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Does having your prostate removed shorten your life? Is it better to have the prostate removed or radiation?

According to the National Institute of Health, approximately 14% of men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point of their life. The most common cancer in men is prostate cancer followed by lung cancer. It occurs in 14% of men and some of them have died from the disease. It is surely a chronic disease but nothing like it cannot be managed. The best prostate cancer doctor in India suggests – radical prostatectomy as the surgical removal of the prostate gland and associated tissues.

Well, you’ll be glad to know that removal of the prostate DOES NOT shorten your life. It rather improves the life expectancy in men suffering from prostate cancer


According to published reports, it is observed that men with radical prostatectomy have gained an average of 2.9 years of life expectancy. Although regular follow up after the removal of the prostate in men is necessary. 


To confirm the statistics, let’s take into account the research that was conducted among 695 men diagnosed with localized prostate cancer under the age of 75 had a 10-year life expectancy and no other cancers that could limit their lifespan. PSA levels in all of the men were less than 50 ng/ml.


Is it safer to have the prostate removed or to have the prostate radiation therapy?


Prostate cancer has historically been treated with radiation therapy. After five years of radiation therapy, one-fourth of the men had a recurrence of cancer. Radiation therapy has certain complications. Men’s bowel problems are the most common. Likewise, surgery- radical prostatectomy also causes certain side effects such as erection issues and leakage of urine. Although surgery has greatly increased a man’s chance of survival when radiation therapy fails.  

It is observed that 88.6% of men were still alive for 10 years while 72.7% of men were alive for 20 years. The prostate gland and surrounding tissues are removed during a radical prostatectomy to prevent the cancer from spreading. This procedure is a complex medical procedure as the tissues are scarred during radiation therapy, thus making it challenging for the surgeons to locate and remove the tissues that need to be cut. 

An oncologist specialist may remove the prostate and surrounding tissues through open surgery or a robotic minimally invasive technique for localized prostate cancer surgery.

Although studies suggest that this surgery can bring a ray of hope and peace of mind among cancer patients. 

Having said this, it is completely your call what treatment option best suits you. Your doctor will also recommend the best treatment based on your health condition and preference. Understanding the two treatments will help you to discuss your options with your oncologist. 

As both radiation and surgery will have some complications. If you want to get rid of cancer by removing your prostate gland, you’ll have to go through surgery. The thought of getting rid of cancer makes a person feel better.

Still confused about what will be the right choice for you? Let us help you here. We have listed some parameters to outweigh which option is rather better for you. 


  • Understand each treatment option:


Prostate cancer treatment in India understands choosing between radiation treatment and surgery to remove the prostate can be daunting. These two treatment choices are only for patients suffering from localised prostate cancer. Both treatment options work well as the chance of spreading the cancer is low. Both treatment options have certain side effects such as bowel, erection or bladder problems. For some individuals getting rid of the cancer provides much relief. 


If you want to cure your cancer without having to undergo surgery, you should consider radiation therapy. Radiation may help avoid erection issues and certain men choose to keep their sexual function as long as possible.


Each treatment has its own pros and cons. The treatment option can differ person to person, depending on health condition and personal preference on how you feel about the treatment. You may discuss it personally with the best prostate cancer doctor in India and also take live experiences from patients who have undergone both kinds of treatment. 


  • Now that you’re aware about both the treatment options, compare the results such as what is involved in both treatments, what are the benefits of each and list the side effects associated with it. 


  • Lastly, the decision will depend on your personal choice so make a wise decision. 


Surgery can help increase life expectancy in men with prostate cancer if radiation therapy fails. The treatment option you choose is completely your personal choice. Both treatment options can help lower the chance of cancer. The Aga Khan University Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya is considered the only best hospital for robotic radical prostatectomy. The cost is unknown. The cost of radiation therapy for prostate cancer in India is estimated to $8500 which is lower than any nation in the world. 

The beauty of tourism on Sadranan Beach

Sadranan Jogja Beach is a hidden gem diamond that suddenly emerges from the treasure trove of rows of beautiful beaches in Jogja.

Like other beaches in the southern zone of JogjaSadranan beach also has characteristic white sand with coral reefs in the very zone close to the shoreline. This white sand is reminiscent of famous beaches such as Kuta in Bali and Mandalika in Lombok.

However, this beach in Gunung Kidul has the advantages of two famous beaches, namely the presence of coral reefs on the beach. In addition, this beach is also still fairly quiet. These two advantages make visitors really able to enjoy the beauty of the beach without becoming disturbed by the hustle and bustle of humans.

For those of you, World Health Organization wants to enjoy the beauty of Sadranan Beach. You will be withdrawn the Sadranan beach entrance ticket price of 10 thousand rupiah. Plus, a parking fee of 2 thousand rupiah for motorbikes and 5 thousand rupiah for those World Health Organization use a car.

Pantai Sadranan tourist location also has various kinds of rides that you can enjoy. Starting from a jet ski that will boost your adrenaline for racing on water.

The rental fee is up to 250 thousand rupiah. Complete with international standard safety equipment.

Additionally, there are also several huts or gazebos for rent ranging from 10 thousand to 25 thousand rupiah. For those World Health Organization want to relax and blend in with the soft sand, there is a mat that can also be rented for 20 thousand rupiah.
If you are curious about the beauty of beaches in Indonesia, for example, Sadranan Beach.
You can also visit the site to find out more.

Location of Sadranan Beach

This beach is administratively located in Pulegundes II Hamlet, Sidoharjo Village, Tepus District, Gunungkidul Jogja Regency. Jogya Sadranan Beach is located in one, complex with other beach tourist locations around Gunung Kidul.

However, it needs to be understood, because this location is relatively new to Halayak, the visits are still relatively low. This condition implies that access has not been as smooth as other beaches in Gunungkidul.

Sadranan Beach Entrance Ticket

In contrast to other tourist objects that fix tickets at ” decent ” prices, the entrance ticket to Sadranan beach is relatively cheap, especially considering the extraordinary atmosphere offered on this beach. The beach manager fixes a ticket for IDR 10, 000 per person.

This fee will increase the parking fee of 2 thousand rupiah if you bring a motorbike. Meanwhile, for cars, a parking fee of 5 thousand rupiah is charged.

For opening hours, Sadranan Wonosari beach is open 24 hours.

Sadranan Beach Facilities

The facilities around the location are sufficient, to support the comfort of visitors while enjoying the beauty of this beach.

For the convenience of visitors, this beach has available: bathrooms, changing clothes, lodging, food stalls, gazebos, parking areas, photo services, and also snorkeling equipment rental.

Lodging on Sadranan Beach

Even though the place is relatively new and relatively remote, the facilities at Sadranan Wonogiri Beach are quite adequate, including lodging. Most of the lodging facilities available are homestays managed by the local community.

However, even though it is managed by the community in a self-managed manner, dont worry about inconveniences. The homestay around the Gunungkidul beach zona, although, still standard, is quite complete. The price is not too expensive, around Rp. 200 thousand per night.

Some inns close to Sadranan are:

Sadranan Bamboo Bungalow, Sadranan Rest Lodging, Bob Home Lodging, Wilujeng Lodging, Sumantri Cottages.

Also, Slili Lodging, Machiko Lodging, Rimba Stay SadrananShakuntala Cottage, Asmara Hotel, Rock Garden Homestay and Indrayati Curved Bamboo Lodge.

Apart from the lodging, which is on average on a hill with a wide beach view, visitors can also stay in camping tents. Visitors can set up tents on the beach.

But keep in mind to always keep the beach clean. Beach managers will usually warn visitors if they dispose of used camping trash on the beach.


Pondering over getting a tattoo for the first time in your life? Are you a lost puppy and don’t know what to do and how to get a tattoo safely? Think no more because we have got you covered with all the details that you need to know before getting your first tattoo. 

Getting a tattoo is both an enthralling as well as a little worrisome experience because you get skeptical of all the possibilities of it going wrong somehow. It is for sure normal and is better to worry because then you will be more careful and will make the best choices. For just some ideas visit  and everything that you need to know before making an appointment is listed in detail below and will help you get the best experience, so you will have zero regrets.


What You Need To Know Before Getting Your First Tattoo:


Think it through: Tattoos are permanent and getting them removed is an extremely painful process so think through what you want and where you want it. Give yourself time, and do not get ahead of yourself. You can browse through the internet and find various options and choose one that suits your style and personality. Tattoos also have deep wonderful meanings so you can get a meaningful tattoo as well. Get inspiration from your favorite celebrities and friends who have tattoos. You can also get ideas from tattoo shops which will provide you with catalogs to choose from. So do your research and come to terms with something that you know you will cherish for a long time.


Search Tattoo Artists: Do not just settle with the first person you meet. Remember it will remain with you forever if you do not want to go through hell to get it removed, so it is pivotal that you choose the best person for the job. Check reviews and meet their regular customers. You can also approach people you know who have tattoos and are satisfied with the work of the artist because they will give you genuine advice. 


Learn about the quality standards and protocol: You should have a fair idea about in what environment you should be getting the tattoo. Make sure your artist uses a sterilized needle for all of his/her customers. The shop should be clean and the artist should also follow the general cleanliness guidelines. It is important to consider such things to avoid the possibility of getting an infection because the needles pierce through the skin layers which is the first line of defense and interacts with the body fluids. But there’s no need to worry yourself, just search for a hygienic place, certified and experienced artist and you will be good to go. 


Get comfortable with your tattoo artist:

Discuss your concerns with the professional you choose. You should feel comfortable in asking even the most intimate questions and the artist should convince you with the best replies. It is important to feel unburdened and take advice from the artist.


Don’t opt for cheaper options: Do not get thrifty. It is a lifelong decision so please give heed of it and go for the safest options. The safest options do not always have to be extremely expansive, but something within a decent range can provide you with the best first tattoo experience. Visit different tattoo artists, read reviews and ask your friends to recommend an affordable and reliable professional.


Know your skin tone: Not many people talk about this but knowing your skin tone is very important before you get a tattoo. Colors look different on cool and warm-toned skin so it is important to know your skin tone to choose the right colors for your tattoo.


Take good care of yourself: Taking care of your body and skin before getting a tattoo is very important. Do not get drunk and tipsy for almost a week before getting inked. Also, drink lots of water to make sure you stay hydrated. Take decent meals and sleep well. Do not go tanning and go about your day without wearing sunscreen because you don’t want to have sunburned and irritated skin before getting a tattoo.


Mentally prepare yourself: Relax. It’s not that big of a deal. Mentally prepare yourself for some pinching pain but it isn’t really that bad so you do not have to be scared. Once you know what and where you want to get yourself inked it will be all fun, and the pain will go away when you will see the result that you’ve been imagining for long. 


Wear airy and comfortable clothes: When going in for your appointment it is necessary to wear comfortable clothes. Your skin becomes extremely sensitive after experiencing the needles and ink so you have to be very gentle on it and not need your clothes to be grinding and pulling against the wound even though it will be bandaged. 


Take care of your tattoo: Taking care of the tattoo and being patient with it is crucial. Take care of it as would for a newborn baby. Tattoos are basically inked wounds in the skin, and like any other wound, it takes time to heal. Keep in mind there won’t be any problems unless you become you try to speed things up. It is important to keep it bandaged for the period your artist has asked you to and you also need to keep it clean. Stay at home as much as possible and go out only when necessary than to wearing a hefty amount of sunscreen. Wear loose clothes and stay hydrated. Taking care of such basics will save you from major post-tattoo traumas. 


If you follow the above mentioned guidelines you will for sure cherish your tattoo experience and will be willing to get more. Doing something for the first time is always a little perplexing but once you get past the stage of deciding and are confident about the design, the placement, and the artist, the rest becomes easy.