
Cholesterol Facts

With all the news and warnings about the dangers of high cholesterol, many people view cholesterol as a “bad” substance that should be eliminated completely from our lives. In truth, cholesterol serves some important functions in the body. In order to understand how cholesterol affects the body, one must first understand what cholesterol is.

Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is attached to the fats in our bloodstream and is present in all of the cells of the body. Cholesterol comes from food that we eat, as well as being manufactured directly by the liver. Cholesterol is an important regulator in the bloodstream, as it helps to regulate the formation of many cells as well as hormones. However, to have too high or too low of a cholesterol count in the blood can be a very dangerous factor, often leading to a heart attack or a stroke. Although cholesterol is prevalent in the blood stream, it cannot dissipate in the blood. The cholesterol maneuvers throughout the body attached to lipids (fats).

 1.      LDL Cholesterol

There are two main types of cholesterol. The first type is called LDL cholesterol, and the other is HDL cholesterol. LDL cholesterol, otherwise known as low-density lipoprotein, is considered the “dangerous” cholesterol. LDL cholesterol can build up on the artery walls. Over time this plaque build-up blocks blood flow, reducing circulation and causing stress and damage to the heart. This raises blood pressure, and eventually leads to heart disease or a heart attack. Individuals that have higher levels of LDL run a much higher risk of having heart disease. Although LDL is affected by genetics, there are several precautions that individuals can take towards keeping safe LDL levels.

 2.      HDL Cholesterol

The other form of cholesterol is HDL, or high-density lipoprotein. HDL is considered the “good” cholesterol. HDL cholesterol is important for the body to have as this type of cholesterol helps filter out LDL cholesterol from the lining of the arteries, as well as transporting fat in the bloodstream (triglycerides) to the liver so that it can be excreted from the body. It is believed that even having high levels of HDL is safe, as it can help protect one’s heart from a heart attack or stroke. Low counts of HDL could potentially lead to a heart attack and stroke, however this is rare for people eating a western-style diet, which is typically high in both forms of cholesterol.

3.Source of Cholesterol

Most of the cholesterol in our bodies comes from the foods we eat. Foods high in fats, particularly saturated and trans fats, contribute to high levels of LDL cholesterol. Meat and dairy products are the main sources of LDL cholesterol, while leafy vegetables, fruits, and nuts are more nutritious alternatives that have higher levels of HDL cholesterol. While genetics does play a role in cholesterol levels, a change in diet is the most effective way to lower dangerous cholesterol levels, and reduce your risk of heart disease and associated health problems.

Certain natural substances found in Vasacor, including plant sterols, fish oils, and policosanol have been shown in numerous clinical studies to be highly effective in promoting healthy cholesterol levels, particularly when combined with a healthy diet and exercise. If you are concerned about your cholesterol levels, now is the time to make a change, and Vasacor can help.

Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Of Erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction also known as impotence is a male weakness in erection. A male suffering from it cannot get an erection. Even if there is an erection, it will be too soft to have any use.

The problem is not related to age, but age related health problems cause erectile dysfunction.  Lifestyle diseases like diabetes, blood pressure, cardiovascular issues, and poor health create conditions that led to erection difficulty. 

Often the problem emerges in the 40s, but nowadays, even young males suffer from erection issues due to emotional and psychological issues. Let us study its causes, diagnosis and treatment options.


First of all understand that the occasional erection issue is not a sign of erectile dysfunction. When there is at least 60 percent of erection failure, you can be sure that it is erectile dysfunction. You need to take it seriously to prevent its progression.

The first symptom is when you fail to get an erection even when fully aroused. Second symptom, soft erection even with full arousal. Third is difficulty in sustaining the erection you manage to have. And last, the reduced desire for intimacy.

Main causes

Blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol formation on heart arteries, obesity, alcoholism, low testosterone levels etc can cause difficulties in erection. Unhealthy lifestyle, consumption of unhealthy food, and lack of physical exercises create conditions for lifestyle diseases.

Uncontrolled diabetes, blood pressure problem and obesity increase risk of erection failure in the near future. Medical studies and observations point to the fact that a man with waist 42-inch or more is more likely to get erection than a male without lifestyle diseases.

Psychological issues

Depression, anxiety, stress, relationship issues, and phobias are also responsible for difficulties in erection in large sections of males with erection defects. Anxiety and stress could be due to personal or business matters. The lack of confidence in dealing with the partner also creates anxiety and stress leading to difficulty in maintaining an erection.

Medical issues

Injury in the pelvic area which disturbs the blood movement may also show difficulties in maintaining an erection. Heart stroke, prostate issues like prostate cancer or benign prostate enlargement affect the erection process.

Side effects of antidepressants or prolonged medication also interfere with a healthy erection process.  An addiction to smoking, alcohol, drugs or any substance weakens  control over the erection process.


It involves comprehensive medical examination, blood tests, physical examination to check the presence of erection issues and then its causes. When all medical tests are negative, doctors may recommend psychological assessment to identify mental issues behind erection failure.

Psychological assessment is a series of questions which are already fixed by the psychologist to determine the mental condition of the patient at the time of assessment.

Treatment options

Treatment options depend on the underlying cause and medical status report on the patient.  Often doctors recommend changes in diet, lifestyle and focus on relations with the partner to get permanent relief from the problem. But these recommendations may work in case of younger males.

Mid aged males are suggested medical treatments of underlying causes. They are also suggested as an immediate solution in the form of 150 mg Sildenafil Citrate in case of severe cases.  The permanent solution comes only by taking care of underlying health issues.

Vacuum tubes

Males who like non medication solutions are recommended hollow tubes. Tubes create vacuum inside to draw in blood flow. The process is very simple to get cured through use of vacuum tubes.


Surgery option is the last option for seniors who fail to get cured by any other method. The surgery is conducted to implant flexible rods to help males inflate the rods whenever the need arises. But this option is reversed for older males.

Injection is also an option for older males who do not get cured by other methods. Injection method is not preferred by the majority of males for its lack of privacy in treatment.

Lifestyle intervention

Younger males and mid aged males who are in good health get relief by just changing diet and including moderate exercise regimen. It has been observed that without Generic Levitra 40mg  such males can get back the natural erection process.

Cognitive behavior therapy

Cognitive behavior therapy is for emotional and psychological causes. It is basically a talk therapy that tries to change the behavior of the person towards the same issue that earlier caused negative feelings. It is also non medication treatment for anxiety, stress or phobia related issues.


Erectile dysfunction is a common male issue. Early detection is a sign of an unhealthy lifestyle or food habits. Never ignore it if it persists as it may be a sign of cholesterol formation in arteries. Consult a doctor to understand its cause and treatment option accordingly.


The early detection will also help you to cure the weakness permanently by a healthy diet, exercises and better relations with the partner.

Natural Home Remedies For Poison Ivy Rash

Natural Home Remedies For Poison Ivy Rash

What Is Poison Ivy?

In common, poison ivy is defined as a sort of allergy to which patients exposed to ivies oil are allergic. Ivies are around us. Therefore the risk of being full of poison ivy Rash is especially high. It may be a toxic plant commonly found in most areas of the U.S. When talking with human skin, poison ivy will cause a rash, aka touch dermatitis. It’s going to grow into prolonged swelling, redness, and blisters, which are painful or itchy.

It is required to be in nature. Trees are about us; et al. are so friendly to all or any folks while others don’t seem to be. Some varieties of trees cause hypersensitivity to us. Ivies are among them. A number of us are allergic to urushiol oil included in ivies.

How does The Rash start?

Dermatitis you get from poison ivy results from a reaction to the oil within the plant, urushiol (pronounced you-roo-she-all). This oil is within the flowers, stems, leaves, and roots. It takes little or no of the oil to form the reaction, and therefore the oil remains active within the plant long after the plant has died. Exposure to an amount but a grain of salt may cause a meaningful reaction if you’re highly allergic.


The rash typically starts within the first 12 to 72 hours after exposure to the plant or any piece of clothing, lawn equipment, or pet on which the oil has dropped. While poison ivy isn’t truly contagious, if you touch someone who has the oil on their skin and provides it to your skin, you will share the experience.

Natural Remedies for Poison Ivy

Home remedies for poison ivy rash are often safer and more practical than treating it with store-bought medications. Understanding the way to treat poison ivy can prevent precious time and money by assisting you to avoid expensive doctor appointments.

If you spend any time outdoors as we do, the chances are high that high you’ll find poison ivy at some point.

Wash Up

If you know you’ve encountered poison ivy, go on to the nearest sink and wash every afflicted area with cool water and soap. If you catch it quickly sufficient and get the oil off your skin, you’ll be ready to ward off a rash or a minimum of decreasing the severity.

Baking Soda Paste

Baking soda is soothing to the skin, improves restores pH balance, and draws out toxins. You’ll be able to put it during a bath, as mentioned above, or, create a paste with three parts bicarbonate to 1 part water and dab it on a poison ivy rash.


If you’re fresh out of cucumber, choose a banana instead! Rubbing the within of a peel over the affected area is alleged to supply a cooling effect to help soothe your skin instantly.

Lemon Juice

It seems too good to be true when it involves home remedies for poison ivy rash and swelling. Lemon isn’t only good for your overall health and is one of the most effective home remedies for poison ivy that you should put in your pocket. Because of the same benefits of vinegar, lemon effectively reduces rash and itchy areas.

By combining it with some raw honey, you’ll be able to alleviate your poison ivy quickly. It’s because honey holds hygroscopic, which supplies to preventing the modified areas from expanding.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera is one of the best-known treatments for sunburns and other skin conditions. You’ll be able to get your soothing aloe gel from fresh aloe leaves to decrease itchiness and heal the rash.

Aloe vera is an efficient treatment for all types of skin disorders, including poison ivy. It’s soothing and moisturizing, and it’ll have your skin feeling better in no time. Use the Aloe Vera gel on the skin and wait because it acts its magic. 

Cucumber Slices

Place slices of cucumber on the troubled area and immediately feel the difference. Cucumbers calm the rash down and aid to alleviate the burning pain connected with poison ivy. Confirm your cucumber is fresh out of the refrigerator for even more cooling results.


Soothe the itch with oatmeal. Grind 1 cup of oatmeal in an exceedingly blender and pour it into a cheesecloth. Knot the tip closed, then tie it about the tap of your bathtub. Position it so that because the water runs, it passes through the oatmeal bag. Fill the bathtub with lukewarm water and so soak in it for half-hour.


Using Honey is soothing and calming, can assist boost healing within the skin, and is antimicrobial. Honey is powerful at healing skin issues prescribed as Medihoney in hospitals to heal wounds and speed recovery. Honey is such a gorgeous antimicrobial that it doesn’t spoil and may have an infinite period if stored in a sealed container.

Cold Compress

A cold compress will decrease the redness, swelling, and itching of a poison ivy rash. Freezing temperatures on the skin for short periods have improved the system and enhanced collagen production.

You can add a soothing oil like lavender to decrease pain even further.