Comparative work
All federal states carry out the VERA 8 study of the level of learning in the 8th grade in German, mathematics, and the 1st foreign language (English or French).
In Saxony-Anhalt, central class tests are written in the 6th grade nationwide. The core subjects of German, mathematics and the first foreign language are the subject of this central classwork. At least satisfactory performance in the three class works suggests that a student corresponds to the expected competencies of the year and writes my essay. The central classwork at secondary school differs from grammar school in that the tasks are differentiated.
The following qualifications can be obtained at the secondary school in Saxony-Anhalt:
> Hauptschulabschluss
(successful attendance of the 9th grade)
> Qualified Hauptschule
(successful attendance of the 9th grade plus special performance assessment) > Realschule graduation (successful attendance of the 10th grade plus passed final examination )
> Extended secondary school qualification (entitlement to transition to the upper secondary level)
(successful attendance of the 10th grade plus passed the final examination and
achievement of extraordinary achievements)
The extended secondary school certificate entitles the holder to attend the upper secondary level.
Transitions / changes
If the parents of a secondary school pupil submit a corresponding application, the pupil can switch to a grammar school after the 6th or 8th grade of secondary school. This requires a fixed grade point average and a high school recommendation from the class conference. Secondary school pupils with an extended secondary school qualification can switch to the upper level of the Gymnasium or the comprehensive school after the 10th grade.
comprehensive school
In the comprehensive school, pupils in the 5th to 12th or 13th grade are taught. School years 10 to 12 or 11 to 13 are run on the upper level of the Gymnasium. The comprehensive school provides general and job-oriented education. It is run as a comprehensive school in an integrative form or a comprehensive school in a cooperative state. The integrated, comprehensive school forms an educational and organizational unit and, in a differentiated teaching system, enables courses of study that lead to all degrees in upper secondary levels I and II without being assigned to different school types. The cooperative, comprehensive school, the secondary school, and the grammar school are combined pedagogically and organizationally.
Proof of achievement/grades/promotion regulations The promotion rules of the cooperative, comprehensive school correspond to those of the school types secondary school and grammar school. In addition to the compulsory subjects, there are required electives and compulsory elective courses. The core subjects, German, mathematics, and the first foreign language are essential. Pupils with at least acceptable performance in all issues relevant to promotion are promoted to the next grade level. Poor performance can be compensated under certain conditions. Students who are not transferred repeat the last grade they attended. A transfer on probation is not permitted.
At the Integrated Comprehensive School, lessons take place from the 7th grade in English and mathematics and the 9th grade in German, physics, and chemistry in courses with two levels of difficulty. These are divided into an introductory course (G course) and an extension course (E-course). A transfer to a system with the other level of entitlement is possible at the end of a school half-year, for the last time at the end of the first half-year of the 9th grade. The class conference decides whether a student will be reclassified based on the performance achieved. To be promoted to 10th grade, a student must, in addition to the general transfer requirements, at least achieve good performance in two e-courses. In addition, at least one e-course must be taken in a core subject.
Comparative work
All federal states carry out the VERA 8 study of the level of learning in the 8th grade in German, mathematics, and the 1st foreign language (English or French).
In Saxony-Anhalt, central class tests are written in the 6th grade nationwide. The core subjects of German, mathematics and the first foreign language are the subject of this central classwork. The least satisfactory performance in the three class works suggests that a student corresponds to the expected competencies of the year. The central classwork at secondary school differs from grammar school in that the tasks are differentiated.
Transitions / changes
Pupils in the cooperative, comprehensive school can change from one school type to another as long as they provide the necessary performance. In the integrated, complete school, you can switch between courses of different levels. With successful degrees, students can continue their school grades/promotion careers grades or vocational training. Those who have passed the Abitur can choose between studying or training.
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