Month: October 2021

Biological Anthropology / Physical anthropology Anthropology Paper I

Syllabus Section: 1.3 Main branches of Anthropology, their scope, and relevance



Biological Anthropology is the branch of Anthropology that considers humans as biological organisms. As the name indicates, it studies the biological and physical characteristics of humans. Biological Anthropology starts with the study of the origin and evolution of humans and analyses their diversity. It also examines the bio-social adaptation of different human populations living in different geographical and ecological settings. The knowledge of different branches of Biological Anthropology will help us to examine how it deals with human evolution and variation.


Paul Broca defines Biological Anthropology as “the science whose objective is the study of humanity considered as a whole in its parts and in relationship to the rest of nature”.


Meaning and Scope of Biological Anthropology

Biological anthropology, also known as physical anthropology, studies the biological characteristics of humans. Biological anthropology deals with the study of the biological origin, evolution, and variation of human beings. It is interested in the comparative study of the past, present and future of human life from a biological point of view. It also analyses the biological adaptation of different human populations living in different geographical and ecological zones. Biological anthropology looks for scientific evidence in its analysis and references. In the process, it uses some of the general principles of biology and utilizes the findings of anatomy, physiology, embryology, zoology, paleontology, etc.


For a systematic study of this kind, there are many fields of specialization within biological anthropology as the following:

·       Paleoanthropology

·       Primatology

·       Human Genetics

·       Forensic Anthropology

·       Serology

·       Dermatoglyphics

·       Anthropometry and Craniometry

·       Paleopathology

·       Bio-archaeology

· Neuro-Anthropology

·       Biomedical Anthropology

Anthropology optional


Let us take a brief look into these specialized areas of biological anthropology before proceeding further.


Paleoanthropology earlier known as human paleontology is the study of human origin and evolution, particularly as inscribed in the fossil record. Palaeo anthropologists are interested in reconstructing the evolutionary stages of humans, based on fossil evidence. They work with archaeologists, and geologists, in unearthing fossil remains from many parts of the world. The knowledge of osteology helps them to examine, measure, and reconstruct these remains to understand the course of human evolution and identify the possible lines of descent from our ancestors to the present form, Homo sapiens.


Human Paleontology or Paleoanthropology: Human Paleontology studies the fossil evidence of human skeletons of different stages and thereby reconstructs the evolutionary history of humans. This helps in the classification and comparison of the fossils of different stages to determine the link between modern humans and their ancestors.


Primatology is the study of living and extinct primates. Primates include humans, apes, monkeys, and prosimians. Different stages of human evolution can be understood by analyzing the fossil evidence of the primates. Human paleontology helps us in this regard. Any study of human evolution requires an understanding of the members of primates.


Primatology is the study of primates, the group to which prosimians, apes, monkeys, and humans belong. It focuses on how the behavior of non-human primates is similar to that of humans. The anatomy of non-human primates especially monkeys and apes has been studied to ascertain the similarities and differences between these primates and humans.

This type of study helps to trace the evolutionary relationship between human and non-human primates because of the remarkable similarities between monkeys, apes, and humans.


Human Genetics:

Human genetics is the branch of biological anthropology that deals with inheritance and variation. It is the study of gene structure and action and the patterns of inheritance of traits from parents to offspring. To understand how evolution works, it is important to know the mechanisms of heredity.


Forensic Anthropology

Morphological and genetic variations among humans help biological anthropologists to identify individuals, criminals, victims of misshapes and natural calamities etc. The branch of anthropology specialized in such an area is called Forensic Anthropology. It deals with legal matters from an anthropological perspective. It is the application of osteology, paleopathology, archaeology, and other anthropological techniques for the identification of modern human remains or the reconstruction of events surrounding a person’s death and for legal purposes.


Serology: It is a scientific study of blood groups. It studies plasma serum and other red cell enzymes. In practice, the term usually denotes the diagnostic identification of antibodies in the serum. Serological tests are also used forensically, particularly concerning a piece of evidence.


Dermatoglyphics is the study of skin ridges on fingers palms, toes, and soles. Fingerprint patterns are not only used in Forensic investigation but also in genetics to know the variation between two populations.


Anthropometry is the systematic art/study of taking measurements of skeletons and living human beings.


Craniometry is the sub-branch of anthropometry that deals with the measurement of craniums.

How to Create a Website on Wix

Create a web page in Wix step by step

I’m going to explain how to make a web page in Wix step by step, remember that any questions you have can be left below this article in the comments section.

Create a new account

The first step is to create a new Wix account, you can do it with your own email or you can register using your Google or Facebook account.

Once you select the registration method, you will find a screen like the one I show you below, it is the configuration wizard, although you can also skip it, I recommend taking it.

Setup Wizard

Once they begin to answer the questions of the wizard, they will give you a recommendation according to your experience creating a web page, it can be the Wix Editor or the Wix ADI.

When you select Wix ADI, it then asks you questions such as the type of business you are creating the website for. It will also ask you for special features to add: chat, and reservations, among others.

Finally, it will ask you the name of your new page, if you want to import data from Google maps or from another page, and the template you want to start with.

Once you finish the wizard, the process of creating your website will begin, you just have to wait a couple of minutes and that’s it.

Next, you will be loaded with the Wix ADI panel in which you can see your public site with the free Wix web domain, you can also design your web page by adding blocks

I’m going to explain each of the menus that appear on this screen and what each one is for.


The first button on the top bar that appears in blue is the page selector, in this example, the home page appears, but if you click there it displays the full menu of pages with the option to add a new one.

Within this same option, you will find a gear on each of the pages which displays a menu with options such as: Set as page, rename, duplicate, delete, and SEO of the page, the latter I will explain later.


From this option you can add a section to the page you are on, or select a template and assign it to the page, you can also add Apps, which are features to add a chat system, booking engine, forum, social networks, among other


In this menu, you can modify the design of your web pages such as colors, fonts or fonts, and animations. You have the option to configure one by one manually or select a theme, which is already preconfigured with a series of colors, fonts, and animations.

Manage Blog

This menu only appears if you have chosen to add a Blog page to your website. Clicking on this button opens an administration panel from where you can manage it, later in the section on how to create a blog I delve into this topic.


This menu allows you to configure the general options of the site, I describe each of the submenus below:

  • Control panel, in this option you will find how to configure marketing & SEO, it allows you to add descriptions and custom titles for Google search results. It also has a report editor and web domain control and from here you can configure all the special applications that you added such as chat, email marketing, reservations, quotes, etc. I consider it to be the most complex part of all of Wix.
  • Options, allow you to select a custom domain by paying an additional cost, hire a payment plan, and add social networks, among other features.
  • Site history is version control, that is, it allows you to go back to a previous version easily.
  • Connecting your domain allows you to place a custom domain on your website, but for this, you have to hire one of the plans they have available.
  • Improve your position in Google, this option opens the panel on SEO optimization that Wix has in which I delve into a section about it.
  • Get comments, it only generates your URL so you can share it.
  • Hire a web development professional, after filling out a form they send you to a panel where you receive offers from web professionals so that they can make your website for you for a price according to the work involved.

The rest of the options are the publish button, notifications, and preview which are self-explanatory.

Finally, regarding the Wix ADI, when you select a section of your page design, it opens a sidebar that allows you to modify texts and images in a very simple.

Wix Editor

You always have the option to switch from Wix ADI to the Wix Editor, in case you decide to do it here, the editor has a greater number of options, although its use is more complex, its possibilities increase since you can even customize the position and sizes of The elements.

The Wix editor is somewhat similar to WordPress builders like Divi or Elementor, it has a variety of buttons to add elements, spaces, sizes, positions, etc. And the options change according to the type of element since it is not the same to add text to an image.

Wix ADI vs Editor

These are the two tools that Wix offers for creating websites. Both are very different, so we are going to analyze them from different perspectives so that you can choose the best option.


Without a doubt, Wix ADI is much easier to use, since it is an artificial intelligence that creates the website in an automated way, you just have to provide the content such as text and images, and literally, in minutes you will have your website ready.

The Editor is much more complex due to how flexible it is to make changes and change positions for example.


Here, without a doubt, the Editor is the one that allows you to customize the best, although this makes it a little more complex, it allows you to customize anything on your web page.

On the other hand, Wix ADI is artificial intelligence, and doing everything in an automated way, its level of customization falls short.

So which one is better?

If you don’t want to spend time creating the web page, the best option is Wix ADI since you will have your page created very quickly. However, if customization is what you want, then the Editor is definitely better for you.

How to create a blog on Wix

If you are looking to create a blog in Wix then what you should do is select a blog template from those that are available, then an option that says Manage blog appears on the top bar.

Once you click, a window appears that is the blog’s control panel where you can do actions on the entries, such as:

  • Edit.
  • Delete.
  • Create new entries.
  • Categorize.
  • Program.

From the more options button, you can configure the users and their permissions to manage the blog, and also configure the notifications regarding the blog. In this same button, you will find a statistics option that allows you to see data such as:

  • Unique visits.
  • Bounce Rate.
  • Forms submitted.

SEO Wix positioning

Wix has an administration panel and SEO configuration where it allows you to optimize the content for Google. The main sections that it allows you to modify are:

  • Update the title and description of the entire website.
  • Change the description that search engines like Google take.
  • Optimize the text on the home page.
  • Mobile optimization of the website.
  • Connect with your own domain.
  • Connect with Google Search Console.

While it is true that the optimization of these points favors the positioning of a website or online store in search engines such as Google, they are not enough, some of the most critical points evaluated by Google are the speed and architecture of the website.

Unfortunately for Wix, these are two of the great disadvantages it has, it tends to be slow and its architecture is not as optimized since the visual editor saturates the website with code, leaving it with an architecture that is not optimized at all.

Premium plans

Wix is ​​free in its limited version, but if you really want to have advanced features you need to buy a monthly payment plan. Their plans start at $ 13 a month.

The main premium features that are released when contracting a monthly payment plan are:

  • Custom domain.
  • Remove ads.
Wix premium plans

Frequent questions

⭐️ How does Wix work?

Wix allows you to create free web pages with limited features, and hiring a monthly payment plan allows you to have a personalized web page.

⚠️ What is better Wix or WordPress?

WordPress is better since it allows you to customize your web page without having to pay a monthly fee and web pages created in WordPress are better positioned in search engines such as Google.

 Which is better Wix or GoDaddy?

Due to the deceptive practices that GoDaddy has, it is not a reliable option, so I recommend you opt for Wix without any doubt.

A Useful Guide To NFT In Cryptocurrency


We all hear popular stories going on about Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, and any other crypto coming into the market. While investing in them, you get a thought, and you spend a few dollars. It happens most of the time. Even though cryptos are identical, many people spend the same amount. Now just like you spend on cryptos, you should dedicate your time to learning about NFT. You should know it because it proves the ownership of your virtual holding. Despite cryptos being identical, NFTs(or ownerships) are unique. In this article, you are going to learn what is NFT in crypto. 


What Is NFT In Cryptocurrency?

 NFT stands for Non-fungible token that is used to prove ownership of a particular digital item. Beyond crypto-domain, you can implement it for text, image, video, or any other digital content. In other words, it can be digital copyright that describes you have owned a particular item. NFTs have their own value, and that value depends on who has actually created that. For example, if NFT has been created by a popular artist, or if the owner is an experienced investor, it has more worth. Your status surprisingly defines the value of your NFT while having a digital item.  

 NFTs became a hot topic when a notable game Cryptokitties was introduced in the market. Those who do not know about this game should try it. Here, you purchase and breed virtual cats in limited-edition. Crypto innovators took the idea of breed and introduced NFTs. As the years passed, NFTs became popular, and you can now even buy virtual real estate with them. Its importance is growing in the virtual world, which could come to the physical world items after adoption. Exchanging tokens between two parties is undoubtedly a game-changer in several aspects. With this, the market is expanding quickly. 


There is a website,, that monitors marketplaces and projects going on in NFT. The marketplace can have a plethora of all virtual items that can be imagined by us. With so many digital collectibles actually present within the virtual marketplace, the worth has reached about $200 million. The fraction is negligible if we compare it to the total number of crypto assets worth in the market today. More than 4000 virtual assets are operating. Even if this is the case, people are trading with virtual items. After 2021, NFT would observe a sharp growth.  

 Now, if you are a creator of NFT, you have the authority to decide where it will go. You are the one who can make it rare or common. Let’s take an example. As an organizer of a sports event, you have the power to decide the number of tickets to deliver to the people. Here, if you present fewer replicas, that event is worthy one in perspective. On the other hand, if the number of copies is immense, you are just bringing an opportunity for a regular occasion. NFTs could be in the form of bar codes related to the owner itself.  

 NFTs In Gaming And Digital Art


Both these areas find maximum use of NFTs from time to time. This is because both of them deal with digital components every time. In gaming, NFT has already got the spotlight. I talked about CryptoKitties earlier. Because you have unique ownership with NFTs, the experience of taking rare items becomes more tangible. Many gaming companies are now getting into the NFT domain to take things further with virtual items. Many other games have emerged, such as My Crypto Horse, Axie Infinity, and Gods Unchained. After taking motivation from them, others could also develop shortly. 

 NFT is a boon to digital artists because they face issues many times when it comes to protecting their art in any possible way. With NFT, you have already ownership proof for what you are providing before the people. As a notable artist, people know you well. On the other hand, if someone edits and brings your art before the people, he or she would be in a problem. The two most remarkable marketplaces growing for digital artists using NFTs are Rarible and super rare. Raible has a unique approach because it connects the capability of yield farming with the virtual collectibles you possess. 

 Final Words

We have now understood what is NFT in cryptocurrency. NFT is going beyond cryptocurrency and is all set to come for the physical items. Just as you are watching out for the best airdrops in 2021, it could be a possibility that you would have ownership with NFT. The trend is progressing drastically, and it has a long future to see. To learn more about NFT, you should approach a crypto platform. Besides the latest ICOs, IEOs, and STOs, crypto airdrops, news and updates, you should discover what’s next coming with NFT.