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Top 5 TEFL Certification Course in California

TEFL symbolises nothing but Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL). The TEFL course is accredited by global bodies and gives  you a hands on experience to teach English as a foreign language to non native speaker

What is TEFL Certificate?

Even  if you a master degree holder or Doctorate in English language, it does not really matter when it comes to teach  English as a foreign language. The programme Is totally unique when compared to formal classroom teaching , To become a good  TEFL teacher pursuing TEFL certification is must because it will open doors for plethora of opportunity.

How to choose the best TEFL Certification Course?

Learning style is the first thing anyone should consider when choosing a course. If you are comfortable with the mode of teaching the teacher follow then  only go for it without giving it a second thought

Now a days it very important to browse internet to look for the reviews people have shared. In case it seems authentic then only enrol else not

Check for accreditation the course has. Because it is preferable to do any course from recognised institute only

Go through the course details once to know more about topics to be covered under the course..

Look for the additional perks it provides like job support, alumni collaboration etc.

Now have a look at the top 5 online TEFL Certification in California

1. Henry Harvin TEFL Certification:

Henry harvin is one of the best institute to pursue TEFL certification in California., Now the question is why Henry Harvin? The reasons are as follows:-

Henry Harvin is one of the eminent institute in the matter of TEFL course

Collaboration with Tutree , the largest job portal for TEFL teacher is aplus we

It provides placement assistance

Exclusive LMS access

Doubt clearing session

Support of Alumni working in different company

2. Teaching House CELTA

You can’t name any cities where CELTA has not marked its presence.The offices are everywhere starting from cities of Atlanta,  Brooklyn,  to  New York, Philadelphia  and it is one of trhe best TEFL certification online in California

The in-person course comes with a multitude of benefits that include small batch  sizes, daily feedback session, receiving constructive feedback from expert faculty on the teaching methodology. The trainners are the master of their own field  and their system of feedback  mechanism makes the course more interesting.

Some of the features are as follows:-

Small batch

Personalised feedback

One-one doubt clearance

Placement assistance

3. TEFLPros

TEFLPros is a worldwide recognised 120 hours of course module with the flexibility of both online and offline and they assure that you get maximum return on your investment and remain a happy learner. It is viewed as a preferred choice when it comes to TEFL certification online in California

The course offer guidance in the following modules :-

Day to day lesson planning,

handling classroom complex, and

preparing teaching materials or resources.

This TEFL certification also offer free demo class so that you can make informed decision

4. Premier TEFL 

The course  is a all in one package and comes with three modules:-




You can pursue this course at the comfort of your home. If you a beginner in this field then this course is amust to go for.Still do your own reseach and make the best choice

5. Internationally Recognized TEFL Courses from i-to-i

If you prefer a course beyond 12 hours ,  then Tefl certification  offered by i-to-i TEFL of 320 hours duration is a must. Your course bundle will consist of

business  oriented English,

Sound grammatical knowledge, and

Proper lesson planning for classroom  teaching.

This course can be attended both online, offline and in hybrid mode too .and at the end you will receive feedback from DELTA qualified teacher

Once you are done with the course of TEFL certification this course will provide you with intership abroad

With this course comes 10 hours of free face -to face personalised feedback.Beside that you will get assistance for job search through out your career.

6. CIEE 150-hour certification

The duration of this TEFL certification  course is 3 months. This course framework contains a hybrid module with 130 hours of online training and aadditional 20 hours of classroom learning. The practice teaching  can be done even in your locality  and will help you to kick start your career.

The course fees are  inclusive of personalised training and feedback, brainstorming sessions e.t.c

This certification is  a must  for freshers in this field. The only thing is that you need to be proficient in reading and writing.

Some of the features are as follows:-

Small batch

Personalised feedback

One-one doubt clearance

Placement assistance

7. The TEFL Academy

The TEFL Academy is a well acclaimed  to pursue online TEFL certification course. It offers a  on -in -all 168-hour, Level 5 Certification at a flexible pricing  with authentic TEFL credentials. You can opt for online, offline or hybrid mode as well

For the hybrid  course, weekends training takes place in North America,  Oceania and they also provide free acess of 6 month to course material. Beside that you can also get one course for free of your choice if you opt for this.

For Best TEFL course in California you can refer to above listed option but it is recommended to always do own research

How to Get Nail Polish Out of Your Nails

How to Get Nail Polish Out of Your Nails

There are many nail polish remover products available on the market. Two that don’t need to go out and purchase a tub of hot sticky remover (something that I have begrudgingly done over the years). But while I’m happy with the effectiveness of all the removal methods, they all will operate better with a natural, healthy way to remove nail polish. Here are some tips to help you get started.

If you want to clean your nails without burning yourself, or with quick ease, the first step process is to use a nail file to take out all the leftover nail polish that won’t come off by rubbing with a nail file. The top layer of the nail file can be filed using a regular fingernail file, or an electric nail file if you have one. Be very careful when removing it. Soak a cotton bud or Q-tip in acetone and gently scrape the remaining polish away from the nail.

If you don’t have a nail file and need to scrape the polish away from the nail bed instead, simply grab a cotton swab dipped in alcohol and wipe away excess with it. A better option would be to grab a small brush dipped in rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer and scrub away excess at once. If you have to do this at home without a nail salon, then this is probably the best way to remove your manicure without spending money on a professional manicure.

Next, you need to get rid of any excess glitter that is attached to your manicure. It’s not hard to do; you just need to use a glitter removal product. You can either buy this type of product from a craft or beauty supply store, or you can go to a drug or retail store to find it. Once you get rid of the glitter, then you’re almost done!

Now, to continue to remove your nail polish remover, you need to get something that will dissolve the glue that is holding the polish in place. This is easily accomplished by placing a bowl of warm water over a cup of apple cider vinegar. Once the vinegar is dissolved, you can scrub away the excess with a soft scrubber. Just be careful to not rub too hard, or else you risk damaging the acrylic resin. Once the resin is dissolved, gently scrub away any excess residue left behind by your nail polish remover.

Now that you know how to get nail polish remover out of your nails, all that’s left is to remove the remnants of the product. You can try to scrape it off with a toothbrush or a nail file, but once again, you don’t want to rub too hard. Once you’ve removed most of the sticky stuff, take a clean and damp cotton ball and soak it in a little warm water until it gets really clean. Then apply some of the vinegar solutions on the cotton ball and shake off the excess before applying it to your nails.

Make the Use of Instagram reels Efficiently

The first question you need to ask yourself when considering how to make the best use of… Twitter is… well Twitter. The second thing you need to ask yourself is… where do I find followers who will buy my products or services? The third thing you need to ask yourself is… how much can I make with those people? Okay, now we’ve answered the first two questions, so let’s move on.

You are going to have to find a good source for your Instagram followers. The best source is going to be other Instagram users. Find other users in your niche and ask them if they would like to receive updates from your account. Many people would say yes because they are interested in what you have to say. However, you want to be careful about “buying” these followers because most are only there to buy products, not because they are genuinely interested in what you have to say.

How to Make the Best Use of Twitter While Other People Are Buying Products

 Okay, this one might be a little risky, but if you really want to make the best use of… twitter, then you may want to buy some followers. How do you find followers to buy? Well, you could look at… other Twitter users. The trick to doing this is to buy Instagram followers Australia who are actively looking for products, not users who are just “looking” for your account. This is a little riskier than most of the other ways you could buy followers, but if you want to make the best use of Twitter, then it has some risk involved.

How to Make the Best Use of Facebook Business Pages

Facebook pages are great for marketing products and services. You could also run surveys or provide articles that people can pay for through your Facebook page. However, you don’t exactly want to become a “purchaser” of people’s time. So how do you use Facebook pages to your advantage? You market the products and services of your choice and give people an opportunity to advertise for free.

How to Make the Best Use of Email Contacts

You can build up an email list of people by offering to send them information that will be of value to them. You can also get them on your mailing list by offering free information or products. This is a great way to make the best use of… email. The problem with using email contacts is that if the relationship isn’t a good one, you are going to be wasting a lot of time and energy contacting them. However, if it’s a mutual relationship, then you will get a lot more done in a lot less time. So keep this in mind when choosing the methods you’re going to use to promote yourself and your business.

Use of Social media at its best

 Everyone who has an Internet connection has a profile on one social networking site or another. Many of the bigger sites offer free ways to get your profile known. If you can learn how to use these sites to your advantage, you’ll find it easier than you think to promote yourself and your business. Some of the best methods for doing this include creating your own profile, connecting with friends and relatives who already have accounts on the site you want to attract people to, and using social bookmarking sites like Digg and StumbleUpon to help promote your business.

How to Make the Best Use of Newsletter Marketing

 Creating an email list is one of the best online marketing strategies you can use to attract people to your website. It’s easy to do, and the benefits that come from building a list are considerable. You can use this list of subscribers to send out special offers or newsletters, and you can use it to give away products to your members. This makes it an incredibly powerful way to market when you’re just getting started in online marketing.