
O melhor guia de camisa estampada

A camisa estampada é uma das camisas mais versáteis que qualquer homem pode ter. É um grampo ideal para o verão, mas como deve caber? Do que deve ser feito e onde são os melhores lugares para comprar camisa estampada? Todo cavalheiro deve ter pelo menos algumas em seu guarda-roupa.
De roupas esportivas a roupas de lazer, a camisa estampada pode ser combinada com muitos itens de guarda-roupa, como calças de shorts, algodão seersucker e Madras . Perfeito para o cavalheiro preppy, é uma visão comum em campos de golfe, quadras de tênis , praias e pela cidade para passeios pelas lojas e uma refeição ao ar livre em um bistrô pitoresco.
Mesmo que uma camisa seja um item básico do guarda-roupa, pode ser difícil encontrar o corte, o tecido e as combinações certas para aproveitar todas as possibilidades de estilo que esta camisa única apresenta. Em nosso guia, damos uma olhada em cada elemento dessa peça, começando com sua longa e venerável história para que você fique no seu melhor no calor.
Hoje, a camisa estampada pode ser usada em quase todos os ambientes onde um colarinho aberto é substituído por uma camisa social e gravata. Dos tradicionais campos de pólo e quadras de tênis ao clube de campo e escritórios.

Como usar a camisa estampada

Os homens usam camisa estampada em quase todos os lugares, nos jogos de futebol e no escritório, e com tudo, desde um blazer feito sob medida a rasgados jeans. Até mesmo o smoking, James Bond, que é famoso por usar camisas pólo Sunspel, que combinam perfeitamente com seu Rolex Submariner ou Omega Seamaster.
Apesar do amplo uso da camisa, existem algumas regras a serem compartilhadas que o manterão com uma aparência elegante, em vez de desleixada.

Não faça camadas de camisas

Uma camisa bem ajustada deve ser justa, mas não deve apertar seu corpo, então não deve haver espaço para outra camisa. Usar uma camiseta quase garante que ela escorregue por baixo da manga ou amasse na gola.
Camisas estampadas não são feitas para camadas e camisetas (de mangas compridas ou curtas) nunca devem ser usadas juntas. Além disso, não coloque mais de uma peça de cada vez; esta tendência inexplicável é um grito por atenção ao invés de uma declaração de moda real.

Camisa ajustada, mas não apertada

Se você não consegue enfiar um dedo entre o bíceps e a manga, compre um tamanho maior. Se houver muita folga, escolha um tamanho menor. Camisas de boa qualidade são feitas de materiais leves como o algodão. Portanto, eles devem cobrir bem o seu corpo, sem mostrar muito dele.

Dimensione-os de acordo com sua altura

A menos que você tenha uma tendência para usar vestidos, certifique-se de que a barra de uma camisa estampada para fora da calça não se estenda além do meio da sua bunda. Não apenas amassará e ficará visível quando dobrado para dentro, mas também afetará suas proporções se não for dobrado.

Não erga o colarinho

Essa tendência de erguer o colarinho acabou e não vai voltar mais. Opte por protetor solar para proteção do pescoço e você não terá que colocá-lo em primeiro lugar. Levantar o colarinho é como usar óculos escuros à noite. Deixe isso para a multidão do bar e adolescentes tentando parecer legais.

Estampas grandes

Recentemente, uma tendência surgiu com estampas grandes. Tudo começou com Ralph Lauren e progrediu para outras marcas. Normalmente, defendemos evitar desenhos visíveis por completo, mas quando se trata de camisa estampada, ter pequenos desenhos distribuídos se tornou o padrão.

Use camisa estampada com um blazer

Alguns homens ficam elegantes usando uma camisa estampada com um blazer, embora a camisa seja de uso casual. Não importa a situação em que você esteja, um blazer sempre ficará melhor em situações de formalidade. Portanto, escolhe bem a camisa estampada para criar um look perfeitamente equilibrado.

Coloque seu camisa para dentro quando a situação exigir

Seria errado estipular uma regra de nunca dobrar ou abrir sua. Em vez disso, depende da roupa e da ocasião. Com um par de shorts, você não quer colocá-las para dentro, mas com uma calça de algodão ou jeans, ficará incrível quando estiver dobrado para dentro.

Camisa estampada x camisa lisa

Uma grande diferença entre a camisa padrão e uma estampada é o desempenho. Essas camisas são projetadas especificamente para permitir ao usuário uma ampla gama de movimentos e para protegê-los, absorvendo a umidade do corpo sob o sol quente.
Na maioria dos casos, essas camisas são feitas com uma mistura sintética de materiais projetados para uma vida ativa e o que distingui uma da outra é o ambiente e a situação em que será usada.

How to Look Refreshed & Beautiful Throughout Your Journey?

Do you get exhausted looking after your looks on your journey? We spend so much time, energy, and money on our journey and still won’t enjoy the moments to the fullest due to dull and tired looks. In this article, you’ll find all the ways to look fresh as a daisy on your journey. It is normal to feel exhausted and jet lag, but turning up the tired looks into fresh ones is the art of beauty hacks. Following simple tips can save you from tiring looks throughout your journey.

You may not follow your skincare routine while you are on your journey, which may be one of the reasons to give you dull looks. But no worries, you have plenty of other ways to freshen up your looks while you are on the go. In simple words, to look fresh, you need to be the best version of yourself, a happier version of yourself. For being happy, you should not stress for dull looks; instead, try the best-recommended tips for refreshing your skin.

Beauty and Makeup Tips

Check out some fantastic tips of beauty while you are wandering different places—the perfect beauty reminders for you to start your journey. Read this article before packing your handbag.

Beauty Devices

Skincare tools can tighten your skin and lift your beauty instantly. RF skin tightening devices improve the pH levels of the skin by balancing natural oils. Travel-friendly beauty devices can be carried on a long-term journey for lightening skin. However, exposure to the sun may have false effects. For best results, usage of any skincare devices should be done at home before leaving on to the journey.

Moisturizers Are Saviors

Travelling makes you tired, and moisturizers act as saviors to avoid your looks to make you feel low and keep your skin hydrated and fresh. Another way to stay hydrated is choosing fruit juice or simple water over tea/coffee.

Protection Against Sun

Sunscreen with 30 SPF or more is best while you are traveling. Apply it even if it’s cloudy. Also, use a hat or caps to cover your head while you are out in the sun.

Avoid Foundation

Usage of foundation while on a long journey will dry out your skin. Also, smudges, smears, and creases are popped on the face. And the creased foundation gives overtired looks. Instead, go with BB cream or moisturizer for beautiful looks.

Take Care of Your Lips

Carry lip balm, apply it frequently. Avoid matte or liquid lipsticks. It often dries your lips while traveling. For color shades, you can use tinted lip balms rather than lipstick.

Skip Eye Makeup

The best tip for a refreshing look throughout your journey is to skip all cosmetics and makeup usage, including eye makeup. You might be thinking that you’ll look dull by doing so but try other ways to lift your beauty. You can use pink lip balm for shading the eyes and blushing the cheek as well. Don’t wear mascara, as it’ll make you uncomfortable if you sleep on the way. But you can lift your eyes by curling your lashes. Put eyelashes curler in your handbag without fail.

Carry Shampoo

Hair attracts the dust in the air and gets greasy, frizzy while you are on the go. It gives a messy look. Carry a bottle of dry shampoo or leave-in conditioner without fail. You can quickly spritz it for refreshing your looks whenever needed.

Face mist

Face mists are the best thing for refreshments; spray them on your face frequently while traveling. It freshens your skin without touching it. Different flavors of face mists are readily available in the market.

Neutral Nail Paint

Choosing the shade of your nail paint may be an ignorable thing, but it could also drive your mood. While traveling, you may chip your nails, and if you applied bright colors, it would look worse. But neutral paint shades will give fresh looks with little chipped nails.

Other Tips To Look Refreshed In No Time

Makeup and beauty tips allow us to fake the dull skin into fresh-looking glowy skin. But to get quick relief from traveling stress, you can try out the below tips, which will hardly take 5 minutes to freshen your skin.

Deflate eyes with caffeine

Eyes are the first sign of stress and tiredness. Try out quick DIY, keep cool caffeinated tea bags on eyes for a while. Since caffeine has anti-inflammatory properties, it soothes the redness of the eyes and gives instant relief.

Massage With Ice Cube

Rubbing an ice cube over your face in a circular motion helps the facial pores to constrict. It will make you feel relaxed and soothing.


Apart from all of the tips mentioned above, you must take care of your body by eating healthy food, drinking more water, and getting enough sleep to stay fresh. Also, it’s essential to know that overdoing something would never help but harm you. This thumb rule applies to your sleep, diet, and exercise as much as it does to skincare. Remember not to stress over the quests of looking beautiful and fresh. After all, it is rightly said, a happy soul is a beautiful soul. Thus, stay healthier and stay happier throughout the whole journey.

In pandemics, you might not travel as you did earlier but in case you travel for any work purpose, keep in mind the tips that are applicable, suitable and helpful to you. Stay safe, carry a bundle of masks wherever you go and keep social distancing. Together we can fight against any deadly disease.

6 Times When Ranveer Singh Brighten Up Your Day with His Funky Outfits

Bollywood’s Bajirao, the multi-talented Ranveer Singh, doesn’t leave even a single stone unturned when it comes to fashion. It seems that Ranveer doesn’t leave even a single chance to turn the heads with his quirky style statement as his unique dressing sense never fails to impress. It can be Ranveer’s own swag to stay ahead in B-town with his iconic personality. But one thing is certain that Ranveer Singh’s style waves in the Bollywood industry are all set to build a new trend at the online clothing stores.

After all, the Padmavati star Ranveer Singh dares to wear anything that helps him stand out as the most fashionable man in Bollywood. His funky outfits continue to inspire millions of guys out there who dream of looking like Ranveer. These compelling funky styles invented by Ranveer insist us to share some quirky dressing ideas with you that will surely brighten up your day. So let’s get started.

Ranveer Singh as a Golden Boy
Ranveer Singh knows how to treat his fans as a golden boy, as this golden outfit proves it all. However, it didn’t happen once; often, Ranveer can be spotted in a blazing golden jacket or pants. His retro-style golden suit is still in the limelight.

His All Black Villain Look
You can call it Ranveer Singh’s excellence in choosing a fashion that itself turns into a statement piece with some brilliant coordination. During an award show, instead of going with a formal outfit, Ranveer found it way better to go with a black villain look, and we can’t deny that helped Ranveer Singh in dominating the celebs’ fashion.

Mr Singh with some Multi-colored Hues
Ranveer Singh’s fashion seems to be a synonym for uniqueness. After all, the way Ranveer confidently tries multi-colored dressing concepts with ease sets a new trend wave in the industry. Still, we should appreciate Ranveer for his sense of humor that helps him to style like a boss.

The Floral Print Invented for Men
The floral print seems to be pointless in men’s fashion, but Ranveer Singh seems to put off that conventional myth. We can see Ranveer in some of the unique floral looks added with some quirky touch. However, online clothing stores have started launching such floral prints for men.

Quirky Retro Dressing
Retro fashion seems to make headlines in the Bollywood industry. However, Ranveer is all set to give it a new twist through his iconic taste for fashion and style. The handsome man has already grabbed millions of likes over his social media post in a unique retro fashion.

Puffy Pants Fashion By Ranveer Singh
Why not try a puffy pant style if it is itself inspired by Ranveer Singh? These days, Ranveer is truly turning all the traditional styling principles, and his puff pant look proves it. To some extent, Ranveer seems to be taking the fashion industry to a new height.

Final Thoughts
All these dresses prove that Ranveer Singh can dare to cross the limits when it comes to fashion. Many times, Ranveer Singh’s unique sense in styling speaks for itself. There’s no wonder the man is free of boundaries on all the principles that were yet supposed to be guiding us on fashion trends. Even how pyjamas for men can upgrade style, we should learn from Ranveer Singh. If you are also planning to amplify your style inspired by Ranveer Singh’s fashion, begin from the Pyjamas fashion he religiously follows. For more quirky fashion inspiration, visit IMBD, where choices and varieties are there just the way you wanted it!