
Why Startups Must Invest on Social Media Marketing

In this digitized era, having a social media presence has become essential for start-ups. Social media marketing is a strong source of information, brand promotion, and a stronger brand image. With 2.85 billion Facebook, 2.29 billion YouTube, and 1.38 billion Instagram users, social media marketing becomes a great way of advertising your start-up and gaining a wider audience.

5 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Social Media marketing For Start-ups Business

In this article, we’ll elaborate on the best benefits of social media marketing and why you should invest in it.

Increase the Brand Awareness

Social media is a digital marketing tactic that helps increase brand visibility, sales, and brand awareness. Additionally, it helps you get a larger audience. Each social media platform has different sets of the audience, such as most of the elderly uses Facebook, most of youngsters on Instagram, and YouTube has a mixed audience. Therefore, you’ll get various audiencesfor your niche.

You can ask your audience to like, share, and subscribe to your social media page. Each like and share will help you gain a new visitor. Additionally, you should start interacting with your audience through comments and direct messages. It will increase your brand awareness and build your business reputation.

Each post will help you draw new visitors, leading them to become your potential customer. The more the visitors, the better, isn’t it?

Drive More Traffic

You will only attract regular customers if you don’t use social media marketing. There is a good chance that people familiar with your brand are searching for the same keywords and phrases you already rank for. You are losing business if you don’t include social media in your marketing strategy, which could lead to long-term loyalty from your customers.

Your social media profiles are gateways to your website. You have the opportunity to acquire a new customer with every piece of content you post. Multiple types of people from different backgrounds and behaviours come together on social media platforms. Every person has different needs and thinks differently. If you syndicate your content across as many platforms as possible, these individuals will be able to reach your company organically.

Improve SEO Rankings

The importance of search engine optimization (SEO) cannot be overstated for improving page rankings and driving traffic to a business website. If your keywords rank among the top results, they will revolutionize your traffic and have a positive impact on your business. Visitors rarely navigate beyond the first ten results (Page 1) of Google searches for information; they tend to avoid going to the second page. You need to adjust your SEO strategy if your start-up doesn’t rank on page 1.

If you want to rank higher through social media, make sure you create high-quality content. This includes creating guest posts, blogs, case studies, and business information if you want to attract customers and target them.By getting in front of industry influencers, you are able to raise your search engine rankings directly by having them write about your business and provide links back.

Increase Brand Loyalty

Every business strives to develop a loyal customer base. It is imperative to regularly engage with consumers and establish a bond with them, such as showing them that every customer is important to you so as to keep customers satisfied and loyal to your brand.

You can communicate directly with your customers through social media, which is not just about publishing or promoting. These customers are 62% more loyal to brands that directly engage with them on social media. For businesses to reach their most influential consumers, social media marketing is necessary since these technology natives require communication with their brands.

Social media helps businesses develop a healthy relationship between the customers and the brand. The better the relationship, the better the loyalty. Loyal customers will help you get a better ROI and better revenue compared to getting new visitors.


Lastly, social media marketing is very cost-effective compared to traditional marketing tactics. Creating your business social media profile is absolutely free. And you can choose the paid advertisements as per your requirements and budget. It is lesser compared to other marketing tactics.

In the beginning, you can start with cheaper plans, and as you get comfortable with them, you can change your plans accordingly. Also, as it is cost-effective, you can get a better return on investment and retain your budget for other expenses. You can spend less money on social media marketing and increase your conversion rates and eventually enhance your revenue.

Also, you can easily hire digital marketing experts who can help you improve your social media marketing by spending a significant amount.

End Note

Here we conclude 5 reasons why you should invest in social media marketing as a start-up. Having an impressive social media presence can easilyimprove your business and make you stand out in the market. To survive in a competitive world, start-ups must invest in social media marketing. For brand recognition and business growth, social media promotion is very effective.

The Most Common Car Battery Troubles – Solved!

A battery makes an integral part of your vehicle. You can expect it to serve you with a battery. However, the batteries die once they hit a certain age, but if they face failures before the stipulated time limit, it needs some sort of analysis. There are a number of factors affecting the quality of your battery. They include aging, lack of preventive care, as well as environmental factors.

A battery failure is considered when you do not get enough charge to restart your vehicle over night or after some time. However, it is rare for a battery to fail during a drive as most of the time, it is an electrical failure.

As it is already stated that a battery attains its age after a specific period, it could be three to five years. In this period, a car battery goes dead and if the battery is relatively. young, there could be other reasons behind a battery failure. However, it is always worthwhile to understand the reasoning behind a dead battery so that you can take suitable action on time. Let’s have a look over the issues that can make your car’s battery dead.

Is A Parasitic Drain Making Your Car’s Battery Dead?

Your car’s battery may go dead continuously as it tries to provide enough current to start your car. It might seem quite complicated, but there is always a drain on the system. That remains active even after you pull the keys out and close the door.

However, you can identify the root cause by disconnecting the battery connection after your vehicle is parked for the night. Simply put, if the battery stays charged in the morning, it is definitely a parasitic drain.

Some parasitic drains include the lighting at glove compartment, and any other part of your vehicle.However, these lights tend to shut off automatically, but they may fail due to some malfunction that can seduce your battery’s charge over time.

Besides, you can opt for battery scanning and diagnostic services by an expert at Service My Car to avoid the staring headache every morning.

Improper Driving Habits Are Hazardous To Your Battery’s Health

A battery is made of plates to store the charge for some time so that it can provide the current as per demand. However, if a car’s battery does not receive enough charge, it is considered undercharged.

But, a frequent event of undercharging might get your battery into trouble as it causes sulphating. The sulphating usually hampers the performance and life of the battery.

Besides, the battery relies on repeated charging, but it always produces a loss of charge holding capacity of the plates. However, it generally happens when there is a constant cycle of deep discharge and full charging.

These things are quite avoidable by learning proper habits. A preventive approach can be beneficial to give your vehicle’s battery a long and sustainable life.

Negligence May Hamper a Battery’s Performance

Corrosion is a basic problem with your vehicle’s battery. However, you cannot avoid the appearance of corrosion at the terminals of a battery. But, you can clean the same so that the battery may get charged fully.

However, more than half of battery failures have an underlying cause of loss of water. A loss of water may happen due to evaporation due to the high temperature under the hood. Overcharging also results when there is negligence of such a situation.

Your car’s batteries require proper maintenance even if you are not using them. A lack of care may trigger a number of causes that can hamper the battery.

Adverse Weather Conditions Are Not Good For a Battery’s Health

Adverse weather conditions, especially those hot periods, are not very good for your car’s battery health. On the other hand, external cold conditions also take a toll on the battery’s health. However, it is impossible to avoid the environmental conditions, but what you can do, is take good care of your battery.

Though external conditions can lead to higher battery consumption, having a battery service every two or three years is still good for keeping your vehicle’s performance at its best.

A Defective Electrical System Might Be a Reason for the Sudden Battery Failure

The probability of battery failure is higher if anything with the electric system goes unwell. It could be a battery alternator failure or any blown fuse that restricts the battery charging. However, this is not quite as worrisome if the battery dies when your vehicle is parked.

If your battery dies during a drive, you find yourself in these troublesome circumstances. A battery failure on the road might cause unwanted incidents as the battery powers a number of critical components.

Although a premature battery dying does not sound good, it is something that you have to take care of. You can avoid corrosion by tightening the connection. Besides, a parasitic drain is a smple issue with a simple fix if you bring your vehicle to a trusted facility such as Service My Car.

You can also preserve your vehicle’s battery health by adopting good habits and keeping an eye on battery charging and discharging. However, a better option is to opt for a battery test to learn about the actual condition so that you can g for car battery replacement during car maintenance.

Service My Car offers you a one-stop solution for your battery and car’s needs. At Service My Car, you can avail car repair services without any hassle. You can try to book a car service online or make a request a quote on our website.

Take advantage of the best car repair in dubai with Service My Car. If you own a maserati and need any type of maserati service or repair, Service My Car provides you free pickup and delivery plus full car servicing at the nearest maserati repair center.

International eSIM Card vs Traditional SIM Card

With any technological breakthrough, a transitional period is common; this is what we are currently experiencing with International eSIM Card and its integration into smartphones. Many modern smartphones are dual-enabled, which means they include both a conventional SIM card slot and the more recent eSIM technology.

Dual SIM phones give consumers the option to add an extra mobile number or data contract via the built-in eSIM in addition to continuing to use their current physical, removable SIM.

Having a personal and business cell number on the same smartphone is something that many individuals take advantage of.

The two distinct SIMs can access two accounts, but they can only be used one at a time. If you are currently using one service—for example, making a call, replying to a text, or consuming data—that service will become inactive.

Apple’s iPhones 11 through 13, Google’s Pixel 2 and later smartphones, and Samsung phones like the Galaxy S20 are among the smartphones that presently support a dual eSIM/traditional SIM configuration.

One of the first foldable cellphones in the world, the Motorola Razr, appears to be advancing even further by employing only eSIM technology and fully doing away with the necessity of a physical SIM.

An Examination of Traditional SIMs

The majority of us are accustomed to using classic IoT SIM, which is actually little chips or cards. Of course, they are now available in a variety of sizes, including the bigger standard size as well as mini, micro, and nano variants that are seen in more recent smartphone generations.

Traditional SIMs in smartphones have shrunk in size over time, allowing for smaller mobile designs and more area for functionality. In the instance of nano SIMs, this resulted in SIMs shrinking from around postage stamp size to about 12mm.

The majority of us are accustomed to using classic SIMs, which are actually little chips or cards. Of course, they are now available in a variety of sizes, including the bigger standard size as well as mini, micro, and nano variants that are seen in more recent smartphone generations.

Traditional SIMs in smartphones have shrunk in size over time, allowing for smaller mobile designs and more area for functionality. In the instance of nano SIMs, this resulted in SIMs shrinking from around postage stamp size to about 12mm.

Negative aspects of a Traditional SIM

There are a few issues with this outdated technology, despite the fact that switching from your home country’s International eSIM Card to a new foreign one when abroad isn’t all that difficult.

One reason is that having a removable SIM always carries the danger of losing or injuring it when removing and replacing it between phones, and this risk is increased when traveling.

Lack of local mobile service on your phone as soon as you arrive at a destination can be another issue.

You have to look around to find a foreign SIM, which can leave you without data, calls, or texts for a while. During this period, you might need to call a UBER or check reservations or directions with your lodging.

When searching for an International eSIM Card online with a service that may offer multiple languages, it is frequently simpler to get a foreign SIM in person when traveling through a nation where the language is different.

A Closer Examined Embedded-SIM (eSIMs)

The reason an International eSIM Card is so titled is that it is a SIM that has been integrated into a suitable phone or gadget. You can’t get rid of it, and due to how small it is, it makes room for other pieces of technology or simply slims down your phone.

The development of technology was essential for gadgets with little space, such as smartwatches. In 2016, the Samsung Gear S2 Classic 3G wearable introduced the technology, and in 2017 and 2018, the Google Pixel phone and the iPhone, respectively, followed suit.

There is a considerable probability that you will have access to an International eSIM Card if you currently own a more recent smartphone or are in the market for one. While some devices may only support eSIM, the majority are still dual SIM capable, providing both current and outdated technology.

Additionally, eSIMs aren’t just used on mobile phones. As was previously mentioned, many laptops that enable cellular connectivity, including the Microsoft Surface Pro X, also feature eSIM technology.

An eSIM will essentially perform all of the same functions as your old SIM card; however, it cannot be removed from your device, thus software must be used in place of a new physical SIM card to change cell plans.

How Does an eSIM Function?

When registering for new service with a cell carrier, you will download your International eSIM Card profile via a QR code rather than physically inserting a new SIM.

This is done by first connecting to Wi-Fi and then using the camera on your smartphone to scan the QR code of your new mobile plan.

Then you just need to follow the instructions. You can also manually download your new plan by looking for the add-mobile plan or network option in your phone’s settings.

To make this work, you obviously need a phone that supports eSIM; you can tell whether a phone or other item has the eSIM sign on it.

Additionally, you need to be connected to a mobile carrier that provides the eSIM service, which is now provided by more than 120 providers globally.

An iSIM goes one step further than an International eSIM Card by enabling the SIM to function without an additional processor. More energy efficiency will be possible as a result. The complete intricacies of items, however, should be saved for a later post.