter all the limitations present in the manual method, an automated solution is quite reliable as per experts’ suggestions.

No user will ask how I restore my contacts in Outlook 2016 after learning this advanced solution. Several users have reported that the automated solution can provide them with expected results without even understanding the technicalities of the operation. “It is the best solution,” they said.