Olympus – Social Networking WordPress Theme provider Crumina team has a habit to makes excuses not to give support.
I am facing a theme problem from starting almost six months passed but still not stable.
They always put their own themes bugs blame on users, hosting companies, even they blame their themes core heart Youziffy Plugin.
Problem with Olympius Latest news widget for elementor

Problem with Elementor based Olympus theme. Latest news widget not working check

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Olympius team selling Theme with Youzify Plugin but they refused to give support for it. Ask to contact Youzify for support when you contact the Youzify team for the same they asked to buy youzify plugin for support. On listing nowhere mention that no support for youzify, elementor from the Olympus team and to get support need to buy respective plugins providers.

It’s really hard to get support from the Olympius team. Olympius company CEO Mr. Alex is a very rude and impolite person he refused to give supports as i bring out the themes bugs and he used abusive words. for the whole story please check my previous post
After some time, i feel something fishy behind every excuse, so I decided to buy Youzify Plugin to get support and I bought a full package so that I can get support.
Youzify team gave me good support, they are really very helpful. And later I come to know the problem is with the theme and Olympus team.
Even the Youzify team reported a theme bug.

Olympius every update disturbs the settings of the blog.. Buying this theme is really my biggest mistake, it seems i bought a never-ending problem.
May be its good for the Olympus team to provide themes with bugs so that they can earn money by selling support for never-ending problems