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Can I take Emergen C Immune while breastfeeding?

The bottom line is that postnatal supplements can help you maintain good health while breastfeeding. At the very least, make sure to take a multivitamin or formula with all of your child’s nutrients in it for when they start eating solids. That will give them an excellent head start on healthy development.

Can I use 1000mg of Emergen C while breastfeeding?

The recommended range for Emergen C intake during breastfeeding is 120 to 1000 mg per day, depending on age and gestational week. Mothers supplementing with formula should take 40mg of the nutrient. At the same time, breastfeeding infants six months old or younger require only 10 milligrams daily. A high dose (greater than 100%) will cause an increased amount of milk production but does not pose any risks associated with consuming too many fatty acids so long as you don’t discontinue nursing altogether.

A medium-sized green fruit found across India is known by many names, such as Chinatown vegetables. Thailand sneeze sickness powder sounds appetizing, right?

Can I take a multivitamin while breastfeeding?

A breastfeeding mother needs to take a multivitamin with 100% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for iron. A prenatal vitamin or mineral supplement will provide more than enough in this area. It should not replace your routine nursing dosage on top of that, but it can be taken if you wish-just. Try not taking both supplements together because they’re very different products indeed.

Is your immune system weaker while breastfeeding?

Researchers studied how adult mice respond during and after giving birth to discover the source of breast milk’s unique properties. They found that immune cells decreased steadily overtime at delivery days 2-3, with 70% less than two weeks postpartum. That may be why human women produce such high-quality titers early and then transition to lower levels later on.

However, that study was done only once mothers had already nursed their kittens. So further research is needed before concluding alterations due exclusively to maternal factors like hormones or diet (especially if babies nurse frequently).

How can I raise my 3-month-olds immune system?

Your baby’s immune system is developing as he grows, and you can give him the tools to fight off illness by giving his body vitamins. Talk to your pediatrician about the dosage for probiotics or vitamin D3 drops before starting any new habit, though. Nursing moms should also consider boosting their breastmilk with extra foods like omega.

Three fatty acids and other nutrients are found naturally in mother’s milk during these formative years of infancy. Toddlerhood because it will help keep those little defenses strong so they’ll never need prescription drugs later on down the line when problems arise. Such as asthma attacks triggered via allergies from house dust mites, among others.

Can you take Emergen C and zinc when breastfeeding?

Even though most mineral supplements taken by a mother do not affect breastmilk levels, water-soluble vitamins such as B vitamins and Emergen C will usually increase your milk production.

Is topical Emergen C safe while breastfeeding?

ACCORDING TO DRS, Emergen C is an excellent option for women who can’t use retinoids or have sensitive skin when pregnant. Waldman and Park.

To work correctly, you should get your dose from food sources such as citrus fruits like oranges rather than supplements because they’re better absorbed systemically by the body in food form instead of being taken up directly through our lymphatic drainage channels at low pharmacological doses. Still, there are some side effects of taking Emergen C, so speak with an expert before trying this on yourself.

Can I take Immunpro 2x a day?

A missed dose should not be doubled, but instead, the patient can take their next scheduled dose and any subsequent doses at a regular time. Suppose there is no prescribed dosage for that particular day. In that case, it’s best to take one tablet orally each morning as soon as you wake up or else experience adverse effects such side-effects like stomach cramps, vomiting, etc.

The Best Way To Celebrate Lunar New Year At Office

New year

Lunar New Year at the office is one of the biggest festivals of the year in our network of colleagues in the Asia Pacific. See our top ideas to welcome pig year to your workplace.

Co-workers, colleagues, and companies of all sizes are gearing up for the biggest and brightest festival of the year – the Lunar New Year. The festival will begin on February 5 and last for a full 15 days, during which towns will (literally) be painted red, houses will be lit with lights and lanterns, and amazing demonstrations will hit the streets as we bring in the year.

China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, and many regions of Australia and New Zealand are expecting a year of prosperity in 2019. In Chinese culture, the pig is a symbol of wealth, fortune, and overall good fortune, while people born in this zodiac sign are considered hardworking, true, and generous.

Some Ways to Enjoy Lunar New Year At Office

Clean your workspace

Spring Clean doesn’t look that exciting but does it before the beginning of the Lunar New Year and you will get rid of bad luck and negative energy for the last 12 months. In the office, vacuum the floor, wipe your desk and clean any dirt from the tabletop. You can buy stationery and desk organizers to keep everything clean. And don’t forget to clean up your “virtual office” too – this is the right time to organize files and documents on your computer.

Make sure to get all the cleaning done before February 5 – then clean, sweep or sweep any cleaning and you will wash away the good luck coming in the new year. In some areas, people also avoid washing their hair during holidays as it is believed they will wash good luck.

Decorate with lanterns, flowers, and lights

Once you have cleaned up, decorate your office with red lanterns, flowers, cut-outs, and gold decorations to celebrate the arrival of the Spring Festival. Hang red lanterns from the ceiling and add some blooming flowers to the office space – traditional options are orchids, plums, and peach flowers and peons. You can cut zodiac signs, animals, and plants with red paper or write New Year couplets (best wishes and statements in Chinese calligraphy) and paste them on your windows as good omens.

Exchange money in red packages

The exchange of money in red envelopes is one of the most popular and traditional ways to celebrate the Lunar New Year. Red is a dark symbolic color in Chinese culture and it is believed that gesture provides good luck and happiness to the recipient. In the workplace, a red envelope on Chinese New Year is often used in place of Christmas or year-end bonuses that you can find in the Western office. They are traditionally given from employer to employee.

In China, a red envelope can keep up to a month’s salary in bonuses, but also in very small amounts is fine – this gesture that brings good luck, not the amount of money. And if you get a package, take it with two hands and wait later to open it because it is inappropriate to open it immediately.

Hire a lion dance performance

Go out and celebrate Lunar New Year at the office in style with a lion dance performance. Leo is a symbol of strength, knowledge, and superiority, so performing on festivals and special occasions is believed to bring good luck and chase evil spirits.

There are different costumes and styles of lion dance based on the country and region you are in. They usually involve one or two people in traditional dancing costumes based on martial arts movements. Drums, cymbals, and clocks make music – although, in modern times, music speakers are accepted as more practical solutions. Don’t forget to present red packets of money to the lion to bring more good luck.


Each person should be able to get himself to work, and that includes that cultural background as well. The Lunar New Year at the office is an extremely important opportunity for millions of people around the world. And chances are you have an employee who celebrates it. Take the time to learn more about your co-workers and their cultural background. It is a great way to build a sense of inclusion.


keratin hair extensions
Everything You Need To Know About The Keratin Fusion Hair Extensions

Individual Keratin-bond hair extensions are unprocessed (or virgin) human hair strands. Rather than tape or glue, keratin extensions are kept together by small beads of keratin adhesive at the tip of each strand. Because keratin is naturally present in your hair, it looks to be the most obvious choice for many.

Keratin-extensions look like strands of your own hair, except for the keratin-based glue that has been hardened on one end. Keratin hairextensions are great because they can be dyed, curled, straightened, and styled with heat in the same way that your own hair can.

The extensions are inserted one at a time, with the keratin bond bonded to your natural hair using heat or ultrasonic waves. Even while wearing a ponytail, the keratin hair extensions are set down in rows so they are always neatly covered by another part of the hair.

How Does Keratin Fusion Work?

india hair international

Keratin hair extensions are not just popular today but are also one of the older and traditional methods used for installing hair extensions. Customers and cosmetologists enjoy this method. This method has been praised many times for its simplicity, natural effects, and, of course, its longevity. Women with keratin hair extensions can rest assured that they will get great results. Keratin fusion extensions are sometimes referred to as  “glue” treatments, or more casually “fusions”. No glue is needed, however, but it also adheres to the hair shaft.

 Installation Process

  1. When applying keratin hair extensions to clients’ hair, stylists use packs of about 20 strands. Flat square points connect to the roots of this hair and connect all the hair on the strands. A full installation of keratin hair extensions requires 5-9 hair packages, depending on the desired length and bloating. Therefore, proper crowning requires 100-180 of these strands, which is sufficient.
  2. The keratin bond used to bond the keratin hair extension to the client’s natural hair is in a flat square at the root of the extension strand where the magic takes place. This is done by melting solid squares. The barber does this by removing pieces of the client’s hair that are about the same size as the hair extension strands. Then quickly melt with a hot instrument and apply to the client’s hair.
  3.  Next, the hair professional will hand-shape the melted bond around the client’s hair shaft. As the glue cools and the barber moves to another hair, the bond becomes stronger and more permanent.
  4. The beautician continues the technique one by one, from the nape of the neck to the top and sides of the head. The top layer of hair is left in place so it can fall to the bottom layer and hide the keratin compounds. After the application is complete, the hairstylist will further mix the keratin hair extension to make it look like the customer’s real hair. Once installed, you can use the curling or flat iron.
  5. Advantages Of Keratin Hair Extensions

1- Most Popular Method- It is undeniable that keratin hair extensions are very popular. Keratin Hair Extension has won the hearts of thousands of beautiful women and has become one of the most popular hair extension fitting methods. Moreover, this is one of the most widely publicized and virtually everyone is familiar with it. As a result, keratin fusion extensions are one of the most tightly regulated extension industries.

2- Special Trained Experts- The best part is that there are many beauticians who are familiar not only with what they do but also with performing keratin fusions. Salons often have one or two hairdressers who specialize in this. Therefore, you can be satisfied with the results of the keratin hair extensions and be confident that your visit to the salon will not hamper your hair health.

3- Seamless Finish- When done correctly, the root-attached tips are completely hidden under all these hair layers. Keratin hair extensions flow naturally, so you don’t have to worry about others discovering them. The overall effect is seamless, perfect, and lively, so you can think about your hair last and spend the day as usual.

4- Durable- Fusion is incredibly long-lasting. In other words, once installed, keratin hair extensions can last up to 4 months with proper care and maintenance. This is good news for anyone wondering if it’s worth it.

5- Damage-Free- From a safety standpoint, keratin hair extensions are completely safe. With proper care and placement, it will not harm your hair or scalp. Your hair health is protected regardless of whether your hairdresser uses the cold or hot fusion process.

6- Looks And Feels Natural- Last but not least, the blend produces a genuine natural effect. Keratin hair extensions are perfect for everyday use and come in a variety of styles that can be customized to suit any outfit. These are ideal for a variety of occasions, including special occasions such as birthday parties, weddings, and other gatherings. They improve your hair length and volume and give you more options for styling.

Maintenance & Care

Keratin hair extensions are not difficult to maintain. In most cases, keratin extension can be treated like natural hair, with some exceptions due to the nature of keratin binding.

This is all you need to know about it.

  • Frequent washing of the Keratin hair extension can break the bond. Therefore, limit your hair wash to twice a week.
  • Swimming should only be done at rare times. Chlorine and salt in the water can break the bonds of keratin hair extension and cause them to fall off.
  • Oily and creamy treatments are not your best friends as they can make your hair roots overly slippery and cause keratin bond slippage which we don’t want.
  • Use a special detangling comb to loosen and brush the keratin hair extension.
  • Keratin hair extensions are often used for 3-5 months. Once your hair grows, you need to go to the salon once a month to remove the slippery bond and bring it closer to your scalp.
  • The special bond remover makes it easy to remove the keratin hair extension. An alcohol-based solution that dissolves keratin and breaks bonds without damaging the hair. After a few seconds, the hair expert uses a tool to completely break the connection and quickly slip it off.

Pro-Care Tips For Keratin Hair extensions

Here are a few methods that can help you get the most out of your keratin hair extension.

  • Regular shampoos include hair chemicals that destroy keratin endings and erase hair color. Instead, use sulfate-free shampoos.
  • Heat appliances should not be used to style extensions since they can damage the adhesive ends and cause the extensions to fall out.
  • To reduce strain and stress at the area bonds that connect hair with extensions, sleep in loose braids or a low pony.
  • Use modest conditioners to keep them looking healthy and natural.

Where Can I Find High-Quality Extensions?

It is just as crucial where you get your keratin hair extension as it is how you care for them afterward. It’s important to note that the quality of your extensions will have a big impact on your life while they’re on. Going with a well-known brand at a reputable salon is far safer to take a risk with low-cost biz.

India Hair International is well-known for its premium keratin hair extension. They produce 100% human hair wigs from hair obtained directly from temples in India. IHI is a global distributor of high-quality Indian human hair and one of the world’s leading direct producers. IHI has direct access to the highest-quality keratin hair extension and other human hair wigs.

Bottom Line

This is all you need to know about keratin extensions. From the numerous advantages to the manner in which they are installed and maintained. We sincerely hope our article has clarified the installation and care of keratin hair extensions and why you should obtain one as soon as possible!