Month: October 2021

Mastering The Art of Reading Crypto Charts

reading crypto charts

So, you’ve started investing in cryptos, and have you felt outdated about the market trends? Tried reading crypto charts but failed every time?  If you’re just entering the world of cryptocurrencies and started trading, A crypto chart may seem all greek and Latin to you. But at the end of this quick guide article, you can read those difficult charts like a pro!

 Cryptocurrencies are indeed highly volatile. That is, their prices in the market keep fluctuating. Nobody knows what will be the fate of the value figures in the future!

But a crypto chart is a graphical representation of the notable and current price action of crypto taking place across a particular time frame. So, knowing to read a crypto chart can help you make the right investment with cryptos. This will indeed protect your savings and put you in a safer zone.

Finding it easy to reading crypto charts is no joke. You need to know a few theories and terms. And we’re going to put down these terms as simple and easy to understand. So hold on and keep reading!

 A deeper insight into Crypto charts and their types

Reading crypto charts is an ideal way to have a technical analysis of the market’s price trends of a cryptocurrency. When it comes to price figures, two types of analysis can be done. They are fundamental and technical analyses.

 The fundamental analysis more or less deals with the accurate value of a stock or cryptocurrency. On the flip side, technical analysis can help in figuring out the right time to enter or exit the market.

 Imagine a situation where you’re planning to invest in, say, Bitcoin. But since you’re just starting to trade, having done a technical analysis will let you know the best time you can enter the market and make your first move!

 So, crypto charts deal with the technical analysis part of cryptos. It compares the price ranges and gives a perception for traders new to the market. They are even helpful for traders who are already in the market to stay updated with the current trends. 

 Also Check XRP Price Prediction and the Price Forecast Chart to predict your price. 

 Knowing the types of crypto charts

The different types of crypto charts are,

  • Line charts

  • Candlestick charts

  • Bar charts.

Let’s see more about each one of them.


  1. Line charts

    The line charts are one of the most basic types. These are very much similar to the typical line graphs you would’ve come across. A line chart simply has two axes, the X and Y. A line is drawn corresponding to these axes and it usually represents the price changes of cryptos that have

 been happening.

 The price that gets plotted on the line chart is the closing price of each day. That is the accurate price figure that crypto has at the end of a business day.

 These charts have the coin value, usually in dollars on the Y-axis which is the vertical line. On the horizontal X-axis, you can see the time slot. 



2. Candlestick chart

The candlestick chart is the most popular chart type used for tracking price trends in the cryptocurrency market. You can see that the candlestick chart consists of various candle-like diagrams. This chart can be made for different time frames. They are

  • 15-minute chart
  • Hourly chart

  • 4-hour chart

  • Daily chart

  • Yearly chart

 For instance, a 15-minute chart may show the price trend going up or down of crypto in a set of fifteen minutes.

Let’s now see more about the candlestick chart. 

 When you look at a candlestick chart, you will find candles of two different colors. They are green and red.




The green candlestick is called the Bullish candle and represents an increase in the price of the cryptocurrency. That is if you find a green candlestick on a chart, it means that there is some increase in price value.

 On the other hand, the red candlestick is called the Bearish candle and represents that there is a decrease in the price value of a particular cryptocurrency in a period.

The rectangular part of these candles is called the Real body and represents the value of price increase or decrease.


Apart from the real body, you can find the top and the bottom parts of the rectangle. They represent certain values but are different for the bullish and bearish candlesticks.


In the case of the Bullish candle, the bottom part indicates the opening price and the top indicates the closing price of specific crypto in the given period. Whereas, it is the opposite of a bearish candle. That is the top line represents the opening price and the bottom the closing price.


You should make sure that you’re clear with the sides of the opening and closing prices, as it is important while you read a crypto chart.


As already said, crypto charts represent a historic and the current market value of the crypto. So, you can see a line, called a Shadow or Wick. These lines show the highest market price during the particular period.


You will also find some wicks without a candlestick. These are called the Dogi candles and occur for both bearish and bullish types. A Doji candle shows that there was not much of a price change over the said period.



A candlestick chart will let you find the price trends of the particular period. For instance, you pick the 15-minute time frame, and you can enter the time you need to check for. You can find the price change from 5.00 to 5.15 pm on the crypto chart.


3. Bar chart

A bar chart is usually used to represent the price trends comparison of a particular time frame especially depicting a yearly trend.

 Just like line charts, bar charts also have two axes. The X and Y axes. The X-axis stands for time, the Y-axis denotes the price figure.

 On a bar chart, you can see the various data like opening and closing prices. Also, it denotes the highest and lowest price trends for the time frame. But when you take a closer look, you can see the ranges being mentioned. A range is a difference between the highest and the lowest price.



Similar to the candlestick charts, you can find two colored bars on a bar chart. When the crypto closes at a higher rate it is represented as a green bar. On the other side, the red bars represent that there was a decrease in the closing price.

 Bar charts are also flexible and can be read for different time frames like daily, hourly, and so on.

 Knowing the basics of reading crypto charts is highly essential for new as well as dedicated traders in the market. It is because they can arrive at a prediction about the future trends of the market value.

 In times where cryptocurrencies are highly volatile in their price figures, having a check on the opening and closing prices of crypto say Ethereum, you will be able to arrive at a decision whether it is the right time for you to make an investment move or not.

 Also, reading the highest and lowest closing prices of cryptocurrencies can help you to decide on the right currency that you will need to invest in. Thus, the art of learning of reading crypto charts can be highly beneficial in your crypto journey!

How can you locate a local SEO agency?

Local SEO agency?

If you want to market your business, you’ll need to hire a local SEO agency. This will assist you with all of your SEO needs. Local SEO Matters is a company that helps local businesses in strategically position their company online through local SEO marketing to expand their potential customer base. This entails collaborating with a local business to evaluate its current offline presence. Establish proven internet marketing tactics to convert a potential online inquiry customer into a purchasing customer. A local agency will be required for a successful campaign. And ensuring that you are ranked where you want to be in the search engines. Without a well-thought-out marketing strategy. You won’t obtain the results or rankings you need to run a successful business. The internet is undoubtedly the essential marketing tool for every small business. It’s also a significant plus if you can find a terrific firm to assist you.  

Where Can I Find a Local SEO Firm?

A local search engine optimization agency can be found in a variety of areas. With so many possibilities, you want to go with someone well-known and who has a track record of success. Many of your local marketing firms now have an online marketing division. They’re also an excellent strategy to boost your website’s search engine rankings.

What to Expect from Your Local Government Agency?

A local agency should be able to assist you in some way. You want a business that will help you in completing the task and providing outcomes. It would help if you worked with a provider who can show you results to ensure that your SEO is being pushed as successfully as possible. 

There are some things to consider when it comes to search engine optimization. Working with a local company that can assist you with whatever you require is an excellent choice. If you want to improve your search engine rankings, SEO is the way to go. See what happens when you employ a top-notch local SEO firm to assist you in improving your SEO rankings. Even in the best of conditions, finding an SEO company can be difficult. It will be beneficial if you consider a variety of aspects before making a decision. This gets even more difficult when you’re looking for a company that can manage all of your SEO needs from afar. Unfortunately, detecting the “proof is in the pudding” by looking at previous clients’ results isn’t as simple as it seems. It’s a sort of online advertising.  

Some Reasons why hiring a Local SEO firm is Crucial:

  1. This is why it’s critical to use a local SEO company, and here are a few reasons why.
  2. Working with a marketing agency is about more than just producing results. It all boils down to choosing an agency with which you can establish a long-term partnership. And who will have a better understanding of your business than you do, on which their suggestions and actions will be based? Choosing a local SEO agency increases your chances of success since you can have more face-to-face interaction instead of email, which can lead to details getting lost in translation.
  3. Local Firm – It is vital to understand the market in the area where your business is located, regardless of where it is located. While the internet has a wealth of information to aid study, understanding the mindset is vital. Also, the inhabitants’ rhythm in a specific region. In this case, a local agency can be more beneficial than a faraway institution that gets most of its information from other sources.
  4. Accessibility – In some ways, this is related to the first issue: it’s another to set up regular face-to-face meetings that allow both parties to gain a better understanding of each other’s businesses while also allowing the agency to gather information about your company that would otherwise go unnoticed or not come up in conversation.

For more information click here!

What is the Medical college admissions Process?

The medical college admissions:

The medical college admissions process has become so competitive, being accepted to medical school has never been more complicated than it is now. The number of candidates increases each year, but the number of seats remains constant. Over forty thousand people applied last year, and just about half of them were accepted. More than ever before, it takes a lot more than just good grades and extracurricular activities to succeed. It needs a thorough understanding of the process, the ability to obtain glowing personal references, and, most crucially, the ability to write well-crafted and insightfully.

What is the Formal application process for medical college?

Most people are unaware that, while the formal application process for medical school begins in January of the year before admittance, the informal application process begins the day you enroll in college! The reason for this is that medical school admissions committees evaluate your performance beginning in your freshman year, whether you apply in your junior year or 25 years after graduating from college.

Many aspiring candidates are unaware of this and miss out on an early opportunity to set themselves apart. They devote their first year entirely to their classes, while their more knowledgeable peers volunteer in hospitals or participate in scientific research.

The formal application procedure begins in January of the year before enrollment, taking twenty months.

Medical College Admissions Duration:

It would help if you worked on contacting potential recommendation writers from January to April. A mix of professors and professional references is ideal. It would help if you also were studying for the Medical College Admissions Test (commonly known as the MCAT) and taking it sometime in April during this period. You will work on finishing the AMCAS, which is the actual application, during May and June. The AMCAS is divided into two sections: one for your work and extracurricular activities and another for your statement. It’s worth noting that personal information has become increasingly crucial in determining your chances of admission, so if you’re not a natural writer, get a competent editor. They won’t compose your essay for you, but they can assist you with grammatical and style issues.

Learning duration in medical colleges:

From July to September, medical schools that want to learn more about you will send you secondary applications. Secondary schools include different essay themes encompassing all areas of your life history, unique to each school. Plan to write a lot during these months, as each secondary could contain anything from one to ten more essays!

You will enter any medical schools that have invited you between October and January. All applicants who are eventually admitted to medical schools are interviewed, so be sure to practice your interview skills. Receiving an interview invitation is a positive sign that your chances of admittance to that particular school have increased significantly.

There isn’t much going on in February, but starting in March, you should start hearing from medical schools that use a rolling admissions system to see if you’ve been admitted. However, you will receive the majority of your notifications from March through April. You will be accepted, denied, or placed on a waiting list. If you have been taken to more than one medical school, you must make your final decisions by May 15 and withdraw your applications from the other schools. The procedure formally finishes when you eventually put on a white lab coat and start your medical school in August or September

Is the medical college admissions process competitive?

The medical college admissions process has become competitive. Candidates should begin the preparation process upon incoming college. Candidates can learn more about effective application strategies here: medical college admissions. Learn how to get accepted today!

For more information click here!