Welcome to this guide on hybrid LMS solutions and the steps you should take before introducing blended learning to your corporate training programs. First, let’s define LMS solutions. An LMSContinue reading
The transformation of corporate training in the pandemic — why is this an issue of concern? Well, say 2019, when training and development in the workplace used to be relativelyContinue reading
In the current business scenario, workplace learning teams must be made up of the right people armed with the correct information. The roles of the concerned teams are shifting inContinue reading
We have seen a tremendous revolution in the way organizations across industries and countries do business within a year of the COVID-19 epidemic reaching us. “Companies have accelerated the digitizationContinue reading
The word LMS has been trending in workplace training for quite a while now. So have you heard about it? If yes, do you know what it means? Well, ifContinue reading